
Xue an LED chan'er has come to the east city outside the square door.

It's different from blissful place.

There is a curfew in this east city.

At night, the gate will be closed.

It won't reopen until the next morning.

And because this east city gathers the peddlers from all over the world, it has become the richest place in Tiansheng Kyoto.

And being able to control here for decades also proves the strength and details of Chang family from the side.

"Young master, the gate is closed. What should I do?" Chan'er asked.

Xue an smile, looked up at the tall square door, and then casually pressed on it, light way: "who said it was closed?"

"But..." Not yet waiting for chan'er to speak.

The front door collapsed.

Chan'er is speechless.

"Let's go!" Xue an said

With that, Xue an stepped in.

Chan'er trembled slightly and finally regained consciousness, "young master, wait for me!"

Then he ran after him.

In the middle of Dongshi is a luxury house which covers an extremely wide area.


The house is full of lights.

Chang De, the owner of the house, hasn't gone to sleep.

He is taking stock of recent gains today.

Although I don't know the specific number, we can see from the joy in his eyes and the thick pile of silver tickets on the table that the harvest is obviously not poor.

Now, we can help our ancestors to collect more precious medicinal materials!

Changde is thinking.

Suddenly, there was a deafening noise outside.

He was stunned at first, then yelled: "what's going on?"

The housekeeper rushed in and said, "my Lord, the sound doesn't come from our Chang's house. I don't know exactly where it is, but I've sent someone to see it!"

Hearing that his home was all right, Changde first breathed a sigh of relief, then seemed to think of something and asked in a deep voice, "is HAOSI back?"

"Return to my master, not yet!"

Changde frowned slightly.

More than an hour ago, Chang HAOSI came home angry, and then ordered more than 100 people to go out, saying that he wanted to clean up a foreign youth who did not know the height of heaven and earth.

At that time, Changde didn't take this seriously.

For the Chang family, who has a deep root, it is a very common thing to clean up an outsider without any foundation.

But why didn't you come back after so long?

Even if their own son did not come back, those subordinates should always send someone back to report it.

Changde was a little annoyed and was about to tell the housekeeper to send someone to see what was going on with his son.

Just listen to the big bang of the front yard door, and then came the sound of shouting and howling.

Changde's face changed, and he rushed out of the study and ran to the front yard.

As soon as he turned a gate, he saw a scene that made him feel terrible.

I saw a young man walking in step by step.

The experts who are fed by the Chang family are all flocking to try to stop the boy.

No matter how strong the young man is, it can't be stopped.

And every time he took a step, these so-called experts would spit blood and retreat.

Seeing this scene, Changde was startled and yelled: "who are you? Why break into my home? "

Naturally, it was Xue an.

He looked up at Changde and said, "who are you?"

"I am the head of Chang family, Changde! Friend, is there any misunderstanding? You can rest assured, as long as you say it out, we will give you a satisfactory reply! After all, I like to make friends in Changde

Changde is also shocked by Xue an's strong power at the moment, so his words are very polite.

Xue an laughs, "your son with more than 100 people wants to kill me. How do you plan to reply to this matter?"

Changde was stunned.

Is that the so-called foreign teenager his son is going to deal with?

However, he had been in charge of the Chang family for several decades, which made the Chengfu of Changde very deep. On the contrary, he said apologetically.

"There must be some misunderstanding in this, my friend. Why don't you tell me clearly when my son comes back?"

"Come back?" Xue an shook his head and chuckled, "your son seems to be unable to come back!"

Changde slightly a Zheng, "friend, what do you mean by this?"

But Xue an didn't answer him. Instead, he raised his head and looked through Changde and others to the back house of Chang family, which was shrouded in darkness.

Then the corner of the mouth showed a cold smile.

"Hiding here for a long time? It's a good calculationChangde didn't understand what Xue an said, and was about to ask.

Xue an turned to Chang De Sen with a smile, "because I have killed your son and the more than 100 people he took with him."


Xue an's words almost didn't make Changde jump.

Then his face was heavy and thought that Xue an was bluffing himself.

Not to mention his own son's own strength is good, he took that more than 100 people can be good at home, how can it be so quietly dead?

So he said coldly, "friend, this kind of thing can't be joked about."

"Are you kidding?" Xue an shook her head. "No, I'm not joking with you. In fact, I'm here to destroy your family, but you seem to have a surprise here."

He was about to scold.

At this moment.

A servant of the Chang family burst in with panic.

"Master, the matter is not good! Young master... "

"What's the matter, young master?" Changde roared.

"The young master and the people he took are dead!"

After hearing this, Chang De almost fainted.

"Is that true?"

"Master, I just came over from there. The young master was nailed to the wall and couldn't be pulled out!"

Changde looks pale and tottering, and then suddenly looks at Xue an.

"Is it you?"

Xue an smiles and nods, "yes, I made it. Don't thank you."

Changde's look is almost cannibal.

"Kill him and avenge my son!" He roared.

Numerous people from the Chang family came up and surrounded xue'an.

But Changde took advantage of this opportunity and quietly retreated.

Xue an sighed slightly, "you and the one behind you will surely die today, just because you want to live forever in this world and even commit heinous crimes."


Xue an showed his white teeth and laughed.

"You'd better not run in vain!"

Hearing Xue an's words, Changde suddenly changed color.

Even if his son died, Changde had never been so moved.

"You How do you know... "

"How do I know that?" Xue an said lightly, and then walked forward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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