Yao Chaofeng was so scared that he cried out: "uncle, help me!"

Tang Sheng was also shocked.

He did not expect Xue an to dare to kill people in front of so many people.

So when he heard Yao Chaofeng's cry for help, he let out a roar.

"Xue an, how dare you! You have just killed people in public. Arrest him

Naturally, the Tang family also had servants to protect the courtyard. These people rushed forward to catch Xue an.

Xue an didn't even move, just a stomp, and all the servants who rushed up were shaken out.

Then Xue an smiles at Yao Chaofeng and holds out a finger.


"No!" Yao Chaofeng was completely flustered.

Because Xue an's eyes are so terrible now.

The kind of eyes that ignore life and death and overlook all living beings.

Compared with this, Yao Chaofeng has been in contact with those villains who are simply a good baby.


Xue an counts quietly.

Yao Chaofeng turned and ran to the door.

But the moment his hand touched the door.

Xue an did not know when he had appeared in front of him, and said faintly, "eight!"

Yao Chaofeng a Leng, and then hiss to roar: "just was not still counting two?"

Xue an smile, "forget to tell you, if you want to run away, then I will shout as you please!"

"Now, you have two chances left! If I were you, write a word now

Yao Chaofeng despaired, "Xue an, I recognize the planting, please let me go! Don't do it to me again

To kill him, it is impossible to write poems that surpass those two Xiaoling poems!

Xue an was not moved at all

"Xue an, what do you want? Do you dare to kill my feng'er? " Yao Yu roared and rushed forward.

In this era, although women's status was very low, Yao Yu, as the nominal principal chamber of Tang Sheng, was still very important.

And now she rushed up like this, that is to say, Xue an should not dare to deal with herself.

After all, no matter what a man is, he will not deal with a woman!

But this time she was wrong.

Just a few steps away, Xue an raised his hand and slapped him in the face. He lifted the Yao Yu Fan from the ground, and after several circles in the air, he was able to land, and then fainted.

This slap in the face was like a rock out of the blue.

All the people in the study were shocked.

Tang Sheng's face was blue and he was so angry that he shivered all over, "xue'an, you..."

Xue an light way: "don't thank me, should be!"

Said, Xue an turned to look at Yao Chaofeng, light way: "I'm sorry, time is up, ready?"

Yao Chaofeng shivered all over and knelt on the ground without hesitation, "Xue an, I'm wrong. Please spare me a dog's life! I'm really wrong! "

With that, he banged his head.

Xue an was not moved at all, just looked at him quietly, and then turned to smile at Tang ling'er.

"One thing I forgot to tell you is that these two men conspired to kill your own mother."

"What?" Tang ling'er exclaimed.

Tang Sheng is Huoran to stand up, staring at Xue an, "what do you say?"

Xue an's face with a faint smile, "this matter, you can ask him!"

Xue an points to Yao Chaofeng, who is shivering on his knees.

Yao Chaofeng trembled all over and his face was pale.

Because he really did not understand how Xue an knew such a secret thing!

Tang ling'er at this time mind electricity turn, in recent years all things turn over in the mind.

After his mother died, especially when he was ill.

At that time, she was still young, but felt that her mother died some too quickly.

But I never thought if there was something wrong with it.

When Xue an mentioned this matter today, she suddenly realized that there were many doubts in it.

So she couldn't help but say in a cold voice, "Yao Chaofeng, what's going on? Make it clear to me! "

Yao Chaofeng still wants to deny.

Xue an's eyes moved.

Yao Chaofeng felt a slight tremor all over his body, and then his mouth seemed not to be in charge of his own words, just like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, and he told the story all over again.

Even he and Yao Yushi as mother and son, married to the Tang family is to seek to seize the property of the matter are told.

As for the dead middle-aged scribe, he played an important role in murdering Tang ling'er's mother.

So far.

The truth came to light.And after that.

Yao Chaofeng shivered all over and recovered control.

But at this time Tang ling'er was already furious. She reached out and grabbed a large vase from the table beside her and smashed it into Yao Chaofeng's head.


The vase is broken.

Yao Chaofeng's head was flooded with blood.

But it's just the beginning.

Tang ling'er has been so angry that she has lost her sense. Although she is a woman, she has been wandering with Tang Sheng since she was young, so she has a very strong temperament.

Now I know that my mother was actually murdered by this pair of mother and son. Naturally, I hate her deeply.

Looking around, she saw a scholar wearing a decorative sword around her waist.

She took a step forward, pulled it out directly, and then aimed at Yao Chaofeng, that was, slashing.

But the sword didn't cut at all.

So you can only cut the skin and flesh of Yao Chaofeng.

Even so.

Yao Chaofeng still howled with pain.

"Don't I'm wrong. Yao Yu asked me to do it! No

Tang ling'er's eyes are red, ignoring Yao Chaofeng's plea for mercy.

It's all about smashing it, and every time you hit it, you're going to splash a little blood on your face.


After a few dozen.

Yao Chaofeng's howling voice gradually weak, finally paralyzed on the ground, no more sound.

There was a dead silence.

All the people looked at Tang ling'er with frightened eyes.

Just then.

One hand patted Tang ling'er on the shoulder.

"Well, the man is dead. Don't smash it again!"

Tang ling'er shivers all over and turns to look at xue'an. Her eyes are full of confusion and gradually regain their consciousness.

Then she threw down her sword and fell to her knees and cried.

"Xue an Thank you Tang Ling Er choked and said.

The thanks came from the bottom of my heart.

Because if it wasn't for Xue an, she might never know who killed her mother.

And Tang Sheng, who looked frustrated, also murmured at the moment: "Xue..."

Xue an waved her hand and said, "master of Tang family, I just wanted to make it clear to Miss Tang face-to-face. Since I know this, I can't ignore it."

In fact, Xue an felt something was wrong when he saw Yao Chaofeng. As soon as he understood the situation, Xue an found many doubts.

During this period of time, Xue an's strength has begun to recover gradually.

So he simply peeped into it with his mind and found out the truth.

That's why he killed people today.

After hearing Xue an's words, Tang Sheng was full of shame.

At this time, Xue an took out the letter, and at the same time took out an old sachet and put it beside Tang ling'er.

"Miss Tang, I'm lucky to be wrongly loved, but I'm not destined for it! Say goodbye and cherish each other! "

After that, Xue an looked at the whole audience, and with a smile, turned away.

Tang ling'er looks at xue'an's back, holding the sachet he gave to xue'an when he was a child, and tears burst out.

Tang Sheng, however, was hesitant and regretful.

Because Xue an's performance has been greatly beyond his expectation.

Even Tang Sheng, who was used to seeing young talents, was so impressed that he wanted to accept him as a good son-in-law.

But now it's too late.

Tang Sheng could only sit there with a face full of remorse.

As for the others in the study, they looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

They understand.

After today's story gets out.

Xue an's reputation will soar to the sky and become one of the hottest young talents in Kyoto!

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