Chan'er is stunned.

What the hell is this? How did the shopkeeper, who was still very arrogant and proud, suddenly changed his attitude?

But Xue an was not moved at all. He just sat there quietly and casually said, "manager Yang, what do you mean?"

Yang Zelin, with a frightened look on his face, trembled and said, "Mr. Xue, I know I was wrong. This This is the silver you just rewarded. I'll give you the original. Just let me go. I'll never dare again! "

As he said this, manager Yang banged his head.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yue, who came later, looks a little complicated.

Although she was not used to her father's behavior, he was also her own father anyway.

Looking at her father kneeling on the ground like a kowtow beetle, her daughter's heart naturally felt a little uncomfortable.

She glanced at Xue an, who was sitting there.

Before today, Xue an was just a useless scholar in her eyes.

Even because of the bet, Yang Yue despised Xue Anman.

Can wait until today, she finally understood all the reasons, naturally dare not have the slightest disdain.

And when she glimpsed Xue an, she was shocked.

Because this once bony teenager, now just sitting there, there is a kind of authority that people dare not look directly at.

Even when he saw his father kowtow like this, he did not have the slightest expression, but looked quietly with a kind of condescending eyes.

Yang Yue's heart is miserable, and then a bite teeth, then also lift skirt kneeling on one side.

"Mr. Xue, it's all because my father is obsessed. Please give him a free hand! If you are angry in your heart, you can do it to me Said, Yang Yue then kneels down on the ground, a face recognition expression.

Seeing this scene, chan'er's face showed hesitation.

After all, Yang Yue had taken good care of her.

Although she spoke ill of her later, she was also worried about her own safety.

So she quietly looked at xue'an and whispered, "young master..."

Although did not say the following words, but the meaning is already very obvious.

Xue an nods to her with a smile.

Then he turned his head and said to Yang Zelin, who was kneeling on the ground and was shaking, he said, "shopkeeper Yang, I remember I said that after you take the silver, I'm afraid you will send it back. Now, do you believe it?"

Yang Zelin was shocked and nodded, "letter Letter! Of course! Mr. Xue, I have no eyes for all this. Please spare my life

Yang Zelin is about to be scared silly at the moment. He is afraid that Xue an will kill himself if he doesn't like him.

Xue an's expression is indifferent, "originally wanted to kill you, but your daughter saved your life!"

Yang Yue shivered all over her body, and her face was dazed.

I saved my father's life?

How do I know that?

Xue an looked at her and smiled, "yesterday, although your words were hard to hear, the original intention was good. Otherwise, do you think your father and daughter can live to this day?"

Yang Yue hears speech, deeply lowers head, dare not say a word.

Yang Zelin gave a breath.

In any case, my life was saved.

But at this time, Xue an light way: "but..."

Yang Zelin's heart, which had just been put down, immediately mentioned his voice and stared at Xue an in horror, for fear of any reversal.

"Since you are so scared that you understand everything behind you, if I leave, you will..."

Before Xue an's words were finished, Yang Zelin had already kowtowed, "don't worry, Mr. Xue. I promise that this kind of thing will rot in my stomach, and I will never disclose half a word."

Xue an smiles.

"It doesn't have to be. In fact, since I dare to do it, I'm not afraid to be known. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Although Xue an's smile is very bright.

But Yang Zelin was like falling into an ice cellar and only dared to shake his head in a panic, "I dare not, and how dare I dare to go out and talk about such things casually? Because if the government knows about it, I can't get rid of it

"You are very clever! Get up. "


Yang Zelin wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then he got up and led his daughter Yang Yue to retreat respectfully.

When they're gone.

Chan son some strange asked: "young master, why is this shopkeeper suddenly so afraid?"

Xue an said with a faint smile, "maybe He has a ghost in his heart

The uproar caused by the destruction of the Chen family's door overnight is still shaking in this small city.

Because not only the Chen family died, but also many rich sons were killed along with them.

This sent the whole city into a panic.The streets are full of soldiers to maintain order. Even Yuxiu square, which has never been closed, is closed today.

In fact, even with the door open, no one dares to come.

Those dandies are shivering under the covers.

However, in sharp contrast, it is the joyful atmosphere among the people at the bottom of the city.

For decades, the Chen family's tyranny has long made the people in this city hate it to the bone.

But because the Chen family is very powerful, I heard that even the capital has backstage.

That's why it's been standing for decades.

But I didn't expect that one night, the emperor, who had been pressed on the top of the people in the city, was uprooted.

How can this not please these people.

Although not dare to celebrate openly, but the city's drinks suddenly began to sell well.

Even the poor people are willing to buy a jar of wine to celebrate.

Xue an, who witnessed all this, sighed in his heart.

Many people say that if you can't uproot the soil that produces the bully, even if you kill a Chen family, there may be Li family or Liu family, which is meaningless at all.

But Xue an didn't think so.

The joy on these people's faces is the meaning.

Moreover, although it can not solve the fundamental problem, it can make the later generations feel afraid.

Only in this way will evil be restrained.

But all this has nothing to do with chan'er.

She doesn't even know what's going on outside. She's still a happy silly girl.

The next day.

Chan Er, pack your bags.

In fact, it is a small burden.

Chan'er is on her back.

And Xue an took a look at Yang's father and daughter, who came to see them off with a smile.

Then he raised his hand, "chan'er, go!"

After that, Xue an strode to the official way.

"Yes, young master!" Chan son should be excited, Chong Yang Yue a nod.

"Sister Xiaoyue, I'm going!"

Then he followed Xue an to the capital.

Watching the murderer leave, Yang Zelin was completely relieved. After returning, he immediately set out to sell the inn, and then led his daughter to leave the town. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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