Wonton is delicious, and the soup is moderate in hot and sour.

In this cold spring night, eating such a bowl of wonton really makes people iron from the heart out.

Hu San was eating wonton while he was still talking about the girls in the blissful place.

"There are four flower queens in this paradise! One of them is Mr. Nie of danguifang we see today. In addition to that, there are flower heads of several brothels, such as Huafan building and nephrite Pavilion. They are all first-class and first-rate beauties! "

"It's a pity that I've been lucky enough to see everyone Nie once, but I haven't been able to see others! Tut Tut, if you are lucky enough to meet all of you, you will die without regret! "

If you don't eat it, you can't eat it.

However, chan'er is really a little disgusted with Hu San. He thinks that he is deliberately teaching the bad young master, so he gives him a vicious look.

"Bah! Lecherous

"Well, little girl, how can you talk like that? As a man, it's a matter of course to love beauty. What's wrong with this? " Hu San began to "argue with reason".

"Well, I don't talk to bad people!"

"Do I look bad?"

"Isn't it?"

"Like it?"


Just as the two of them were arguing.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Although there were few pedestrians on the street before, there were still late visitors or early departures.

But all of a sudden.

The whole street became empty.

Even the chatter and laughter from the nearby brothels disappeared.

The whole world is killing.

This kind of death with a thick and ominous meaning makes Hu's face change greatly.

"Brother Xue, this

"Don't be aware of it, but don't eat it again

Hu San hesitated, but in the end he shook his head and continued to eat.

After eating a bowl of wonton, Xue an wiped his mouth with satisfaction. Then she looked up to see the darkness in the distance. A cold smile gradually appeared in the corner of her mouth.

"Since you are here, come out."

With Xue an's voice.

In the darkness that the light couldn't reach, the figure began to emerge gradually.

One, two.


In all directions of the wonton stand, there were hundreds of men in black with cold looks.

These people surrounded the wonton stand, and the atmosphere suddenly stagnated to the extreme.

The stall owner had already been scared to hide under the table.

Hu San's face was pale, and his hands were shaking. He couldn't even hold his chopsticks.

Only Xue an looks as usual. After looking around at the group of visitors, he sighed slightly, "the domineering Chang family sent so many people for a small matter. Do you want to chop me into meat paste?"

"You are right A voice full of banter and cruelty came, and then the crowd quietly separated a road, Chang HAOSI slowly walked in.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't expect to be able to solve you tonight, because if you don't come out in the danguifang, I can't do anything about you! But it seems that even God is helping me. How dare you go out to eat wonton! Do you really think I dare not kill you Chang HAOSI is proud of his cat playing with a mouse.

Xue an listens quietly, while her fingers unconsciously tap on the table top.

Suddenly, he turned to look at Hu San, whose face was pale. "You are right. The wonton here is really delicious, so I decided to have another bowl!"

Hu San was about to cry.

What time is it?

Still thinking about eating?

And Chang HAOSI has been holding the shoulder, looking at it in his spare time.

In his opinion, this Xue an is nothing more than procrastination.

And he enjoyed the sense of teasing dying prey.

It gives him a morbid hyperactivity, as if he were holding the lives of others in his own hands.

At this time, Xue an said seriously to the shaking old pot under the table: "excuse me, please cook another bowl of wonton for me, remember to put less pepper!"

Lao Luo's pot had already shaken and could not even speak.

As a man who has set up a stall on the street of blissful square for decades, he naturally knows how overbearing the Chang family is.

Even tonight, I'll probably die.

Where are you in the mood to cook wonton.

At this time, Chang HAOSI laughed grimly, "boy, I advise you not to struggle. No matter how much time you delay and make a mystery, you will not be able to change your destiny! Don't worry, I will be very careful to clean up you, to ensure that you spend a most unforgettable night in life! Oh, by the way, and you little servant girl. When you leave, I will take good care of her. After all, these brothers under my hand have not served meat for a long time! "Speaking of this, Chang HAOSI burst into laughter.

The laughter was full of arrogance and complacency.

"It sounds very skilled. It seems that you must have done more of this kind of thing!" Xue an's indifferent voice penetrated the laughter and spread into everyone's ears.

Chang HAOSI a Leng, then ferocious way: "is again how?"

Xue an sighed, "in fact, I just want to eat a bowl of wonton, but since you want to die, you can't blame me!"


Chang HAOSI thought he had heard something wrong.

Surrounded by so many people, how dare you say you want to die?

Isn't this boy out of his mind?

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "let's go together and kill me to eat wonton before it's too late!"

"Kill him!" Chang HAOSI looks gloomy and terrible, and waves his hand.

Those who are behind him will bypass his body shape, swarm on, ready to split Xue an disorderly blade.

At this moment.

A drop of rain just fell.

The first spring rain of this year has arrived.

In a twinkling of an eye, the spring rain covered the whole Tiansheng Kyoto.

But at the moment, no one is going to enjoy the scene on a rainy night. The killers of Chang's family flock to the front and raise their swords to start.

It was when Chang HAOSI, who watched the battle in the rear, appeared a smile of pride.

Xue an picked up a bamboo chopstick and sighed, "it's raining. It's really a disappointment."

After that, Xue an waved.

The bamboo chopsticks swept across, and a sword as bright as the sun opened the curtain of rain and cut people straight.

The bodies of these killers in black froze in an instant.

At the same time.

In the distant sky, there is a faint spring thunder.

When the sound came, the bodies of the killers broke off from their waists.

The blood gushed all over the ground, mixed with rain, meandering and flowing, and the strong smell of blood was scattered and diffused.

And then on the long street, there was only chang HAOSI standing there.

Xue an quietly looked at him, "I said, this is your own death, can not blame others!"

"No..." Chang HAOSI was shocked and wanted to roar.

But it was too late.

With a wave of his hand, Xue an's bamboo chopsticks turned into a bright sword light that people could not look at directly. It passed through Chang HAOSI's throat, and then he took it out and nailed it to the brick wall not far away.

Chang HAOSI convulsed a few times, and finally opened his eyes, unwilling to die.

Xue an smiles at Hu San, who is stunned. "The rain is really boring and hinders me from eating."

With that, Xue an cut the sky with his hand as his sword.

A sharp sword flies straight into the sky, directly splitting the strong clouds.

The rain gradually stopped.

Xue an lowered her head and laughed at Lao Luoguo. "OK, please cook me a bowl of wonton again."

No one dares to speak.

Even the whole of Kyoto was awed by this sword.

This is a sword Move the capital!

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