When the first light of the morning comes into the house.

Chan'er's eyelashes trembled and opened her eyes slowly.

The first thing that came to my eyes was Xue an, who was still lying in bed and snoring.

I saw him lying on his back and snoring slightly, obviously sleeping heavily.

Chan son stupefied to look at, suddenly felt a burst of cone heart piercing pain.

Is it still the case?

The expected miracle did not happen at all.

It turns out that You really don't want me!

Think of this, Chan son forced to endure tears, light hands and feet of the bed.

She made a cup of hot tea and put it on the table beside the bed.

Because the young master has a habit of always having a cup of hot tea after waking up.

When making tea, chan'er shed tears several times, thinking that this may be the last cup of tea he made for the young master.

Then she decided to get a basin of cleanser.

But at this time, a sudden knock on the door, and then came the call of Yang Zelin, the innkeeper.

"Mr. Xue, miss chan'er, are you up?"

Although the words were polite, the pride in the voice was almost overflowing.

Chan'er was shocked, and her face became pale as paper in an instant.

Finally came!

Chan'er is full of despair.

But just then, a lazy voice came from behind her.

"Chan'er, open the door!"

Chan'er's heart trembled and turned her head to see. She found that xue'an didn't know when she had woken up and was sitting beside her bed yawning.

"Young master..."

Xue an stretched out and gave her a smile. "Go!"


It's like two legs rubbing against the door.

In her eyes, the simple wooden door in front of her was becoming very heavy at the moment.

And as long as you open it, everything will be irreparable.

So she took the last glimmer of hope and turned her head to xue'an, only to find that the young master was drinking tea.

Chan'er was sad and had to open the door trembling.

Not surprisingly, it was Yang Zelin, the innkeeper, standing outside the door.

I saw this ordinary acerbic big shopkeeper, but at the moment, his face was happy.

Especially when he saw chan'er with tears on his face, his eyes were even brighter.

What a beauty.

What's more, it's still immature. If we wait a few years, we'll have to wait until we're fully mature.

Thinking of this, Yang Zelin can't help but feel a trace of envy for Chen's Yanfu.

If it wasn't for Mr. Chen's intervention, the girl would never let go of anything she said.

Thinking in his mind, Yang Zelin was smiling all over his face, "chan'er girl, can Mr. Xue get up?"

Chan'er nodded slightly.

At this time, Xue an's indifferent voice came from the room, "come in!"

Yang Zelin smiles and walks into the room.

"Mr. Xue, did you have a good rest last night?" Yang Zelin asked with a smile, but a pair of eyes were turning at random.

"Not bad!" Xue an didn't change her face and continued to drink tea slowly.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little dignified.

Yang Zelin sneers in the heart, all this time, still pretend what muddle headed ah?

Therefore, he gave a warm hand. "In this case, I'll get to the point. I don't know if Mr. Xue still remembers what he said yesterday."

Ye Xiaochan, standing on one side with his hands down, was shocked, and his head was buried lower.

Xue an faint smile, "of course I remember!"

"Good! Now that the sun has already risen in the East, let's invite Mr. Xue to reward 20 liang of silver down! "

Xue an did not say a word, but continued to drink tea.

Until Yang Zelin had shown his impatience.

Xue an Cai put the tea cup in his hand on the table, and then said faintly, "manager Yang, are you sure you want these twenty Liang silver?"

Yang Zelin was stunned.

What do you mean?

Is this a default?

Ha ha, it is estimated that the so-called scholar's face is making trouble!

Yang Zelin thought in his mind, and a sneer appeared on his face. "Mr. Xue, what you said is really like a joke. Yesterday you said it yourself. You paid at sunrise, otherwise you would lose chan'er to me! Yes? Do you want to default now? "

Xue an looked at Yang Zelin with a smile and shook his head. "Of course, I won't pay back. I'm just afraid that shopkeeper Yang will receive the twenty Liang silver. I'll have to return it later!"

Yang Zelin, who had said this, was filled with disdain.

He is a poor scholar. He is still blowing the air at this time."Ha ha, Mr. Xue, you are really good at joking. I know you have no money! It's hard for a businessman like me to gather up twenty Liang silver in one night, let alone you! So don't be embarrassed. As long as you give me this chan'er girl, I can even give you some money to help you get to Beijing for the exam. What do you think? "

In the two people's dialogue, chan'er has been standing aside, tears Bata Da of the non-stop.

When she heard Yang Zelin's words, she was shocked, black in front of her eyes, and filled with despair in her heart.

Because she thought it was over!

It's all over!

He will leave the young master soon and become the plaything of these villains.

Thinking of this, chan'er has already burst into tears, and then turned to worship xue'an Yingying.

"Young master, I know it's hard for you to You sold me Chan'er has no complaint

With that, chan'er has already cried into tears.

But just then, a warm hand gently touched her shoulder, and then came Xue an's light laughter.

"What are you talking about? Who said I was going to sell you? "


Chan'er is startled in the heart and looks up at xue'an with tears on her face.

But Yang Zelin's face sank, "Mr. Xue, you..."

He was going to say why you went back on it.

But at this time, Xue an took out a ingot of silver from his arms, threw it directly in the past, and then said faintly.

"This is the silver you want!"

Yang Zelin is stupid.

Chan'er is more stupefied there.

Then Yang Zelin picked up the silver with disbelief on his face and examined it carefully. He even bit several times with his teeth.

But no matter how you look at it, it's a ingot of real silver.

And you can know it just by weighing it with your hands, which is far more than 20 Liang.

"This..." Yang Zelin was silly.

He didn't expect that Xue an could really come up with 20 Liang silver.

Chan'er looks at Yang Zelin and xue'an with an incredible look on her face.

She knew the financial situation of the master and the servant best.

Don't say twenty Liang, but two copper plates can't be taken out.

And last night, the young master was lying in bed and sleeping all night. Did the silver fall from the sky?

At this time, Xue an stood up with a negative hand and said, "the silver you want has been given to you, shopkeeper Yang. Please get out of here!"

Xue an is a very polite person, even if people go to roll, they have to add a please word.

Yang Zelin's face was blue and white for a while. Although his heart was full of doubts and anger, he was frightened by Xue an's indifferent momentum and left the house in a gray way.

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