But he just turned around.

With a wave of his hand, Xue an turned his chopsticks into two pieces of black light, which directly penetrated into the back of lujiamu, which was so powerful that he even took the whole lujiamu and nailed it to a big tree beside the tea house.

A dull sound.

The big tree, as thick as two people, shook violently.

At the other end of the trunk, there are two wooden chopsticks with half through.

It can be seen that Xue an's strength is so strong.

Looking at this scene, Fang Tiancheng felt chilly.

Because he was the only one who knew how powerful the blow was.

But the young man was not afraid at all. Instead, he looked at Xue an with great interest, and then arched his hand and smile, "thank you for saving my life. My name is Yanxi! May I ask your name? "

Xue an looked at the young man in white with a smile, "my name is Xue an!"

"Is Mr. Xue going to Beijing for the exam?" Yan Xi asked with a smile.

Xue an did not speak, chan'er could not help it. She said with pride: "yes, and this year's champion is my young master!"

"Oh?" Yan Xi's eyes brightened. "So, Mr. Xue is really a man of both literature and martial arts."

Xue an faint smile, did not pay attention to his words, just Chong Chan son said: "full?"

"Young master, have enough!"

"Good! Let's go

Then Xue an got up and left.

"Mr. Xue, we're going to the capital as well. How about traveling all the way?" This Yanxi said in a hurry.

Xue an took a look at him, then pointed to the donkey cart tied by the road, and said with a smile: "I'm sitting on this one. You're riding. How can you go with me?"

"Well, this

Xue an said faintly: "and there are so many corpses. Master Yan has to clean it up."

Yan Xigang wanted to say something, but she wanted to say it again. Then she thought about it and pulled a piece of flawless jade from her waist.

"Since I can't go with you, I'll give you this jade pendant. Thank you for saving your life!"

Xue an looked at Yanxi, nodded after a while, and then took the jade pendant, "OK!"

Then he turned and got on the donkey cart and was about to leave.

Yan Xi suddenly thought of something and yelled, "Mr. Xue, where are you staying in the capital? I'll see you then

To tell you the truth, I don't know where to live

Yan Xi a Leng, at this time Chan son brandishes the long whip, already drove.

Yanxi called out in a hurry: "Mr. Xue, since you don't know where to live, you can come to me! I live in Tiansheng long street

There was no response.

Small donkey dada walking, carrying the two masters and servants to the direction of the capital.

Yan Xi stood by the road, quietly looking at the back of the far away.

Fang Tiancheng came over and said, "childe! It's a jade pendant given to you by your own hands

"It's just a jade pendant. If you can get to know an expert through this jade pendant, it's a good deal!"

"Young master, you seem to value this man very much!"

Yan Xitou didn't return, but said faintly: "no matter how talented you are, with such force, he is not an easy one. What's strange is that Why have you never heard of the name? "

At this time, from the official road above, a team of horses galloped to the tea shed not far away.

All the soldiers in armor rolled over and dismounted.

"Your Highness! I'm too late for help. I'm really damned! " The leader of the Guard commander said with fear.

Yan Xi's face sank like water. "Forget it, it's not your fault. I want to go ahead with manager Fang. I'll clean up these corpses."


At the sight of a stream of blood, the Guard commander could not help but take a breath of cold air.

Fortunately, your highness didn't have an accident. Otherwise, he would not have enough heads to cut off.

Soon, the corpses in the teahouse were gathered and buried.

Only the body of Lu Jiamu nailed to the tree has not moved.

A guard stepped forward and reached out to pull him out of the tree.

But as soon as I touched my hand, I heard the heavy clack of the tree, and then the whole tree trunk was smashed and turned into debris.

And the corpse of Lu Jiamu, a thousand faced snake, was completely shaken by the chopsticks, so that he could only collapse on the ground.

See this scene.

Yan Xi and Fang Tiancheng's faces are all changed.

Especially Fang Tiancheng, although he has tried his best to improve Xue an's strength, he still didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Throw out a pair of chopsticks, not only killed the famous thousand face snake, but also a whole tree completely smashed.

How strong is that?And then a smile on the face of Beijing Yan, and then slightly.

He always felt that the peaceful capital would soon become wonderful because of the arrival of Mr. Xue.

And you What is the origin?

The capital of this world, known as Tiansheng Kyoto, is the most prosperous capital of the whole continent.

This can be seen from the fact that the more you go to the capital, the more busy the official roads are.

And because of the approach of Chunwei, more than half of the people going to the capital are scholars preparing for the examination.

Those poor scholars, luxurious young master riding, all the way on the sound of the noise is almost endless.

Among them, Xue an's donkey cart is quite conspicuous.

Not because of the donkey cart, but because of the driver.

Although chan'er's coarse cloth clothes can not cover her beauty.

Moreover, chan'er is only 13-4 years old, and her little face is not powdered with baby fat, which makes her beautiful with a trace of natural childishness.

Such a servant girl is a dream of many scholars.

Just imagine, in the study in the dead of night, there is such a small servant girl to add fragrance to your tea, that must be how happy life?

As a result, chan'er got the most attention along the way.

At the same time, many scholars also had a little curiosity about the people in the donkey cart.

To have such a charming and touching servant girl, how elegant the master must be?

With a lot of envious and confused eyes, this little donkey cart in a sunset melting gold dusk, dada into this silent standing ancient capital.

The entry of a donkey cart, one by one, did not stir up any waves.

However, there is a storm accompanied by the donkey cart.

"Young master, where are we going Chan'er asked.

Sitting in the car, Xue an is looking at the letter in his hand, which emits a faint fragrance. Among the letters, there is a bright red silver note.

But even in a desperate situation, the original Xue an did not use this silver note.

But Xue an is looking at the elegant handwriting on the letterhead, pondering.

When hearing chan'er's question, he smiles, "go to Qin's first!"

Chan'er was slightly stunned, then nodded happily and said, "good young master!"

With that, he drove to the address recorded on the letterhead.

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