When there were only two servants left in the house.

Xue an scraped chan'er's small nose with her hand and said with a smile: "what? I'm disappointed that I didn't sell it? "

The voice has just dropped.

Ye Xiaochan suddenly rushed forward and hugged Xue an, then buried her head in xue'an's arms and cried.

Xue an's body was stiff, and then he sighed.

Yan'er, I didn't do anything sorry for you.

Actually, for chan'er.

Xue an always treats his daughter with an attitude.

After all, this little girl is not a few years older than her daughter.

At this time Chan er said: "young master I I thought you were going to sell me! Chan'er was really scared at that time! "

Xue an was dumbfounded, then patted chan'er on the shoulder, "OK, OK, don't cry! How can I sell you? "

Finally, under the pacification of Xue an, chan'er gradually regains her calm.

And because of the removal of a big stone in her heart, the little girl felt that she was simply very happy, and a small face also radiated a light of joy.

How nice!

I don't need to be sold. I can continue to be his servant girl with the young master.

For this simple girl, this is the happiest thing in the world.

But she still had some doubts in her heart, "but young master, that ingot of silver..."

This little girl has a lot of heart. She is afraid that her young master will bring disaster because of the silver ingot.

Seeing her worry, Xue an couldn't help laughing and said, "don't worry, there won't be any problem with this ingot of silver, and..."

Xue an's eyes twinkled, "after a while, this Yang big shopkeeper should cry and cry and take the initiative to send back the silver!"

What Xue an said is also true. There is no problem with this ingot of silver.

Because he has killed all the people who may cause problems.

But chan'er didn't know that. She was in a fog.

How could it be?

How could the greedy shopkeeper Yang send back the money he got?

It sounds like a dream.

But she didn't dare to ask.

Because she found that, after a serious illness, her young master is just like a changed person.

Not only words and deeds have become a lot of domineering, but also a temperament.

This kind of temperament makes him as long as smile, as if there is nothing in the world that can hinder him, inexplicable peace of mind.

So chan'er will no longer think about those things that cost her brain.

Whatever it is! As long as the young master says it's OK, then it must be OK!

While the master and the servant were chatting in the room.

Yang Zelin returned to the front yard with 20 Liang silver in his face.

Yang Yue is in front of the restless stay, see his father back, the heart is a tight.

Of course she knew what her father was doing in the back.

Although very sympathetic.

But under the oppression of father and daughter's righteousness, she can only watch in silence, unable to help.

This makes her heart full of pain and entanglement, so that she will be so restless, and even some of the lost.

But at this time, she suddenly found something wrong.

Because his father's face was livid, and he didn't go at all like that.

What's going on?

What happened?

Yang Yue was surprised and rushed to meet him.

"Father, what's the matter?"

At the moment, Yang Zelin looks extremely ugly, and his heart is filled with anger.

So when I saw my daughter's eager eyes, I couldn't help but get angry. Raising my hand was a slap in the face.

Yang Yue was a stagger fan, and then covered his face, "father..."

"Hum! Don't you always sympathize with that little maid? Now, as you wish? " Yang Zelin roared with a ferocious face.

Although a little aggrieved, but because of being beaten more, so Yang Yue did not feel too sad, just after hearing his father's words, feel a brain door of fog.

"Father, what are you talking about? I didn't understand... "

"Hum!" Yang Zelin took out the ingot of silver and patted it heavily on the counter.

"See? Xue an, who looks like a loser, actually took out twenty liang of silver! "


Yang Yue is also stupid.

She didn't expect such a big turn of events.

You know, in Yang Yue's opinion, xue'an just wants to rely on chan'er to bet, so as to escape.

That's why she looked down on xue'an with such disdain.But now the development of things is like a loud slap in the face, she can not even find the North fan.

However, although she felt the burning pain on her face, Yang Yue's heart was full of joy and joy.

In any case, that poor and lovely little maid is not to fall into the devil's paw.

But at this time, Yang Ze Lin Yin said with pity: "I underestimate this Xue an, but he really think this matter is over? You know that little servant girl But what a man Mr. Chen likes

Hearing these words, Yang Yue's heart was tight again.


In this city, the words of the Chen family are the imperial edict. Who dares to disobey it?

Even if Xue an handed in the silver this time, would Mr. Chen stop and let chan'er go?

Yang Yue's heart was once again occupied by the haze of worry.

Yang Zelin, however, has a grim smile on his face.

Because he figured it out.

In any case, the master and servant will not want to leave the city.

It's not a surprise that I've got another Ding of silver?

Thinking in his heart, he began to look carefully at the ingot of silver.

Yeah! Yes, it's real silver. It's not wrong at all!

Yang Zelin was more and more proud.

But it was just then.

One of the guys came in with a look of panic.

"Palm Shopkeeper, come out It's a big deal

Yang Zelin's face sank. "You son of a bitch, when you opened the shop in the early morning, you howled like a mourner? One day's wages will be deducted! "

Manager Yang is very superstitious.

Especially when he opened the door, the guy said something big with a flustered look on his face. It was really bad luck.

However, as if he had not heard Yang Zelin's scolding, he was shaking all over his body, and even his teeth were gurgling with excessive fear.

"Palm Shopkeeper, Chen The Chen family... "

"What's wrong with the Chen family?" Yang Zelin picked up a cup of tea and just had a sip.

Then he listened to this fellow say with trembling, "Chen family The Chen family is dead! "

Yang Zelin frowned, "bastard, do you drink in the morning? What is the death of the Chen family? Do you know that if you are heard by the Chen family, you will not be able to survive? "

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