Seeing chan'er, Tang ling'er's frost on her face is just temporary ablation.

"It's chan'er! I haven't seen it in a few years, but I've come out like this? "

Chan'er came over excitedly and said, "I've seen sister Tang!"

Then he said excitedly, "sister Tang, are you looking for my young master?"

Tang ling'er nodded slightly, "what is your young master doing now?"

Chan'er, embarrassed, scratched her scalp and said, "in Sleeping

"Sleep?" Tang ling'er looks up at the sky.

Now, I just had lunch. It's so early from dark that I'm sleeping now?

It seems that those rumors are true!

Tang ling'er was upset in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He just said faintly, "can Mr. Xue call chan'er? I have something to tell him! "

"Good drop, good drop! If my young master knew that Miss Tang was back, he would be happy! "

Say, Chan son is about to run to the house.

At this time, I heard a long yawn coming from the room.

"I know who knows the big dream first. In spring the thatched cottage sleeps, and the days outside the window are delayed! Good sleep, good sleep

With that, Xue an slowly came out of the room, his face still seemed to be awake, and then smile at the crowd.

Tang ling'er felt that the whole person had been severely hit, and even the heart beat had stopped half a beat.

Because when this young man standing on the steps, with a long body and a white coat, when he smiles, his eyes are as bright as stars, just like a God left in the world, which makes people dare not look directly at him.

It's Is that him?

But with the memory of that has gradually blurred figure seems to have a lot of different, but can't say where exactly changed.

Just as Tang ling'er was stunned.

Chan'er has already called out excitedly: "young master, sister Tang is back!"

Xue an at the moment is also looking at the girl who once haunted her body.

She was dressed in a light blue dress, elegant and generous, revealing a trace of competence.

And the face can be called the color of the country.

The key is that her pair of Danfeng eyes are extremely brilliant, let her just stand quietly, there will be a spirit of not angry from Wei.

Xue an praised in his heart.

What a beautiful woman.

If she was born in the modern earth, she would definitely be a strong woman in the workplace.

No wonder the original ontology will be so nostalgic.

Then he nodded to Tang ling'er, "Miss Tang!"

Tang ling'er felt more and more strange.

Because at the time of correspondence, this Xue an was not like this.

At that time, he revealed a strong distrust between the lines, so that he almost flattered himself.

But when he met today, he was so indifferent that Tang ling'er even had the illusion that he was the humble one.

What the hell is going on here?

Tang ling'er is surprised in her heart, but after being honed by the shopping mall, she does not appear on the surface, but nods slightly.

"Mr. Xue, I'm really sorry to disturb you."

The meaning of this remark is hard to understand and seems to have the meaning of irony.

At least, Qing'er, who stands aside at least, looks embarrassed.

Xue an just smile, "sleep more also feel bored, just come out to breathe! And I've been waiting for Miss Tang to come back! "

Tang ling'er didn't think much about it. He invited him to come. Of course, he had to wait for himself to come back.

Now the key is to get past your father first.

Unknowingly, Tang Ling Er began to plan the next step by means of shopping malls.

"Mr. Xue, you and I have known each other since childhood, so there is no need to say some polite empty words. I'm inviting you to the capital this time because I want to help you, otherwise you will never be able to make a living if you are stuck at the bottom! "

Speaking of this, Tang ling'er took a deep breath, "but now my father already knows that you are coming. He wants to see you in his study."

As soon as this is said.

Qing'er and chan'er all change color.

Especially Qing'er, "master How could the master know so soon? "

Tang ling'er said coldly: "of course it was my aunt who said it!"

Qing'er's face looks frightened.

She was also very aware of the master's attitude towards the young lady's marriage, so she knew that this interview would never be so simple.

This panic atmosphere also spread to the chan'er on one side.

The little girl also suddenly turned pale and said in a trembling voice, "that What can we do? Do you want my young master to hide first? "

Qing'er shook her head, "useless, hiding for a while, can't hide for a lifetime!"

"And if you do, then..."Qing'er didn't say the following, but the meaning is obvious.

If Xue an really avoided seeing him, he would have a lower status in Tang Sheng's mind, and there would be no possibility of turning over again.

This little servant girl, who has been with Tang ling'er since she was a child, naturally understands how her young lady plans.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to avoid it.

Sure enough.

Tang ling'er looked cold and said, "master Xue, you don't have to be too frightened. My father only saw you because of the malicious rumors of Yao Yu and others! But... "

When Tang ling'er said this, his cheek was slightly red, "but he will certainly ask you about your marriage. I hope that when the time comes, Mr. Xue can think about it and say it again!"

This has been implied clearly.

Tang ling'er can't point to xue'an's nose and say that you like me directly to my father!

That's too embarrassing!

Xue'an nodded with a smile, "OK, then I'll go and have a look."

With that, he went down the steps and said to chan'er, "chan'er, wait for me here!"

"Mm-hmm!" Chan'er didn't know where to go, just nodded.

Then Xue an Chong Tang Ling er a smile, "Miss Tang, go!"

On the way to the back house study. From time to time, Tang ling'er glances at xue'an, who is walking slowly on one side. His mind is hard to calm down.

Her feelings for Xue an are extremely complex.

There was adoration in childhood, sympathy after growing up, and a trace of disdain in correspondence.

These things are mixed together, so that Tang ling'er's attitude towards xue'an is also very complicated.

But in recent years, Tang ling'er has seen countless young talents, but none of them can make her feel moved.

To this day.

When she saw the young man standing on the steps, whose side face was slightly outlined by the sunlight.

She suddenly understood her heart.

In any case, even if he is mediocre and incompetent, he also likes him! It's a big deal. I'll work hard outside and let him wait at home.

Tang ling'er secretly made up his mind, but there was another difficulty in front of him.

How to convince your father?

Thinking of this, Tang ling'er gritted his teeth and whispered to xue'an: "Mr. Xue!"


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