Yao Chaofeng nodded, and then put down the wine glass in his hand. "Today I spoke out to test Xue an, and found that he was neither arrogant nor arrogant. He was indeed a difficult character."

If an outsider is present and hears the address of Yao Chaofeng, he will be shocked.

Because this middle-aged beautiful woman is the concubine of Tang Sheng Na, Yao Yu.

Yao Chaofeng is Yao Yu's nephew.

In fact, Yao Chaofeng is her son.

The reason for concealing the facts is that they are afraid of causing suspicion from others.

After all, the mother and son had no good intentions since they entered the Tang family. They just ran to seize the family property.

They thought it would be a simple thing.

As long as Tang Sheng is deceived, the remaining Tang ling'er is easy to deal with.

As a result, they did not expect that this seemingly soft and weak daughter was extremely intelligent, and soon managed the Tang family's industry in order.

As a result, their plan was in vain.

But they did not give up and immediately changed their plans.

Yao Chaofeng began to pursue Tang ling'er crazily.

His mother, Yao Yu, was blowing the pillow in front of Tang Sheng.

The joint efforts of both sides mean that we should have both human and financial resources.

But Tang Sheng has gradually accepted, things began to change.

Xue an suddenly appeared.

This naturally makes the mother and son fear and hate.

"What are you going to do, feng'er? Do you want someone to kill him? " Speaking of this, Yao Yu's face showed a look of ruthlessness, which was obviously not an easy person.

Yao Chaofeng shook his head. "No, you can't do it now. After all, this xue'an was invited by Tang ling'er in person. If you don't wait for her to come back, it's easy to arouse her suspicion, and then you can't do it!"

"Yifeng'er, you mean..."

Yao Chaofeng sneered: "Tang Sheng will never agree to this marriage. Everything is just the wishful thinking of Tang ling'er. Moreover, it is said that Xue an's arrival is also due to Tang ling'er's invitation. So when they come back, as long as their mother is there to boost the flames, Tang Sheng is bound to be furious, and then..."

"I don't believe that Tang ling'er dares to disobey his father's orders!"

"Good! According to feng'er! But you should get Tang ling'er as soon as possible, otherwise there will be more and more accidents! "

"Mother, don't worry, this matter I'll make up my mind! " Yao Chaofeng looks like a man in his chest.

In the next few days, Yao Chaofeng did not appear again.

This let clear son that has been hanging mind calculation is put down.

She was afraid that Yao Chaofeng would do harm to Xue an when she didn't come back.

So she comes several times a day.

Xue an is not sure about this. He just eats and sleeps every day. His life is very simple.

For a long time.

The people in the mansion began to chew their tongues.

"Tut, did you hear that? The old neighbor of our lady came to our house and ate every day. Even three or five people could eat a meal, just like a bucket

"Haha, of course I heard about it, and I also heard that this guy was dressed in poor clothes. I guess he didn't even have enough to eat before, so he ate like a starving ghost after we arrived here."

"Are you still thinking about the imperial examination? We miss also want to be blind

These sarcasm naturally spread to Qing'er's ears.

Although she was very angry, she could not control what the people below said.

Yao Chaofeng is full of joy after hearing this rumor.

At first, he thought Xue an was a strong enemy, but when he looked like this, he was relieved.

I guess it's just a straw bag.

At the same time.

In a caravan coming to the capital.

Tang ling'er is sitting in the carriage to review the various accounts of the merchants.

Although she is only 28 years old, Tang ling'er is already a business veteran. She has a keen grasp of business opportunities and a keen eye for business opportunities, which even makes some experienced hands who have been struggling for decades sigh for nothing.


Tang ling'er finally finished checking the accounts, then closed his eyes and began to think about the harvest.

This is her habit. Every time, she makes an inventory of her travel income and finds out the shortcomings.

That's why she's made such rapid progress.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is no place to pay attention to. Tang ling'er opens her eyes, and her face, which can be called peerless, finally shows a look of weariness.

Then subconsciously took out a letter.

The letter was a bit worn out, and it was obviously frequently read by her.

Although she could remember a word on the page, she could read it.What was written on it was Xue an's reply to her.

In words, Xue an, a native who had already died, wrote compliments in a flattering tone, and explained the latest situation one by one.

It's like a student reporting to his teacher.

Tang ling'er was silent for a long time.

At the moment, her heart is a little bleak.

Because what she wants is not the kind of affectionate feelings that ordinary girls expect.

It is a strong man who can conquer himself in all aspects.

That's why she's willing to show up and fight in the mall as her daughter.

She likes the excitement of challenges.

The reason why she took the initiative to write to her childhood playmate Xue an and invited him to come to Beijing.

It's because she remembers when she was a child.

At that time, Xue an was much better than her in talent and other aspects.

Therefore, Tang ling'er worshipped Xue an very much at that time.

This kind of feeling did not dissipate with the relocation of the Tang family, but became more and more intense.

Therefore, Tang ling'er wrote down the letter in the back.

Can not expect, Xue an's reply to let Tang Ling Er such as a stick in the throat, and the heart was at a loss.

Is this man who is submissive in the letter paper the original high spirited young man?

Why do you feel so uncomfortable?

Tang ling'er is full of thoughts.

At this moment.

A woman on horseback knocked on the carriage, and then whispered, "Miss, it's just come from home that Mr. Xue has arrived in the capital and is staying in the mansion!"

Tang Ling Er slightly Zheng, and then nodded, light way: "know!"


"But what?"

"But there seems to be something wrong with this young master Xue. After listening to people's rumors, he lived in seclusion after he entered the mansion. He just went to sleep when he was full and never did his homework."

There was a silence in the carriage, and then Tang ling'er said faintly, "I know. How many days will I return to the capital?"

"We'll be there the day after tomorrow."

"Speed up the journey and get home tomorrow!"


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