"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for

"An old friend!"

"Old friends..." Nie Yihan whispered softly.

At this time, Xue an turned to leave.

Nie Yihan shivered all over and woke up like a dream. He called out in a hurry: "please stay here, young master."

"What else?" Xue an head also did not return, light way.

Nie Yihan took a deep breath and said to himself calmly, "young master, have you ever had a verbal conflict with a person just now in that hall?"

Xue an tiny a Zheng, "you say that what Chang family childe?"

Nie Yihan's face was dignified and nodded, "yes! Young master, you are a stranger. Naturally, you don't know the influence of Chang family around here! It can be said that the Chang family is a well-known local villain, and you offend Chang HAOSI, the eldest son of the Chang family. This kind of domineering nature is not good. If you leave like this, it will be very difficult for you to spend the evening safely. "

Nie Yihan, as the leader of Lan Kwai Fong, naturally knows the blissful place full of fish and dragons.

She was well aware of the unruly nature of the families who occupied one side.

Therefore, after hearing the servant girl's report, she felt that Xue an was more dangerous than lucky.

After hearing Nie Yihan's words, Xue an's mouth filled with a smile, "Oh? It sounds like it's very powerful! "

Seeing Xue an's carelessness, Nie Yihan stamped his feet, "childe, I didn't laugh with you! It's really a big deal! "

"Thank you for reminding me, but I have a problem. The more dangerous it is, the more I want to touch it!"

"You..." Nie Yihan was very angry, and then sighed, "I don't know what you depend on, but if you are so talented and learned, if you are hurt by a group of street hooligans, isn't it a big loss?"

"What does the girl mean?"

"Young master, for today's sake, you'd better not go out of danguifang! Because only here, that Chang HAOSI dare not mess around! What's more, isn't he looking for someone? You can tell me about each other's features, and I'll find a way to help you find it! "

Say say, Nie Yi Han's cheek is tiny red, slowly lowered head.

Because Xue an has been looking at her like a smile.

This let Nie Yihan's heart beat like a drum, the deer bumped around.

Do you think I'm a frivolous woman?

But if you don't say it, won't it hurt him?

Nie Yihan is in a state of confusion and thinking.

Xue an shook his head and chuckled, "thank you for your kindness, but I don't know what kind of person I'm looking for now."

"Does that have a name?"

Xue an shook her head. "Well, I don't know what her name is or what she looks like. I don't even know whether it's a man or a woman."

Nie Yihan was surprised to stare round eyes.

How can anyone look for someone like this?

Even what the other party looks like, whether it is a man or a woman, how can I find it?

It seems to feel Nie Yihan's surprise, Xue an smile, "but as long as she appears in front of me, I will know if it is her!"

Then xue'an's sight seemed to penetrate the barrier of the wall and look into the void. "I can feel that she is here! I hope she's safe, or there's a guy who's going to be totally crazy, and the consequences will be Even I can't stop it! "

Nie Yihan heard the mist all over his head and just wanted to say something.

Xue an slightly arched his hand, "Nie girl's kindness has been accepted by me. Goodbye!"

After that, Xue an walked out of the room and went downstairs.

Nie Yihan stupidly looks at Xue an's back, in the heart five flavor miscellaneous Chen, does not know is what taste.

She suddenly felt that the young man was carrying a lot of things, even his back, were so lonely.

It is a kind of independence after the vicissitudes of life, containing countless secrets.

This strong feeling made Nie Yihan feel extremely strong curiosity.

What did he go through?

At the same time.

Xue an goes down the stairs.

At this time, those people in the hall have already dispersed, only Hu San and chan'er are still there.

When I saw Xue an come down.

Hu San's expression suddenly became very wonderful.

"Cough, young people's firepower is not too strong! How can you come down so soon? " Hu San murmured in a low voice, which he thought Xue an could not hear.

Can Xue an eye light slightly cold looked at him, then let him swallow all the words behind.

"Young master, you What are you doing up there Chan'er asked with some sadness.

Xue an light way: "drank a cup of tea, chatted will day!"

"That's all?" Chan'er has some doubts.

Xue an raised his hand and knocked her little head, "or what do you want?"

Chan'er covered her head with pain, but her expression turned to anger and joy. She said with a smile: "I thought the young master had to have dinner."Xue an was dumbfounded and said, "go!"

"Young master, what are you going to do?"

"To dinner, of course."

Chan Er nodded happily, "mm-hmm!"

Then Xue an looked at Hu San standing on the side.

"Brother Hu, please come with me."

Hu Sanyi Leng, and then look at Xue an with consternation on his face, "where are you going to have dinner?"

"Outside, of course."

"But Didn't everybody Nie tell you? Just now that Chang HAOSI left in anger, with his character, will never let you go! You are still safe in this Dan Gui Fang. Once you leave, you can see the sun tomorrow

Hu San was excited.

Xue an seems to have not heard of the same, toward the side of Chan Er smile: "Chan Er, I remember when we came to the road there is a wonton stand, let's go to eat wonton!"

"Good young master!"

Then Xue an leads Chan Er to go out.

Hu San looked at it.

After a while, his face showed the color of struggle and hesitation. Finally, he stamped his foot with hatred and quickly followed him.

"I'm a little hungry, too. A bowl of wonton should be good!"

Xue an glanced at him and said faintly, "aren't you afraid?"

"I'm afraid, but I'll sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman! And The wonton in that wonton stand is really delicious

Xue an laughed, "OK, then go and try how good you say it is!"

It was late at night.

The whole paradise, all the brothels are singing and dancing.

The streets are already deserted.

Although the spring is over half way, but the night is still cold.

At such a moment, a wonton stand beside the road, which emits a curl of hot air, is very precious.

The stall owner is a tired old man, but Hu San is very familiar with him.

"Laoluoguo, three bowls of wonton!"

The stall owner raised his head to have a look at Hu San, and then said with a smile, "you boy, you haven't come here any time. Are you still the same?"

"Yes, double the sauce!"

At this time, the stall owner found Xue an and nodded with a smile, "please sit down, sir! Just a moment

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