On the official road leading to the capital, people flow like blazing hot, chariots and horses like dragons.

At the moment, at the turn of spring and summer, the roadside is covered with trees and flowers.

The natural scenery without any pollution made Xue an relaxed and happy.

And after these days of travel, Xue an found a very interesting phenomenon.

The world is quite similar to ancient China in terms of dress, speech and behavior.

But judging from all kinds of signs, this is by no means a space-time earth.

This phenomenon makes Xue an's heart rise a little strange.

It seems that the world is much more than it seems.

This day.

It was nearly noon, but because they missed the town shop, they had to go on their way.

As early as a few days ago, Xue an ignored the opposition of chan'er, a small money fan, and bought a donkey cart as a substitute.

As for why it is a donkey cart rather than a carriage, it is because horses are very scarce in this era, even if there are, they can not be used for driving.

Although Chan Er strongly opposed before buying, there was no way, for a poor little maid, the money to buy a donkey cart was enough for half a year.

But after Xue an bought it, chan'er changed her attitude. She was so excited that she couldn't sleep. She even refused to feed the donkey by others. She had to feed it by herself.

Xue an wanted to hire a rickshaw driver.

In a short time of driving, and volunteered in one or two days.

So now Xue an is lying in the middle of the carriage and chan'er is driving the donkey cart with a whip.

I can't help thinking about the time when I was riding in a car.

Hope to be in the capital, don't let yourself down! Xue an thought.

Chan'er shouts: "young master, there seems to be a small tea stand in front of me!"

Xue Antai looks forward at the curtain.

Sure enough.

Not far ahead, there was a humble tea shed standing on the side of the road.

The worn-out cover was shaking in the wind, and there was also a strong aroma of tea and food.

Xue an knows that this kind of roadside tea stall not only sells tea, but also serves some simple meals, which is convenient for passers-by to fill their stomachs. The price is also very cheap.

Of course, don't expect to say how delicious it is.

But chan'er, seeing this kind of tea stand, feels very kind.

Because in the past, when she followed the young master on the road, she always solved the problem of eating in this kind of tea stand.

So she said excitedly, "young master, let's eat here! I always eat out these days. It's too luxurious

Looking at chan'er like a little money fan, xue'an was dumbfounded and said, "OK, that's right here to eat!"

The donkey cart is tied to the trees beside the road. Of course, there is no fodder for animals in this kind of tea stand.

Chan'er, who has always been stingy, actually bought several eggs, got black beans and mixed them together, and then fed them to the little donkey.

The little donkey snorted and was obviously satisfied.

Chan'er was watching, and murmured in his mouth, as if in a heart to heart talk with the little donkey.

This scene makes Xue an laugh and cry.

This little girl is really cute and tight sometimes.

Because it's a small tea stall, there won't be any good things. It's just some noodles and marinated eggs. The most luxurious thing is to cut a few knives of mutton.

Xue an is not picky. After ordering a few bowls of mutton noodles, he sits opposite chan'er, and the master and servant begin to eat with a deep breath.

But this is the moment.

From the distance of the official road came the sound of the horse's hooves.

In the twinkling of an eye, two tall horses rushed to the front, and then the man on the horse took the reins, and the horse stopped deftly.

These two horses are extraordinary, and the riders are well-dressed, obviously not ordinary people.

The diner in the tea stand looked up and then quickly lowered his head, not daring to see more.

Because those who can afford this kind of BMW are definitely rich or expensive.

It's not something that ordinary people like them can afford.

At this time, I listened to the jujube horse sitting in the back, and the young man in White said faintly: "some are thirsty. Let's have a rest here first."

In front of him was a middle-aged man with strong clothes and steady momentum.

As soon as he listened to the young man's words, he looked at the ramshackle teahouse and was embarrassed.

"Childe, this

But the young man in white obviously didn't want to talk nonsense. He turned over and got off his horse and walked into the teahouse.

The middle-aged man did not dare to delay, so he got off the horse and walked in with the boy.

"Shopkeeper, is there anything good to eat?" The young man looked at the people in the teahouse with great interest and asked.

The teahouse owner was obviously afraid, "back Back to young master, we are some common coarse food, but there is nothing to eat! "Middle aged men want to talk.

But at this time, the young man noticed that they were sitting in the corner of the teahouse and eating noodles with a big mouth, Xue an and chan'er.

Xue an dressed up as a scholar, chan'er is a servant girl.

But both the master and the servant were extremely beautiful, so they couldn't even want to be noticed.

Looking at the two people who are eating mutton noodles, there is a twinkle of light in the young man's handsome eyes. Obviously, he is very interested.

In this rural area, Xue an and chan'er are so brilliant that they naturally surprise the young man.

Then he pointed to Xue an's side and said, "look at this noodles. I'll have two bowls."

"Temple Young master, this The middle-aged man still wants to stop.

The teenager waved his hand impatiently, "OK, OK, what so many things? You see, people are eating it. It must be delicious! "

The middle-aged man had to bow his head, "yes!"


The teahouse owner brought two bowls of mutton noodles.

The boy took two mouthfuls of interest and then frowned imperceptibly.

As the middle-aged man said, this kind of rural shop is cheap and affordable, and naturally it won't pay attention to the taste.

But the boy has a stubborn, he first glanced at Xue an's side and found that Xue an had already eaten two bowls and was eating the third bowl.

So as soon as he bit his teeth, he began to learn from xue'an, and began to eat noodles with a heavy snore.

Middle aged men are a bit silly.

He had never seen his childe behave like this.

You should know that when you eat at home, don't talk about snoring. You can't even eat in a bad posture.

What's going on?

The middle-aged man was very surprised.

In fact, Xue an had already noticed this, but he just laughed and didn't take it seriously.

But when this young man is getting better and better, he is enjoying his food.

Not far behind him, a table of diners stood up as if to check out.

No one paid attention to it.

But in this few people from behind the juvenile passed that moment.

A cold light suddenly stabbed at the back of the youth.

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