"Sister Qing'er, why hasn't the young master come back?" Chan'er asked with a worried face.

Qinger's heart is also quite uneasy, but still forced to smile: "Chan son, you don't have to worry about that, miss with brother Xue, should be OK!"

"All right." Chan son some helpless response way, and then sat on the threshold, hands holding gills, looking at the door in general.

Qing'er couldn't help crying and laughing. "If you sit here, can brother Xue come back earlier?"

"But if I sit here and the young master comes back, I will be the first to see it." Chan'er said solemnly.

Qing'er just wanted to say something.

Chan'er jumped up and exclaimed excitedly, "it's the young master, the young master is back!"

Qing'er turns her head and looks.

Sure enough!

See Xue an strides into the courtyard with a smile on his face.

Qinger's heart is moving.

It took so long to come back.

Have things changed?

Thinking about it, Qing'er quickly said with a smile, "brother Xue, you are back!"

Xue an nodded. "Well, back!"

Why didn't miss come

"Miss Tang can't come for the time being!" Xue an says, turn head Chong Chan son to say.

"Chan'er, pack up, let's go!"


Qing'er and chan'er are all suspicious.

"Young master, why are you going?" Chan'er asked.

"Yes! Brother Xue, did our master say something? " Qing'er also quickly asked.

Xue an laughs and shakes his head. "I didn't say anything, but I made things clear, so I have to go."

Qing'er is more confused.

Chan son although also some doubts, but this simple little girl to Xue an's words have always been obedient, so obediently nodded, "good! I'm going to pack up! "

With that, he went back to the room to pack his bags.

Qing'er wants to ask what, but swallow back, just look at Xue an with sad eyes.

Anyway, the result is the worst.

A moment.

Chan'er comes out with a small bag on her back.

"Young master, everything is packed up!"

Xue an nodded, "miss Qing'er, please give Miss Tang a word and say we are going to leave."

After that, Xue an LED chan'er with a small bag on his back and turned away.

Qing'er stood there for a moment, then ran up like a dream and sent xue'an out of the gate of the Tang family.

"Miss Qing'er, stop!" Xue an head did not return, and then strode away.

Qing'er looks at Xue Anyuan's back. She has five flavors in her heart. She doesn't know what it's like.

But it was just then.

A plaintive sigh came from behind.

Qing'er turned her head and looked, and she was bluffed.

"Little Miss? "

That's right.

Standing behind Qing'er is Tang ling'er who doesn't know when.

Tang ling'er looked pale at the moment and nodded slightly.

"Qing'er, Xue What did you say when you left? "

Qing'er bowed her head a little sad, "brother Xue asked me to give you a word! Say he's gone

Tang ling'er's eyes gradually darkened after hearing the speech, and slowly clenched her hands, and in the palm of the hand was the sachet returned to her by Xue an.

"What's the matter, miss? Does the master disagree? Why did Xue resolutely leave his brother? " Qing'er asked.

Tang Ling Er bitter smile, "do not agree? No, he didn't agree

Qing'er didn't understand who Tang ling'er said he was at first. After a while, she suddenly woke up and then turned white.

"Miss, do you mean brother Xue doesn't agree?"

Tang ling'er nodded wearily, and suddenly seemed to think of something. His eyes suddenly brightened. "Qing'er, while he is not far away, quickly send some smart little servant girls to follow him. You must know where his foothold is."

Qing'er immediately nodded, "understand!"

Qing'er goes down to prepare.

Tang ling'er stood there, a pair of wonderful eyes in brilliant brilliance, whispered softly.

"So you want to refuse me? You underestimate my toughness! "

When the Tang family became restless.

Xue an leads chan'er to leave Yiyang square and stands on the noisy street.

Chan'er comes over.

"Young master, where are we going now?"

Xue an looks at this huge capital city, and finally stops at changlefang, which is only one street away from Yiyang square.

Located in the west of Dongshi, changlefang is the first-class prosperous place in the whole Tiansheng Kyoto.And the reason why it is so prosperous is that it gathers the most famous brothel women in Kyoto and even the whole world.

It can be said that this is the red light district of Tiansheng Kyoto.

The famous prostitutes, chivalrous men and romantic personages are all gathered here, which makes the ten li fireworks Lane famous.

But in Xue an's eyes, you can see the familiar breath lingering in the sky above the paradise square.

The breath was so faint that it was obvious that the man had been gone for a long time.

This is why Xue an didn't notice when he first entered Kyoto.

But now Xue an's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

A smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, then he raised his hand and pointed to the opposite side. He said faintly, "chan'er!"


"Young master, I'll show you around the kiln today!"

Chan'er looked at the opposite blissful square with a puzzled face, then grabbed his head and said, "young master, what is a kiln? Why visit it? "

Xue an dumbfounded and tapped chan'er's head lightly, "which so many questions, go with the young master to know!"


After chan'er follows xue'an into the changlefang, her eyes gradually widen.

Because there are many brightly dressed women who are relying on the corridor on the beautiful pavilions beside the road. To the following smile Yan Yan, pointing.

After seeing Xue an and chan'er.

These women are all stunned, and then have to cover their mouths and smile, began to talk.

"What a wonder! Did you even come to Changle square with your maid? "

"This young man is good-looking, which suits me very much. Don't rob me, sisters and sisters!"

"Bah, I've torn your mouth! Do you like it

These women began to laugh and scold, and from time to time they threw a wink at xue'an.

These women are used to doing this business, but usually the people who can come to changlefang are sour literati or high-ranking officials.

But these people are basically older.

It is rare for Xue an to visit changlefang at his age.

What's more rare is that the jade trees are still alive, which makes these women's hearts flutter.

Can Chan son at this time but finally understand what kiln is, can't help blushing face to the root of the ear.

"Less Young master, isn't this fireworks alley? Why are we here? "

Xue an said with a faint smile, "naturally Come and find someone

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