At this time, the shopkeeper said, "I really want to cry Everyone in the Chen family is dead! "


Just had a sip of tea, before swallowing down, Yang Zelin sprayed directly on the ground, and then asked with consternation: "what do you say?"

The man swallowed his mouth hard and said in panic: "the news just came out. One night, there were 312 people from all over the Chen family, including the housekeeper and the nurse All of them died


Yang Zelin's teacup fell to the ground and broke into pieces. The hot tea splashed all over Yang Zelin.

But Yang Zelin didn't realize it. Instead, he looked at the man in a daze, "you What are you going to say? "

The clerk took a deep breath and said calmly: "shopkeeper, I just heard this news from the market. Now it has spread wildly, and it is true news without doubt."

Yang Zelin's face changed from red to white, and then from white to green.

Suddenly, he asked eagerly, "well What about the Chen family controlling Mr. Chen? "

The man shook his head. "There's no more Mr. Chen. All the people in the Chen family, none left, are dead. Even the wolf dogs that eat human flesh in the backyard have been dismembered! And... "

Speaking of this, the young man's face showed a look of astonishment.

"Not only what?" Yang Zelin's eyes were red and hissed.

"And All the rich princes in the city who are close to Mr. Chen are dead

There was a dead silence in the room.

Yang Zelin felt his legs tremble.

And Yang Yue, is pale face standing aside, the whole body of hair are up.

Just at this time, there was a lot of people talking about it.

"My God, is that true?"

"Nonsense, my brother is a servant in the Yamen. He saw it with his own eyes! Listen to him, the whole ground of Chen's residence is soaked with blood, and the death of those people is so terrible that even the well-informed Liu team leader in our county government is scared to speak for a long time! "

"Hiss! So Is the Chen family finished? "

"It must be over! Up and down are dead! It's not over? "

"If you want me to say, the Chen family must have acted too arrogantly, and as a result, they offended the experts!"

"Tut Tut, this great Xia is too overbearing. It's hundreds of lives!"

"Ha ha, but in my opinion, none of these people died unjustly!"

"One night to kill the door and brush off the clothes. Maybe it is some peerless expert who has done this kind of extraordinary demeanor."

All these comments confirm that what you said is not false.

But the more so, the more frightened Yang was.

At this moment.

It suddenly occurred to him that it was today.

Xue an, who thought it was absolutely impossible to hand over the silver, gave up the silver.

What's more, when he was in the room, what he said also revealed something strange at the moment.

Don't cry and cry and send the money back.

Yang Zelin suddenly aroused a cold war.

For he remembered the faint smile in the corner of his mouth when Xue an said this.

The smile seemed to have seen through everything.

At this time, Yang Zelin's eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the ingot of silver on the table. First, he was stunned, then he jumped up.

He turned the silver upside down and looked at the inscription on the back of the silver in the light outside.

Generally, there are inscriptions on silver ingots to prevent theft.

Although it is a little fuzzy, but after careful identification, we can still see the small old characters behind the silver ingot.

When he saw this word, Yang Zelin shivered like chaff and collapsed directly on the ground.

Because he already understood everything.

It's no wonder that Xue an would have made such an earnest bet yesterday.

No wonder he didn't have a trace of panic.

It turns out that He was already ready.

But such a thought, Yang Zelin's heart is more frightened.

Because, that's hundreds of lives!

And Chen's family also keeps a lot of powerful thugs.

But overnight, these people are all slaughtered by a young man who seems to be full of scholar spirit.

How can such facts not make Yang Zelin afraid.

And at the same time.

Yang Yue also from her father's behavior to see something, and then she picked up the silver ingot on the ground, a closer look, it will be like a lightning struck fool there.

The facts are clear.

Even a fool can guess what's going on.

Yang Yue felt the whole body of hair erect, fear let her mouth are some numb.It turns out that You are such a person!

Think again about all the ridicule I made to Xue an yesterday.

Yang Yue has a sudden impulse to cry.

At this moment.

Paralyzed in the ground, Yang Zelin suddenly jumped up and grabbed the silver ingot in Yang Yue's hand and ran to the backyard.

Yang Yue slightly Leng for a moment, then also followed in the past.

But she did not forget to order: "door board, closed today!"



In Xue an's room.

Chan'er is happily waiting on xue'an to wash.

Although Xue an said again that she didn't need her help.

But chan'er is determined not to.

Under helpless, Xue an also let go.

"Young master..."


"Your illness is better. When shall we leave for the capital?"

"Just these two days!"

"Mm-hmm! Young master, I'm sure I'll be the number one in senior high school. Let those who look down on us have a good look! " Chan'er said happily.

Xue an smiles in her heart.


What I want, but the whole world!

"By the way, young master, when we went to the capital, Miss Qin didn't write a letter saying," can we stay at her house when we go to the capital city? I've packed all the letters! And I heard that our old neighbor Qin family is now a big family in Beijing! Hee hee, when we were neighbors, you often played with Miss Qin...! "

Xiaochan'er began to talk incessantly.

Xue an is not sure.

In the short memory of this body, there is indeed the Qin family.

But no matter what Miss Qin's family was, or the so-called letter, Xue an had no interest.

The reason why he went to the capital was to look for the breath he felt at the beginning.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and then Yang Zelin rushed in breathlessly.

"Manager Yang, you..." Chan son a Leng, and then very nervous want to say what.

What does Er Yang think she wants to do.

But at this time, the shopkeeper Yang flopped and knelt down in front of Xue an, tears streaming, kowtowing.

"Mr. Xue, spare your life, grandfather Xue!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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