This is a very elegant and clean courtyard.

I can see that people are cleaning up every day.

Qing'er said with a smile, "brother Xue, this yard has been ready for you for a long time, but I don't know when you will come, so I'll let people come to clean it every day! Are you satisfied with it? "

Xue an smiles, but doesn't speak.

On the contrary, chan'er, the little girl's face full of excitement, looked West and East, interested in everything.

"Every day the meal will be sent to you by a specially assigned person, and there are many books stored in it, which is convenient for you to check at any time."

Qing'er is eagerly introducing, xue'an suddenly asks, "when will your young lady come back?"

Qing'er was slightly stunned, "well, I'm not sure about this. Anyway, this time the young lady is going out with the master. She has to come back three or five days! As you know, my lady doesn't have any brothers and sisters, so she has to do a lot of things! "

Speaking of this, Qing'er's tone is somewhat gloomy.

Xue an is not sure.

But then, Qing'er seemed to think of something and said, "brother Xue, I forgot to tell you something!"

"Oh? What's the matter? "

"You must be careful when you live here."

"Be careful of yourself?"

Qing'er nodded, his eyes showed a look of hate, "a very annoying guy, his name is Yao Chaofeng, is..."

Before the words fell, there was a bitter sneer outside the gate.

"Tut Tut, it's said that some distinguished guests are coming. I'd like to see what kind of distinguished guests they are. How can qinger be provoked to greet them in person?"

In fact, the sound is not bad, but somehow it sounds uncomfortable.

With the voice, a dark faced man holding a folding fan walked in step by step.

The man was plain and dark, but he had a haughty look on his face.

A pair of long and thin eyes is flashing the light of evil.

It's almost like writing on my forehead that I'm a bad person.

See this man, fine son face iron blue, but still had to lower the head.

"I've seen Yao Shao!"

It's Yao Chaofeng who qinger just mentioned.

He nodded a little haughty on his face, and then began to look at xue'an at once.

The more he looked, the more disdain he had on his face.

"Are you Xue an?"

Xue an nodded and said faintly, "yes."

"Good!" Yao Chaofeng's eyes were full of cold color, "Xue, don't think I don't know what you want to do here! I tell you, the Tang family is not a person like you can afford! My cousin ling'er is not something you can touch! "

"Don't think you can do anything if you know my cousin in the old days! I advise you to die now, or... "

Yao Chao Feng sneered, "I'll let you, who have never seen the world, understand what is the style of Kyoto people!"

These words let Qing'er and chan'er's face change.

In particular, Qing'er's face suddenly became very gloomy and was about to speak.

Xue an laughed. "First of all, I want to make it clear that I didn't want to attach myself to anyone when I came here! Secondly I am very curious, what is the style of Kyoto people

Yao Chaofeng's face sank, and there was a dangerous light in his long and narrow eyes. Then he said with pity: "boy, listen to your words, it seems that you are not convinced."

Xue an shook his head. "I'm just curious. Would you like to demonstrate it to me now?"

"You..." Yao Chaofeng was furious and was about to attack.

One side of Qing'er couldn't bear it and said in a cold voice: "Yao Dashao, Mr. Xue is a distinguished guest that the young lady has told him to serve. If you dare to do anything and wait for the young lady to come back, you can figure out what the consequences will be!"

Yao Chaofeng smelled the speech, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he looked at Xue an coldly, "very good, then I'll let you be free for a few more days!"

After that, Yao Chaofeng turned around and left.

When he's gone.

Qing'er could not help but take a breath, and then some worried said: "brother Xue, this guy is a mad dog, you should be careful of him!"

Qing'er is worried that xue'an will be frightened by Yao Chaofeng again.

After all, in her impression, her brother Xue is a scholar who has no strength to tie a chicken. She must be afraid of Yao Chaofeng and other scoundrels.

But then she found that Xue an's face did not matter, not a bit worried, and even said with a smile.

"What kind of Yao Chaofeng is this? Who are you?"

Qing'er always feels that the elder brother Xue is different from the person in memory, but she still says.

"Not long after my master moved to the capital, he took a concubine's room. Later, a few years later, his wife died of illness. This new concubine room became the master's wife! And Yao Chaofeng is the nephew of the new ladySpeaking of this, Qing'er's face is full of anger.

"I don't know what kind of infatuation this guy has given the master, and he has been highly valued by him! That's all. The key is that this guy is greedy to miss! "

"And it seems that the master also has some support, so Yao Chaofeng becomes more and more arrogant! If it wasn't for the lady who always talked to him, he might have been more arrogant

After listening to Qing'er's words, xue'an knows clearly.

No wonder they are so hostile to themselves. They want to have both money and money.

After a few words of advice, Qing'er ordered people to bring all kinds of daily necessities. She was busy until she had dinner, and then she left.

And so on the courtyard left after Xue an and chan'er.

Chan son some discontented said: "young master, that guy in the daytime is simply too hateful, unexpectedly want to occupy sister Tang, but also threaten us!"

Xue an laughed and turned her head to look at her, "eh, why is Xiaoyi Bao not consulting at this time?"

"Oh, young master, why don't you worry at all? Didn't you hear sister Qing'er say that Yao is a must for sister Tang! Don't you think of a way? "

"How? Why should I do something about it? " Xue an said lightly.

"Well? Don't you worry at all? " Chan'er's face is full of doubts.

Xue an smile, and then looked up at the dim moonlight, light way: "silly Chan son, do you really think I came to this Tang family to propose marriage?"

He didn't hear this very clearly.

But she found that the young master looked up at the moon It's lonely.

At the same time.

In a very luxurious courtyard of the Tang family.

Yao Chaofeng is drinking wine with a gloomy face.

On the other hand, there is a middle-aged beauty woman with Xu Niang's half old charm.

"Feng'er, according to what you say, this xue'an will be a big resistance for us?" Asked the middle-aged lady. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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