"Because I'm not rare! "

Not rare?

A lot of people looked at each other.

What kind of explanation is that?

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "Miss Tang, you are a good girl, but all you said, including the so-called Tang family industry, is not worth mentioning at all to me!"

Hearing this, Tang Shengxian was secretly relieved.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't promise.

Then I felt very uncomfortable and despised the Tang family?

So he sneered, "Oh? Listen to the tone of Mr. Xue, it seems that I don't like the Tang family at all? I don't know how ambitious Mr. Xue is going to be? "

Hearing this, many people in the room made a low sneer.

Among them, Yao Chaofeng's laughter is the most arrogant.

But in the face of all this, Xue an didn't even lift his eyelids. He just said, "what I want, how can you understand it?"

"Hum!" When Tang Sheng heard the speech, he snorted coldly with disdain on his face. In his heart, he was even more unhappy with Xue an, believing that he was a pure ignorant and arrogant person.

Tang ling'er is staring at xue'an.

Now she finally understood what Xue an said just before she came. It's better to say something face-to-face!

It turns out!

It's so clear!

Tang ling'er is suddenly full of grievances and sadness.

She doesn't understand.

He had already arranged everything in a proper way, but he didn't agree.

Can everything be explained in a sentence that is not rare?

Tang ling'er has five tastes in her heart.

Yao Chaofeng was so happy that he almost jumped out of his seat.

In his opinion, this Xue an is a fool.

What is it not a fool to refuse such a good thing that others dream of?

But do you think that's enough?

I want it, but you are ruined!

Yao Chao Feng sneered in his heart, then winked at some of the guests in the distance.

These guests have been bought by him for a long time. Therefore, after seeing Yao Chaofeng's sign, the sour literati's mind has been troubled.

Then one of them said with a sarcastic smile: "what a magnificent man! Unfortunately It's just that you're a bit of a nerd! "

This made several guests laugh.

"Brother Liu is right, some people! It's empty in the stomach and sharp in the mouth

"Tut Tut, I have heard that some people have been eating or sleeping all day since they entered the Tang family. I guess they don't understand the level and scale, and dare to speak out loud?"

These words are extremely harsh.

Tang ling'er's face changed.

Even though Xue an refused her.

But she still didn't want to let the sour literati with all these skills slander Xue an.

After all, in the face of these people's provocations, if Xue an dare not respond.

Then his reputation is completely destroyed.

The reputation of a scholar is destroyed, which means that he will never think of making progress in his official career or literary world.

This also shows the sinister intention of these guys.

Therefore, Tang ling'er wanted to speak up against these people.

But it was just then.

Xue an's eyes were slightly cold, but a faint smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"Oh? In that case, your literary talent must be very good? "

"I can't say it's good, but at least it's much better than some people!" A middle-aged scribe with a folding fan on his face was light.

Xue an nodded, "well, since you have good literary talent, do you have any interest in competing?"

"Than? How to compare it? " The middle-aged scholar glanced at Xue an with a look of disdain.

"How about poetry in terms of winning or losing?" Xue an said lightly.

Hearing these words, the literati were all surprised.

In particular, the middle-aged scholar was stunned, and then sneered: "do you want to compare poetry with me? Are you sure? "

Xue an nodded and said, "that's right."

"Well, that's what you said. How can you compare it?" The middle-aged literati's face was in the grip of victory.

In his opinion, this is simply Xue an's face to let himself fan ah!

Although he didn't mix up any famous poems, he could still hold them!

So he was confident.

Xue an said at this time: "it's very simple, the winner takes all, the loser Pay for your life! How about it? "

There was a dead silence.

Then there was a low uproar.

Tang ling'er is even more shocked.

How can you bet your life on a poem?

So she was anxious to persuade Xue an.But at this time Yao Chaofeng is the first to say.

"Well, he's a man indeed. In that case, it's settled! How about it? "

The middle-aged literati had some hesitation, so Yao Chaofeng should have done it for himself, and then he bit his teeth and nodded.

"Good! That's what you say

Tang ling'er was worried and said in a low voice, "xue'an, what do you want to do?"

Xue an chuckled at her, "it's OK. It's just idle and boring. I'll teach some guys to be a man."

"But you..."

What else does Tang ling'er want to say.

The middle-aged scribe was afraid that Xue an would take the lead, so he was the first to jump out.

"But I don't know what it is about?"

Xue an said lightly: "whatever! I can do it

This arrogant tone upset many people.

Especially Tang Sheng.

Sit at the back of his desk to see how he will be defeated.

At this time, Yao Yu fiercely pointed to the bright spring light out of the window, "in this case, how about taking spring as the topic?"

The middle-aged literati was very happy when he heard the speech.

What he is good at is to narrate the feeling with the scenery, so this proposition is exactly in his mind.

Xue an is not sure.

The middle-aged scribe then wandered in the room for several times, and then suddenly clapped the folding fan in his hand, "yes

Then he wrote a poem on the paper.

After the recitation came out, the audience was full of praise.

"Good words!"

"After a few months, brother Liu's poetry level has been improved. This chant of spring is fresh and meaningful, which is really a masterpiece! Congratulations

The praise filled the study.

The middle-aged scribe looked smug and then looked at Xue an, "Mr. Xue, it's your turn!"

At this time, Xue an was looking out of the window in the spring, and seemed to be a little crazy for a moment.

"Ha ha, can't you write it out?"

"I'm looking for death myself!"

"I know it's a shiny straw bag!"

With all the sarcasm.

Tang ling'er looks at me in a daze.

Because she caught a glimpse of the loneliness in Xue an's eyes.

That feeling made her feel empty.

What did he go through?

Why is there such a strong emotion in your eyes?

Tang ling'er is suspicious in her heart.

Xue an turned to smile and said, "yes! Wait and listen

With that, Xue an whispered.

"Water is eye wave horizontal!"

At the beginning, the faces of these literati were full of disdain. They thought that Xue an could never write a masterpiece beyond the middle-aged literati.

But when Xue an's first sentence comes out.

The hearts of all the audience trembled, and all the voices disappeared in an instant.

People were all quiet and listening.

Xue an then chanted: "the mountain is a gathering place of Mei Feng. Where do you want to go? Eyes and eyebrows! Only then did I send you back in spring, and then I sent you back. If you catch up with spring in Jiangdong, you will live with spring! "

Say it.

There was a dead silence.

All the seats were startled.

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