Tang ling'er recognized the visitor at a glance.

Isn't this the one who was sent out to follow xue'an?

How did he come back?

Have things changed?

So she immediately asked, "what happened? Why are you so frightened? "

The servant shivered. After a long time, he managed to calm down. Then he said in a trembling voice, "little Miss Xue Mr. Xue... "

"What's wrong with Mr. Xue?" Tang ling'er said in a sharp voice, and his heart was caught together.

She thought there was something wrong with Xue an.

"With his own strength, Mr. Xue cut off more than 100 people sent by the Chang family with one sword. Chang HAOSI, the son of the Chang family, was also killed by him. The sword light that pierced the sky just now was also waved by Mr. Xue casually!"

This words a, no matter is Tang Sheng or Tang Ling Er, all silly in there.

I don't know how long it took.

Tang Shengcai said with a bitter smile, "Xue an, how many surprises do you want to bring me?"

And Tang ling'er's heart gradually sank into the abyss.

Because she used to like Xue an, but this kind of love was condescending.

And she does have the capital to be proud.

So until just now, she thought that as long as she thought of a way, she would make Xue an obedient.

But this matter actually mercilessly shattered all her illusions.

It was only then that she understood.

In fact, he is the humble one.

And all that he had imagined became illusory.

At the same time.

The whole city of Tiansheng was awakened by this amazing sword.

Whether it is the scattered folk experts, or the powerful in the Marquis palace, they all look up at the sky at this moment, and then all face a dignified and solemn color.

Who actually sent out such a startling sword?

These questions hover in the minds of these people.

Then coincidentally, all the forces sent their best men to inquire.

There is only one building in the whole Tiansheng street.

That is the east palace.

Yan Xi, who has just returned to Kyoto, is about to go to sleep when she is suddenly awakened by the momentum.

And his bodyguard Fang Tiancheng was the first time to rush over.

They looked at each other and Qiqi said, "is it him?"

Then Yanxi gave a bitter smile, "he had already made his strength as high as possible, but now it seems that it is still underestimated!"

Fang Tiancheng said in a deep voice: "I have sent someone to investigate just now, and the results should be obtained soon."

Yan Xi shook her head, "no matter what the result, I have to go there."

Fang Tiancheng was stunned, "is it too risky for you to go in person?"

"Hehe, do you believe me? If I don't go, Lao Ba will go too! let's go! At least we are lucky this time. We are the first to meet him Yan Xi light way.

As Yan Xi said.

In another building, no matter in scale or style, it is as good as the east palace.

A man with a face similar to Yan Xi, but with a few more angry eyes and eyebrows, said in a deep voice: "such strong people suddenly appear. It's hard to predict whether it's good or bad, but we have to go and have a look! Otherwise, it would be troublesome if I was recruited by my brother! "

Just when the whole Tiansheng Kyoto began to boil.

Xue an, the creator, drank the last sip of soup in the bowl, then sighed contentedly, "it's delicious!"

Hu San and Lao Luoguo are staring at the pile of bowls placed in front of Xue an.

More than 20 bowls were eaten by Xue an alone.

That's all the stock in wonton stand.

But the two men did not dare to show the slightest difference.

Because this whole street of dead bodies is the best example.

But Hu San still felt a little strange.

He always felt that xue'an after this meal seemed more terrible than just now.

Can eating make you stronger? Hu San was puzzled.

But he was right.

The more Xue an eats now, the more Aura he will produce by swallowing immortal, and the faster his strength will recover.

At this time, Xue an Chong chan'er said, "are you full?"

Chan'er is also afraid.

But she had a blind obedience to her young master, so she nodded.


"Good! Let's go

And he stood up and threw down a piece of silver, and he was about to leave.

Hu San and Lao Luo Guo are both stupid.

Hu San, in particular, summoned up his courage and said in a trembling voice, "Xue Mr. Xue, you You're leaving like this


"But this Hu San looked at the corpses and blood all over the ground. His face was as white as paper.Xue an smiles, "don't worry, someone will come to take care of the aftermath in a while! But you two may be in a bit of trouble, but as long as you say you are my friend, you should be OK and even become an opportunity for both of you

"But the Chang family..." Hu San is still a little worried.

This sentence seems to remind Xue an, he patted the forehead, a smile, "almost forget! Where does the Chang family live? "

Hu San subconsciously pointed to the right, "live in the middle of the east city!"

Xue an nodded. "Thank you very much."

Then he led chan'er to the east city.

Looking at Xue an's back, Hu San suddenly understood what he was going to do, and his heart was cold.

But he couldn't help shouting, "Lord Xue, the backstage of Chang's house is not so simple. You should be more careful!"

Thank you Xue an's voice came from the darkness, and then the man was gone.

Just when Hu San and the old Luoguo are standing there in a daze.

Spies from all directions appeared in the street.

And the tragedy in front of the back scared all these people.

"My God, what's going on here?"

"My mother, isn't the one nailed to the wall, Mr. Chang?"

These screams come and go.

Then someone noticed Hu San and Lao Luoguo.

In fact, they are the only survivors in the street.

"Well, aren't you Hu San? What happened? " Someone recognized Hu San and exclaimed.

Hu San sighed.

He finally understood why Xue an said he was in trouble.

Look at these people in front of us, all from the major forces of Tiansheng Kyoto.

No one he can afford.

But then he laughed again.

Because Xue an also said that he was a friend.

Hu believes that these people will pay any price for Xue an's situation.

Therefore, he arched his hand with pride on his face. "Good evening, everyone. My name is Hu San. I know what you want to ask. The person who did this is my friend!"

There was a commotion in the crowd.

A lot of people look at each other, and they put on a face of flattery and smile one after another, and begin to approach each other.

And Hu San also gave full play to his strong points, the plot said to be moving.

All of a sudden, all the people in xueandong understood.

I'm afraid there will be no peace in this evening's Tiansheng Kyoto.

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