This Tiansheng Kyoto covers an extremely large area, but it is well-organized.

There are 11 main roads in the north and the south, and 14 streets in the East and the west, crisscross each other, dividing the Tiansheng Kyoto into 110 lanes.

However, two of them are forbidden gardens, so people only call them 108.

After walking along the main street of Zhuque in the city, the donkey cart turns right and enters the boundary of the East 55th square.

The whole city is arranged according to the pattern of the North respecting the south, the east being rich and the west poor, so the East 55 square is also the most prosperous place of the whole Tiansheng Kyoto.

And Tang family (I think it's not proper to call Qin family, because there is Qin family in Beijiang, so it's changed to Tang family!) Yiyang Fang, which lives in the East 55th square, is only one street away from the famous changlefang and Dongshi, which is the richest in the world.

I can see how far you can drive a car into the street.

On the other hand, there are two big characters on the board.

Tang Fu.

This house is even bigger than the Chen family mansion seen in the small town.

And can occupy such a large house in this kind of land, also can see the strength of the Tang family.

At least chan'er first counseled.

"Less Young master, is this sister Tang's home? How could it be so big? " Chan'er said with some shivering.

Xue an, however, shaved her nose with a smile. "Before I came, who was mumbling in my ears all day to come to the Tang family? When it comes to the end, you're afraid? "

Chan'er was a little embarrassed and said, "young master, I just think this house is too big! There is no fear

"Big?" Xue an looked at the house with a smile.

In front of him, no building can match a big character.

"Go, go in with the young master!"

Said, Xue an then got out of the car, led Chan Er strode to Tang Fu.

"Well, what do you do?" Asked the porter.

In fact, this group of doormen have already noticed the donkey cart in front of the door, which can make the Tang family as rich as they are now, and they are all high-ranking people riding high horses.

Just a donkey cart, these doormen naturally look down upon.

And when Xue an came down, the servants with rich eyes were even more disdainful.

Because at this time, Xue an was wearing a half new and old gentleman's shirt, and the little maid who followed her was pretty, but she was also simple.

Such a combination can be seen as a poor scholar, so the attitude of these doormen is even slighter.

Chan'er is stunned and looks at these gorgeous and arrogant servants. She can't help but feel some lack of confidence and stealthily drags xue'an's clothes.

Xue an did not look at this group of doormen, but said faintly, "does Tang ling'er live here?"

All the servants were stunned. Then a servant with a triangular eye looked up and down at Xue an and said with a sneer, "who are you? How dare you call my lady by her name

"Me?" Xue an smiles, "my name is Xue an, which is your lady's Friends

Xue an?

Hearing the name, the faces of the servants all became a little strange.

But the attitude is much better.

"Oh, it's Mr. Xue! Miss mentioned you at the beginning, and specially let me pay attention to it! However, you are not here. My young lady has gone out with the master on business, and she is not in the mansion these two days! "

Xue an's heart moved.

Not there?

Then wait until she comes back.

In the mind, Xue an will turn to leave.

At this time, I heard a voice full of surprise.

"Is that brother Xue an?"

Xue an hears and looks.

After seeing Xue Jinxiu's eyes full of tears, she turns her head in tears.

"It's really brother Xue an, you!"

Xue Anwei frowned and did not remember who the girl was.

One side of chan'er has been surprised to shout, "sister Qing'er!"

And then he pounced on it.

Two young maids of the same age were holding each other and crying and laughing, which made them extremely intimate.

Then chan'er said to xue'an excitedly, "young master, this is the little maid Qing'er beside Miss Tang! When she was a neighbor, she used to follow Miss Tang to come and play with us! "

Xue an this just some suddenly, this body left in the memory really has such a small servant girl's existence.

But because of a long time, the picture has become very blurred.

Xue an Chong this fine son to nod slightly, "originally is the fine son girl!"

Hearing the estrangement in Xue an's tone, the little servant girl's eyes could not help but red, and then floating Wanfu.

"Brother Xue, I have been waiting for you for several days! When the young lady went out, she specially asked me to stay, for fear that you would come here during this time! Sure enough, you are here at lastSaid, this fine son fiercely glared at that gang of doormen one eye.

"This is a distinguished guest specially ordered by the young lady. How dare you slaves make trouble?"

This group of grandiose doormen is very afraid of this little girl, smell speech all complexion white.

"I dare not! We don't know that this is Mr. Xue, so we will wait a little longer! "

"Hum! I'll deal with you later! " Fine son cold hum a, and then turn head, Qiao smile Qian Xi said.

"Brother Xue, Miss Xue said clearly when she left. If you come, you can't let you go in any case. You must wait here for her to come back!"

Xue an frowned slightly.

He didn't come here for the so-called defection. He just wanted to make it clear to Miss Tang face to face.

I didn't expect that things had changed. Miss Tang was not at home.

I wanted to turn around and go.

Can see this small servant girl that full of sincerity, and Chan son is full of hopeful eyes, Xue an slightly pondered.

"Well, I'll wait for her back here!"

When Qing'er heard the speech, her face began to smile, "mm-hmm, brother Xue, please follow me! The shelter is already ready for you

With that, Qing'er takes chan'er's hand, and two little girls lead xue'an into the Tang mansion.

When they disappeared behind the gate.

The men looked at each other and began to whisper.

"Tut Tut, I didn't expect that Mr. Xue, who made our young lady's heart miss, was such a poor scholar!"

"It's nice, but it's too shabby! How can you be worthy of our Tang family? "

In these comments, a servant suddenly sneered: "I dare to come here. This guy really doesn't know how to write the dead word!"

Everyone was stunned.

Then the servant looked around the group and said with a sneer, "you Don't you forget Yao Da Shao? "

Hearing Yao Da Shao's three words, all the servants shrunk their necks and dared not gossip any more.

But the hearts of these people are full of schadenfreude.

Because they all felt that it would never be good again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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