"Looking for someone?" Chan'er's cerebellar pouch is full of question marks.

Who are you looking for in this willow land?

Xue an did not answer chan'er's question, but looked around.


He found the man he wanted.

A man came from the other side of the street.

He was about thirty years old, dressed in a splendid dress, but his face was obscene, his eyes were blue, and his eyes were always on the pretty girls on the street.

It can be seen at a glance that this is a veteran of Fengyue.

Xue an smiles and steps forward, blocking the man's way.

"Hold on, brother!"

This person a Leng, stood still, looked up and down Xue an several eyes, some strange said: "brother, I don't know you!"

Xue an a smile, "of course not know!"

"What did you stop me for?" Although Xue an's clothes were not gorgeous, he didn't dare to look down on her because of her elegant appearance and indifferent temperament.

Especially when he saw chan'er following xue'an, his whole body was shocked and his eyes showed amazing light.

In his opinion, Xue an's status is absolutely different from that of chan'er.

Is it the son of a wealthy family who visited Beijing?

This one is thinking.

Xue an said lightly: "as soon as I saw my brother, I knew that he was an experienced veteran. However, when I first came here, I didn't know a lot of things. Therefore, I would like to ask: in this Changle square, can you be an amazing girl with colorful arts?"

This one hears, in front of the eyes is a bright, then smile way: "old man is to ask right person! I don't dare to say goodbye, but I know clearly which girl is beautiful and which girl is clinging to people

"But I don't know what you're looking for? How much money are you going to spend? " Hu San glared at Xue an.

Xue an said with a smile, "I don't know what to look for. I just heard that changlefang is famous all over the world, so I want to come and see it. As for how much money I plan to spend..."

"Just find the most expensive one."

Hu Sanyi was overjoyed.

Sure enough!

He did not guess wrong, this is a pretending to be a low-key big family.

Otherwise, how dare you have such confidence?

You know, changlefang is a famous gold selling cave.

If you don't have a few hundred Liang silver, you don't want to see those real top girls.

And this one opened his mouth and said he wanted to find the most expensive one. Obviously, he has a rich family background.

Although Hu San was happy in his heart, he did not look at all.

"It seems that old man is a fellow! In this case, I'll take you to a place where not only money but also talent and...! "

Speaking of this, Hu San looks at Xue an and swallows back the two characters of his appearance.

No matter how critical people are, they can't find fault in Xue an's appearance.

Xue an smelt speech a smile, "since so, that trouble brother!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Hu San was full of joy.

If I can introduce a hero to the brothel, the reward will not be small.

Naturally, he was very happy.

And when Hu San is leading the way.

Chan son worried about gains and losses to come together.

"Young master, we We have more than two liang silver on us now! We have to keep it for dinner and hotel. You If you use it now, what can we do? "

That day, Xue an destroyed the Chen family and took a ding of silver as the food money.

Although the shopkeeper Yang cried and called back the money.

But on the way to the capital, Xue an used almost all the money.

So now the two masters and servants are worth more than two or two silver.

Chan'er is naturally very sad.

What's more, listening to Xue an's meaning, it seems that she's going to find the first card girl.

Let's not talk about where the money comes from.

If you really want to find it.

What can I do for myself?

Chan'er's heart is full of sour taste.

Xue an naturally saw it, so she chuckled and hit her on the head.

"Well, you young master, I naturally have a sense of propriety. Don't talk too much!"

"Oh Chan'er lowered her head and did not dare to speak again.

Hu San was very familiar with the changlefang. After leading Xue an for a few streets, he came to an elegant courtyard.

Standing on the street, you can see the wooden buildings standing in the courtyard.

Nothing else.

This style is far better than those brothels built on the street.

Hu Sanchong squeezed his eyes and said with a smile, "brother Xue, this is where the Lan Kwai Fong I just told you. Tut, it's really the time for you to come. Today is just the day when everyone Nie of LAN Guifang is listed."Xue an looked up at the Lan Kwai Fong and said with a faint smile, "so I'm lucky!"

"That's nature. Please follow me, brother Xue!"

Hu Sanxing led Xue an into the Lan Kwai Fang.

It's time to light.

But the courtyard is decorated with countless delicate lanterns, which do not appear dim at all.

At the same time, the flowers and plants in the courtyard are in full bloom, and with the lantern reflection, walking in the meantime, the beauty is like a picture scroll.

And in that small building, from time to time came the sound of talking and laughing.

Xue an understood that there was a girl waiting for guests.

The small building in the middle of Lan Kwai Fong is now full of lights.

And in the open space outside, there are many disorderly guards.

It seems that they are all from different families.

Hu San takes a breath of cold air.

"Why are there so many big people in the yuan family today?"

He turned his head to say something to Xue an.

Today, if you don't want to go, there are so many wangsun nobles here. Even if you go in, you can't see everyone Nie.

However, Xue an had already walked up the steps and stepped into the small building.

Hu Sanyi was stunned, then sighed, and hurriedly followed up.

Anyway, since you're here, go in.

You should have a good time.

The hall of this small building is full of lights, and many people have been sitting here for a long time.

These people are well-dressed, bearing proud, obviously not ordinary people.

And when Xue an came in.

All of them looked back.

But when Hu San follows in.

A lot of people disdain to turn around.

Others said with a smile: "Husan, you pickle goods, how dare you come here? Do you think everyone Nie will summon you? "

Hu San's face was full of laughter. "How dare you? I just accompany my friends to see the excitement."

"Oh, this little servant girl is not bad!"

When chan'er comes in with a low eyebrow, someone can't help but make a banter.

Hearing this, chan'er's head can't help burying lower, and her face is red and purple.

Xue an looked up.

The speaker was a man in a black suit with gold lace and an evil face.

Hu Sanmian was bitter and said in a low voice: "don't talk. This is the eldest son of the Chang family. We can't afford it!"

Xue an does not agree with a smile, and then found a seat to sit down.

But this Chang family childe did not intend to let go of Xue an's meaning, a pair of eyes is staring at Chan Er standing behind Xue an.

After a while, he stood up and went straight to xue'an and raised his hand to chan'er.

"I'll take this little servant girl. Let's make a price!"

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