
Nie Yihan is sitting in the room.

Suddenly the voice of awe came from the door.

"Sister Mei!"

"Met sister Mei!"

Then a female voice said, "well, is your lady here?"

"The lady is in the room!"

While speaking, the door was pushed open, and a full-bodied woman in her forties came in.

Nie Yihan, who was in a daze, stood up in a hurry when he saw the woman.


The woman's face sank like water and nodded, "sit down!"

Nie Yihan slightly a Zheng, then lowered his head and sat down in silence.

Can be called sister by the leader of danguifang, this woman is the backstage shopkeeper of danguifang, Mei Xia.

It's just that Mei Xia doesn't often come to danguifang on weekdays, so it's less known to outsiders.

But people who know the inside story all know how powerful this woman is.

In terms of the light of friendship and the toughness of her wrist, this Meisha is no less than that of many men.

This is also the reason why danguifang can stand in the paradise square where fish and dragons are mixed together, and even make the Chang family fear three points.

Did not expect that she also came today, Nie Yihan's heart has a premonition.

Sure enough.

After sitting down, Mei Xia's first sentence was straight to the point.

"I heard that Yi Han, when you were listing today, you not only went downstairs to meet a young man, but also hung up a white towel and was willing to call him to be the guest of honor. Is that true?"

The voice is indifferent, but it contains dignity without anger.

Nie Yihan shivered all over, and then said, "yes!"

There was a long silence.

Then Mei Xia stretched out her hand and said, "take it out!"

"What?" Nie Yihan was at a loss.

Mei Xia spat, "silly girl, don't pretend to be stupid with me. You can make people who are so arrogant as you come down to meet you. You can see that this person is absolutely different. What did he write to you, don't you take it out?"

Nie Yihan spat out his tongue and said with a helpless smile: "it's really something that can't be concealed from my sister's eyes!"

Said, Nie Yihan carefully took out the paper written by Xue an from his arms and handed it over.

Seeing this scene, Mei Xia's eyes changed slightly. When she took the paper and opened it, she was stunned.

"Sister, how is this little order written?" Nie Yihan asked with pride.

"Good! Good! Good MEIXIA did not turn her eyes and said three good words.

"I also think this poem is wonderful. It can be called the best poem in the past three years because it has written all the melancholy in one line." Nie Yihan said with a smile.

But Meisha didn't say a word. She just closed the paper and sighed after looking at it for a long time.

"Words are good words, but it's a pity..."

Nie Yihan's face changed, "what a pity?"

"It's a pity that the writer's life is not long."

This sentence let Nie Yihan be struck by lightning, until after a while, she just recovered, and then asked in a trembling voice: "sister, why do you say so?"

"Yi Han, because of what, do you still use me to say?"

"Is it..."

Mei Xia nodded. "Yes, it's Chang family."

"Do you know why I came to danguifang so late? Is because received the news, Chang family sent a large number of people, ambush near the Dangui square! And this news is what Chang HAOSI, the son of the Chang family, told me! To deal with the young master who wrote this little Ling! "

Every time MEIXIA said a word, Nie Yihan's face was pale. At the back, her face was as pale as paper, and her whole body began to tremble.

Of course, she knew that Xue an would be in danger if she offended Chang HAOSI.

But she didn't expect the danger to come so fast, so fast.

Chang HAOSI can be called ruthless, and even informed the backstage Mei Xia of danguifang in advance, which is virtually equivalent to blocking the possibility of danguifang helping.

Nie Yihan is smart and naturally sees everything behind it. But the more she is like this, the more desperate she is.

"Sister, is there no other way to save him?" Nie Yihan said in a low voice, full of pleading.

Mei Xia sighed and shook her head. "Although I'm sorry, this is the fact. Although we don't have to look at the faces of Chang's family in the blissful square, Chang HAOSI told me in advance and didn't start in Dangui square. All the retreating ways have been blocked. Even I can't force myself to stop it!"

Nie Yihan bowed his head and did not speak.

Although we have known each other for only half a day.

But she was so impressed by Xue an.

The lonely young man, the talented man who made such wonderful orders, should he die in the night of the blissful square and in the hands of a group of local ruffians?Think about I'm not willing to!

Just then, outside the sound of rain.

Meisha came to the window, gazed at the rain curtain outside and sighed: "it's raining! Be washed by rain, the blood on the long street will fade faster

Nie Yihan also looked out of the window at the rainy night, can not help but also crazy.

But it was just then.

In the dark night sky, a bright light flashed across.

Mei Xia, who had been indifferent, changed her face and exclaimed: "how can it be! How could it have such a sword meaning... "

The voice did not fall.

Another sword light, like the sun and rainbow, crossed the sky and stabbed the sky.

Then the sword light exploded in the sky like fireworks.

In an instant.

The clouds that originally covered the moon and stars were torn to pieces, revealing the stars all over the sky.

The rain naturally stopped.

Mei Xia's eyes gaped at the scene, then began to tremble, and her jaw clenched with fear.

And in her eyes, is full of infinite fear.

She has practiced martial arts for many years and is good at swordsmanship.

That's why she can feel the horror of the sword light just now.

How powerful that is.

Just like in the face of a God who can tear the heaven and earth apart, so that life can not afford the slightest resistance, just want to kneel down and worship.

And Meisha can be sure that no one in the whole of Kyoto can send out this sword.


Meisha was frightened by the idea in her heart.

And Nie Yihan at this time also returned to God, panic asked: "sister, just what is that?"

Mei Xia took a deep breath and said calmly, "that was The real strong are showing miracles

Nie Yihan was stunned, and then he asked, "that Is it from Chang family? "

"Chang family?" Meisha sneered, then turned to look out of the window at the stars.

In the night sky at this moment, the stars are like diamonds, and the moon is like a hook.

"If I guess right, soon There will be no Chang family! "

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