"This How could that be possible? " The middle-aged scribe had an incredible whisper on his face.

The rest of Wensheng's disciples were even more shocked.

Because even if you are a person without ink, you can also hear the fresh and lovely of this little word.

What's more, this group of scholars who have been studying poetry and poetry all their life.

In their eyes.

Xue an's poem is light and lively, but it contains a trace of loneliness.

This kind of works, which contain feelings in the scenery and narrate the feelings with the scenery, are no longer superior to the middle-aged literati's poem.

But directly pushed forward Yongchun CI.

It can even be called the first word of Yongchun in the past three years.

Such a huge gap in strength, so that these people are all tongue tied, even can not speak out.

Also surprised are Tang Sheng and Tang ling'er.

Tang Sheng didn't expect that such a frustrated young man could write such poems.

But Tang ling'er is sad.

Because she understood the word.

As a woman, the mind is naturally more delicate than others.

Therefore, in her eyes, this is not a chant of spring, is clearly a man's infatuation with his beloved.

For example, the first two sentences.

Water is eye wave horizontal, mountain is eyebrow peak gather.

If you don't like women to a certain extent, how can you write such amazing words?

So far.

Tang ling'er finally understood why Xue an refused.

But at the same time, she felt a strong dissatisfaction.

She asked herself that she was no worse than anyone else, so she wanted to know what kind of woman could make Xue an so devoted.

The tenacity and self-confidence honed in the shopping malls filled her with the drive not to admit defeat.

She wants to compete!

Because she didn't believe she would lose.

When all the people in the room were silent.

Yao Chaofeng finally can't help but stand up, and then a face of resentment and jealousy staring at Xue an, Yin compassion said.

"The words are so good! But how do I think you didn't make it at all? "

"Oh?" Xue an faint smile, "how to see?"

Yao Chaofeng said: "because I happened to buy an out of print ancient book, and then from this incomplete ancient book, I have seen this little Ling! It's just because of the long history that the author can't be verified! Why is that what you did? "

Yao Chaofeng's words made many people look at each other and shake their heads in secret.

Even a fool can tell that Yao Chaofeng is talking nonsense.

Because these poems will never be lost easily.

What kind of out of print ancient books? If there were, wouldn't Yao Chaofeng have written this poem long ago?

But Yao Chaofeng is very powerful in the Tang family, many people dare not speak.

Only Tang Ling Er sneered: "Oh? In that case, Yao Shao will take out this ancient book and let me open my eyes. How about that? "

Yao Chaofeng did not even blink his eyes. "It's really unfortunate that when I was watching the new year ago, this ancient book was accidentally dropped into the brazier and burned."

"You..." Tang ling'er was so angry that he wanted to denounce Yao Chaofeng's shamelessness.

But it was just then.

Xue an faint smile, "you say I plagiarize?"

Yao Chaofeng sneered: "can say so!"

Xue an smiles.

Just looking at his smile, Yao Chaofeng felt cold in his heart.

"Is there any other work on the ancient books besides this one?" Xue an asked lightly.

Yao Chaofeng shook his head, "of course it's gone! I didn't say, this ancient book is incomplete, and many handwriting can't be seen clearly. Only this word can be vaguely identified! "

Xue an nodded, "good! The explanation is perfect

Yao Chaofeng just wanted to say something.

Xue an waved her hand and said, "I believe what you said, but what I want to say is How do you explain the next word? "

People were surprised at the words.


Xue an took a step and whispered, "don't come to spring half a year. You can't touch your eyes and break your heart. The plum blossoms fall like snow, and you are still full."

"There is no proof of the wild goose's coming, but it is hard for Lu Yao to return to his dream. His hatred is just like spring grass, and he still lives far away."

A piece of plain music, in a flash.

This time, everyone took a breath of cold air.

It is also a masterpiece which is not inferior to the first divination operator.

The general literati can write such a work in their lifetime, it is enough to be elated.

But Xue an wrote two poems in a short cup of tea.

If it is spread out, it will shock countless people.As for the plagiarism just mentioned by Yao Chaofeng.

Naturally, it is self defeating.

In fact, Yao Chaofeng is looking at Xue an with a dull face at the moment. His face is changeable and his throat is clucking.

He never thought that Xue an could turn the tables in this way.

Xue an smiles at him, "now What else can you say? "

Yao Chaofeng gradually recovered to sober up, and then turned to anger with a cold hum, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hold on!"

"Well? What do you want? What can you do with this poem? What I said just now is not false Yao Chaofeng began to play rogue.

"That's not what it means Xue an showed a few white teeth, a forest smile.

"I just want to remind you, just now I said, this gambling fight You bet on your life

"You What do you mean Yao Chaofeng's face changed greatly.

Xue an fiddled with her fingers and said, "it's very simple. As long as you make a poem that surpasses mine, you will be let go, otherwise Pay for your life


Yao Chaofeng couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Xue an, are you..."

He was about to say whether Xue an's head was broken, or how dare he say such a thing.

But not yet.

Xue an waved.

A wisp of sword flies by.

The throat of the middle-aged scribe standing on one side was cut off directly.

Blood gushed out.

The middle-aged scribe never dreamed that Xue an really dared to do so. So he covered his throat with both hands and stared at Xue an with a look of great fear, and then the dead body slowly fell to the ground.

This time.

The whole audience was shocked.

And Xue an is to face pale Yao Chaofeng light smile, "just he lost, so he died! Now It's your turn

Yao Chaofeng was shocked all over his body and finally woke up from the shock.

"You You How dare you kill? "

Xue an said: "why not? Because I just said, lose, lose! Now I'll give you ten numbers of time. I can't do it when it's due. Then Your head will say goodbye to your body

"So Please cherish your time

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