"The master and the young lady are back!"

When the long-distance back of the motorcade stopped in front of the government gate, the whole Tang family was shocked.

Then, starting from the main gate, along a central axis, the courtyard with eighteen entrances is opened in turn.

Numerous servants and servants were separated on both sides, when Tang Sheng, the big bellied master of the house, and Tang ling'er, a powerful young lady, stepped into the house.

The servants stooped together.

"Welcome the safe return of master and miss!"

This situation made Tang Sheng twist his beard and beard, and his face was full of vigor and vitality.

Tang ling'er did not have any expression, just stood quietly behind his father, did not speak a word.

Father and daughter directly through the front of a few into the courtyard, came to the back of the house and the front yard of the boundary.

Tang Sheng's wife Yao Yu and Yao Chaofeng are all waiting here.

After seeing Tang Sheng.

"Master!" Yao Yu said

Tang Sheng, with a big head and a smile, nodded and said, "why should we be so polite between you and me? It's windy here. What if it blows out again? "

Yao Yu looked nostalgic and admiring. "Master, you have been away for many days. I am here to welcome you back. It is also my duty."

"Good! It doesn't hurt you in vain Tang Sheng nodded happily.

At this time, Yao Chaofeng also came forward with a flattering smile, "uncle!"

That's right.

At ordinary times, Yao Chaofeng is known as uncle to Tang Sheng.

In the face of this extremely strange address, Tang Sheng is quite satisfied, "Chaofeng, how are your lessons recently?"

"If I go back to my uncle, I've been diligent and diligent recently, and I've made great progress." Yao Chaofeng is very clever.

Tang Sheng then casually asked a few questions, this Yao Chaofeng unexpectedly all answers fluently.

Tang Sheng couldn't help but brighten his eyes and praised him: "it's really good. It's true that you've made some progress in your studies. It seems that you've worked hard in this period of time."

"It's all because of my uncle's good teaching." Yao Chaofeng did not forget to flatter Tang Sheng at this time.

But Tang Sheng ate it very much, stroked his beard and laughed, and was about to say something.

Yao Yu, who had been standing with a smile all the time, suddenly said, "master, there is something I don't know to say or not to say!"

"Oh? They are all from their own families. What's wrong with that? "

"It is About ling'er Yao Yu's face showed a trace of difficulty, some hesitant said.

"Ling er?" Tang Sheng slightly a Leng, and then turned to look at a body after the silent Tang Ling, "Ling son how?"

Yao Yu seemed to summon up all the courage, and said with some embarrassment: "ling'er is nothing, but when you and ling'er go out, some men come to join in, and then they are arranged to stay in the courtyard just one wall away from the back house where ling'er lives."

"Of course, I shouldn't talk about these things, but master, ling'er has a big body and a long sleeve. These things always need to be avoided. Otherwise, if they are spread out, it will damage the reputation of our Tang family."

After hearing Yao Yu's words, Tang Sheng's face changed greatly, "did a man come to join us? Who is it? "

And Tang ling'er's face at the moment is also slightly changed.

Yao Chaofeng said first: "uncle, I wanted to tell you this in private, but since my aunt Yu has said it, I will tell you! This defector is called Xue an

Xue an!

This name is like a stone, let Tang Shengxian is a Leng, and then his eyes will show a cold color.

"Ling Er, is this really true?" Tang Sheng asked his daughter.

Tang ling'er sighed in his heart, and then nodded, "father, xue'an really came, and I invited him!"

Tang Sheng's face became more and more gloomy.

Now all the family affairs have been handed over to Tang ling'er, who has seldom asked about it. Therefore, if Yao Yu hadn't mentioned it, he would not have known about it.

And if it's someone else.

This is Xue an!

Tang Sheng was deeply impressed by the son of his neighbor who had never made a fortune before.

But it's not a good impression.

In Tang Sheng's view, this poor but ambitious youth is not a good match at all.

Especially when the Tang family became rich overnight and became a powerful family in the capital city, the gap between the two families was even more like cloud mud.

The most important thing is that Tang Sheng is just a precious girl like Tang ling'er.

Tang Sheng is going to let her find a reliable son-in-law to inherit the Tang family's wealth.

For example, Yao Chaofeng is an object that can be observed and cultivated.

But Xue an is a single line biography, and is still a scholar, certainly would not like to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

In this way, all the possibilities are blocked.

Therefore, although Tang Sheng knew something about his daughter's mind, he never thought about it.But who would have thought that he would go out on his own.

This Xue an actually came to the door, and was invited by his daughter.

This naturally made Tang Sheng furious.

But Tang Sheng couldn't bear to scold his precious daughter. He stamped his foot with hatred and said in a cold voice, "ask Xue an to come to my study later!"

After that, he turned and left angrily.

After Tang Sheng left.

Yao Yu said apologetically, "ling'er, my aunt didn't mean to make you look ugly. It's just that it's about the daughter's family. It's really careless. I'm also doing it for you!"

Hearing Yao Yu's words, Tang ling'er didn't say a word, but took a cold look at Yao Yu and Yao Chaofeng, and then turned away.

Yao Yu was made a little embarrassed, can only stand there embarrassed.

I have been waiting for Tang ling'er to go far away.

"Tang Niang's face is full of resentment, but she never put it in her eyes."

Yao Chaofeng looks at Tang ling'er's back.

He always thinks, this looks weak girl, the growth speed is simply too terrible.

Every time she comes back from home, she will make Yao Chaofeng feel shocked.

Especially when she was swept by her beautiful Danfeng eyes, her heart was even more frightened, as if all the secrets could be seen through by her.

"Feng'er, this little girl is not so easy to fool! You have to think about whether you can be subdued Yao Yu said quietly at this time.

Yao Chaofeng snorted coldly, "mother, don't worry, I have my own way!"

At this time, Tang ling'er has come to the courtyard where xue'an lives.

Hearing the news, Qing'er comes in a hurry.


Tang Ling Er nodded, "he That's where I live? "

Qing'er nodded, "Miss, can I tell you something first?"

Tang Ling Er shook his head, "no need!"

With that, she reached out her slender hand and pushed the door directly.

There was no one in the courtyard.

Think of those rumors, Tang Ling er's face more and more cold.

At this time, chan'er came out of the door with a cup of tea. After seeing Tang ling'er, she was stunned. Then she was surprised and said, "sister Tang?"

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