
Everyone turned to look at Xue an, who was standing there.

And this Nie everybody also at the first time noticed long body jade Li, the expression is indifferent Xue an.

At this time, the maid said, "young lady, this young man is the writer."

Nie took a deep breath, and forced himself to suppress the excitement in his heart and held back his eyes to Xue an.

"Yes, sir."

Xue an's expression changed slightly. There seemed to be disappointment in her eyes, but she soon returned to normal, then nodded with a smile.

"Miss Nie, you are welcome."

At this moment, everyone Nie's heart is full of vibration and pleasantly surprised.

As the absolute number one in danguifang, she enjoys the highest freedom and rights.

For example, this monthly listing is her privilege.

And what she did was to find the right person in this way.

But again and again disappointment, has let her very numb.

This listing meeting is the same, she had no hope.

Unexpectedly, the maid suddenly sent a piece of paper.

At the beginning, everyone didn't take it seriously.

It's just writing sour poems to please yourself.

She had already seen a little numb.

Can never expect is, when she opened a look, the whole person is like lightning, sitting in place.

Because it is very simple, only two lines of words, but like a sharp blade, straight into her heart.

How much hate, last night in the dream soul, also like the old time to travel to the garden, cars such as water, horses like dragons, flowers and months are spring breeze.

It is such a very short small order, but let the writing of poetry, also used to see the poetry of Nie everyone was shocked.

There is no gorgeous decoration, even a few words.

But he wrote all his sorrows.

How could it not have shaken her.

Then she couldn't wait to ask, "who is the writer?"

The maid just hesitated.

This ordinary and elegant Nie can't help but run downstairs to see who can write such wonderful poems.

After seeing Xue an for the first time.

She was even more shocked.

Because Xue an's appearance and bearing are impeccable.

When he stood there quietly, only a stranger such as jade, childe world unparalleled to describe.

Originally did not hold the hope Nie everybody, the heart lightly trembles, the small deer bumps disorderly.

"Young master, please come upstairs with me!"

Xue Anluo pondered, then nodded, "it's OK!"

This Nie everybody in the heart is joyful, the face also showed a touch of joy, and then very naturally in the side accompany, pick up the level and go upstairs.

After the two people's body shape has disappeared behind the bead curtain on the second floor.

All the people in the hall looked at each other, and then they all exclaimed.

"Am I right! Did you come downstairs to meet a guest

"I remember that the last time I came down from today's hall, I didn't get this treatment!"

"Tut, I don't know what the new boy wrote? Can let always calm Nie everybody so excited. "

These comments come and go.

Chang HAOSI looks iron green, and unconsciously holds the corner of the table in his hand. Sheng Sheng pinches out a deep fingerprint on the corner of the table made of this iron wood.

First of all, he was rude to me, and then he dared to "rob" the woman I fell in love with. I must kill you!

Chang HAOSI's heart screamed wildly.

And on the other side.

Hu San is staring at, in the mind only two big characters are circling.


What is a cow? This is called cow!

He did not spend a copper plate, but wrote a piece of paper casually. As a result, everyone Nie, who was famous in Kyoto, came down to meet him in person.

How high spirited is that?

Hu San is in awe.

Chan'er has come to her senses from her surprise and asks, "I What did my young master do with this woman

The voice was full of anxiety.

Hu San took a look at chan'er, then said with a smile, "OK, don't worry. Your young master is OK. He's just lucky to be liked by everyone Nie. Now he's drinking tea and talking to each other. Don't think about it!"

"Really?" Chan'er doesn't believe it.

Hu San nodded, "of course it's true! Do you think everyone NIE is a kind of mediocre and vulgar powder that can be easily manipulated with money? They are all qingkuan people up to now, just to wait for the right person to appear. Now it's just a chat. You don't have to... "

I haven't finished.

And she came to the stairway, and stretched out her hand and put on a white towel on the sign on the second floor.See the scene.

There was a dead silence.

Hu San almost glared his eyes out.

"Why How could it be? "

"What's the matter?" Chan'er asked in a trembling voice.

At this time, there were discussions in the hall.

"Sleeping trough, I read it right! Everyone Nie has decided to leave the cabinet? "

"This is to call up the young man just now to be the guest of honor."

"Oh, my God, is there any reason! Everyone NIE is going out of the cabinet! "

Sighs and surprises mingled.

But Chang HAOSI was furious and broke the table in front of him with one hand, and then got up and left with a murderous face.

Chan'er naturally heard these comments and understood what was going on.

I can't help feeling sad.

"Young master Young master, this is to... "

There was a trace of crying in the voice.

It's when there's a lot of noise out there.

Xue an is sitting comfortably in her room on the second floor.

In front of him, there is the face of the peach blossom Nie everyone.

Everything is like a friend I met for the first time, without any ambiguity.

At this time, Nie everyone secretly raised their eyes and looked at Xue an, who was drinking tea with his head bowed. His heart was trembling.

Is it so nice to drink tea?

But why hasn't he spoken up to now?

Want to know other people come in to see themselves, which is not racking their brains to say a few words to themselves?

Why has he been drinking tea with his head down?

Is it because I'm young and I can't let it go?

Mm-hmm, it must be!

Nie everyone thought about it and said with a smile, "I don't know the name of the young master yet."

"Xue an!"

"Mr. Xue, this Xiaoling is really a masterpiece rarely seen in recent years. It can be seen that Mr. Xue's literary talent is brilliant and admirable."

Xue an smiles, then silence.

Until this Nie everybody already had some uncontrollable time.

"Tea is good!" Xue Ancai said lightly

Nie everyone was stunned.

What is that?

Then Xue an stood up and said, "Miss Nie, goodbye!"

After that, I will leave.

This Nie everybody is completely stupid.

What does that mean?

"Mr. Xue, what do you mean, but did I run into him because I didn't speak well?" Nie everybody strong endure the grievance in the heart to say.

Xue an smiles slightly, turns to face this Nie everybody to shake head, "no, just Nie everybody is not the person I want to look for, that's all!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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