There was a slight commotion.

A lot of people look at it with playful eyes.

Some of the princes and grandchildren are even more snickering and whispering.

"Fresh old brother, I love you so much

"Tut Tut, this new comer is going to have bad luck!"

In these comments.

Xue an took a sip of tea, then looked up at the speaker, "get out of here!"


There was an uproar.

This Chang family childe is a heavy complexion, "boy, do you know who is talking to?"

Xue an put down the cup of tea. "I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing. But do you believe it or not, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will let you know what regret is!"

It's a hornet's nest.

A lot of people look at Xue an in surprise.

Some people even shake their heads in secret.

He thought that the new boy was too vigorous to understand what would happen if he offended Chang family in Tiansheng Kyoto.

I don't think he'll survive tonight.

The young master of the Chang family was livid. "Very good. No one dares to talk to me like that for a long time! You are the first one! "

Xue an smiles, "don't worry, there will be more and more in the future, and you will get used to it gradually."

The young master of the Chang family was so angry that he wanted to have a fit.

At this time, Hu San, who was already shaking with fear, said quickly, "often Don't be angry, Mr. Chang. My friend has just come from other places. I don't know the rules of Kyoto. I hope you don't care about villains and let him go! "

The young master of the Chang family snorted coldly and said, "let him go? Well, now give me this little servant girl, and kneel down to beg for mercy, and I will let him go! Otherwise Hum

Hu's face was hard to see.

Xue an looked at Hu San in surprise.

He didn't expect that Hu San would dare to plead for himself.

You know, they realize it's only half an hour now.

According to the law, this kind of thing can be neglected by Hu San da.

I didn't expect him to speak for himself.

On this basis, the quality of Hu San is not too bad.

But at this time.

A well-dressed old man came up and said, "Mr. Chang, Hu San, no matter what kind of hatred you have, don't attack here. What's more, everyone NIE is going to be listed soon. If you collide with the girl, who will make up for it?"

Hearing this, the young master of the Chang family snorted angrily, glanced at Xue an coldly, and then turned back to his seat.

Just from his eyes from time to time revealed the chill can be seen, this Chang family childe has obviously moved to kill the heart.

Hu San, a little sad, whispered to xue'an: "brother Xue, listen to my advice. Now leave here quickly. If it's too late, you can't leave!"

"This Chang family is very influential in Kyoto, especially in changlefang and Dongshi. They are absolutely right. What you offend is Chang HAOSI, the eldest son of Chang family. He is the most difficult person to deal with! The hero should not suffer from the immediate loss, but should leave as soon as possible! "

Xue an was not moved at all, just a smile, "thank you for your concern, but I have a temper. If you want to do something, you have to make it. Otherwise, the sky will fall down and I won't leave!"

"You Alas Hu San sighed and stopped persuading.

At this moment.

Listen to the footsteps on the stairs, and then a woman called out: "Nie girl hang out, gentlemen, please see!"

Say it.

The maid pulled the red cloth.

On the stairs, there was a scroll slowly falling down, showing the words written on it.

All the people in the hall gathered around, looked at it for a few seconds, and then began to talk.

"It's still true! Talk about a quarter price fifty Liang, a piece of Guqin price 80! Tut Tut, I still don't have the talent to enter the curtain

"Well, money is the second. The key is that Miss Nie should be able to look at you. Otherwise, you are just putting out a thousand taels of gold, and people will not look at you."

At this time, Chang HAOSI took the lead in saying, "I'll give you one hundred Liang silver. I wish I could meet Miss Nie."

The maid turned and left, but after a while, the maid rushed back and shook her head.

"Mr. Chang, my girl said that she had talked with him last time. She felt that the way was different and they didn't agree with each other, so I won't talk about it this time!"

"What?" Chang HAOSI was stunned.

What does that mean?

What does it mean to be different?

You know, since last month Chang HAOSI spent a lot of money to meet the Nie family, he has been dreaming about him.

This time, I heard that Nie everyone was listed again. He came early to see Fangrong again.

And turned down?

But no matter how angry Chang HAOSI is, he has no way but to look at it at a loss.Then, several more princes wanted to see each other, but they were all rejected.

Today, no one can lift the card that everyone Nie has hung up.

Xue an slowly stood up and said, "today's card, I uncovered it!"

All the people in the hall turned their eyes to Xue an.

Chang HAOSI's face sank and snorted coldly.

The maid said, "may I ask your name? And what price are you going to pay? "

Xue an smiles. "My name is Xue an. What price should I offer...!"

Can I have a pen and paper here

The crowd was stunned.

What do you mean?

What do you want?

However, Lan Kwai Fang is a first-class brothel, and scholars often come here to drink and have fun, so there is no lack of paper and pen.


Then someone brought paper, brush, ink and inkstone.

Xue an wrote a piece of paper quickly. Then he threw the pen and said, "give this to your lady. Tell her that That's the price I've offered

The maid was also stunned.

But I dare not ask more.

Take the paper and leave in a hurry.

There was silence in the hall.

Then came the sound of banter.

"Tut Tut, this guy is not trying to use poetry to move everyone Nie?"

"He's really a stranger. Doesn't he know that everyone NIE is a famous poet in Kyoto? Do you dare to teach her how to do it in front of her

"Hey, hey, there's a lot of fun here!"

In these comments, that Chang HAOSI is also a slight squint in his eyes and a look of disdain.

In his opinion, this xue'an is a disgrace to himself.

Because in Kyoto, it has been a long time since no one dares to recite poetry in front of Nie.

Even Hu San couldn't help shaking his head secretly, feeling that he had lost.

I thought that Xue an was a rich man. If he brought him here, he would get a reward.

As a result, I didn't expect to be a poor scholar who didn't know the heaven and earth.

But when everyone thought Xue an was wishful thinking.

Listen to the sound of the stairs, and then there is a beauty lotus step gently move down the stairs, full of anxiety said: "where is the writer of the lyrics?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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