Xue an was not moved at all. When his fingers closed, he would clench his fist.

The ghost Xiu saw that he was not lucky enough to know that he could not help but roar bitterly: "boy, do you think killing me can solve everything? useless! Someone will take revenge for me, and I will wait for you in hell

Xue an sniffed and said, "revenge? Good! Then I'll wait! As for hell Hehe, do you think you still have a chance to go to hell? "

After that, Xue an shook it.


After a crisp sound.

The spirit of ghost cultivation was crushed by Xue Ansheng.

Then there was a burst of black air, which faintly came to countless cries and howls.

Xue an looked at it quietly, and then said faintly, "well, those who are trapped in you have already been put to death. Separate, and enter samsara as early as possible."

With that, Xue an waved.

The black air gradually dissipated.

In the sky, there are countless transparent shadows.

These empty shadows salute Xue an one after another, and then disperse.

Finish it all.

Xue an takes back his eyes and turns to Chang De, who has been completely frightened.

As far as he could see, Changde knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowing like garlic.

"My Lord, this devil forced us to do all these things. Our family is also the victim. Please forgive me!"

"Victim?" Xue an sneered, "before, you did not say so!"

Changde was stiff and wanted to say something.

Xue an raised his hand and cut a sword.


Changde's head soared to the sky, blood splashed all over the ground, and then the dead body slowly fell to the ground.

So far, the Chang family, which has occupied the eastern city for decades, has become history.

After all this, Xue an looks around the court and finally turns away.

But it was not long after he left that a faint black awn appeared in the air, and then the black awn rose into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Xue an, who was going out, didn't look back, but a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.


Outside Chang's house.

Chan'er is waiting anxiously.

From time to time from inside the scream let Chan son's pretty face more and more pale.

She wanted to go in and see what was going on.

But Xue an said clearly before leaving, let her wait here, no place to go.

Chan'er never dares to disobey xue'an's orders and can only wait here.

At this moment.

A carriage came at a gallop.

After the door, the carriage stopped slowly, and a man with gorgeous clothes and noble temperament came down, but there was always a trace of evil spirit in the corner of his eyes and eyebrows.

When he saw Chang's house with the broken gate, his expression was congealed.

Then he noticed Chan Er waiting at the door. He was stunned and then returned to normal.

"This must be chan'er girl."

Chan'er trembled, "you Who are you? "

The man smiles, "my name is Yanpeng, you can also call me the eighth prince!"

"Emperor The prince Her face is full of amazement.

Yan Peng nodded with a smile, then looked up at Chang's home, "chan'er girl, your son of the family How long have you been in? "

A mention of Xue an, Chan son then raised the vigilance heart, shook his head, "do not know."

Yan Peng was dumbfounded and laughed, "chan'er girl, I don't mean anything, I'm just curious!"

"Then I don't know!"

Yan Peng was about to say something when another carriage came.

Then Yanxi came down from above.

"Eh You're not... " Chan son recognized Yan Xi, first a Leng, can not help but ask.

Yan Xi smiles, "chan'er girl!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Yan Peng and said faintly, "old eight, you are coming very fast."

At the sight of Yan Xi, Yan Peng's pupil shrank like a needle tip, and then sneered: "Your Highness, you are not slow to come!"

Yan Xi didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in Yan Peng's words. She just gazed at the gradually silent Chang family and said, "Lao Ba, I remember that many of the Chang family's industries are dedicated to you! Now your home is overturned, your loss But it's not small! "

Hearing this, Yan Peng's face suddenly turned white, and his eyes showed a few angry colors, but soon returned to normal, "ha ha, just some money, what a shame!"

Yan Xi smelled the speech and took a deep look at her eight brothers, and then showed a smile.

"It doesn't sound like what you said


As soon as Yan Peng was about to refute, he saw a black light rising from the back of Chang's house, and the wind was blowing around.Yan Peng's face changed greatly, and a trace of panic finally appeared in his eyes.

How could it be!

Can't even the immortal in the world stop this man?

His heart was creeping.

The black light dissipated.

The invisible haze that had been suppressed over Chang's house was also swept away.

After that, Xue an, who was dressed in white, came out of the door slowly.

"Young master!" Chan'er shouts with surprise.

Xue an smiles and nods.

However, Yan Peng, who was originally gloomy and uncertain, now has a smile on her face, and then comes forward to salute.

"This must be Mr. Xue. I am..."

The voice did not fall.

Yan Xi also came forward and bowed down respectfully, "young master, we didn't expect to meet again so soon!"

Xue an looked at him with a faint smile, "yes! Very soon indeed

Yan Xi also laughed, "if you don't dislike it, can you follow me back to the mansion?"

Xue Anwei hesitated, and then nodded, "OK!"

Yan Xi great joy, personally in front of the guide, let Xue an and Chan son on the carriage, and then drive away.

From the beginning to the end, Xue an did not use the right eye to see the so-called eighth prince.

When Yanxi's carriage is gone.

Yan Peng stood in the same place, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his eyelids began to beat wildly. Finally, he snorted angrily and left.

In fact, the people of various forces in Tiansheng Kyoto have already arrived, but they all dare not come here, but quietly watch in the distance.

When you see Xue an follow Yan Xi to leave, and Yan Peng is angry and go.

These people were all moved by it.

"It turns out that this new expert is from your highness!"

"Tut Tut, from the beginning to the end, the eighth Prince stabilized his royal highness. Unexpectedly, his highness turned the tables at this time! If the eighth prince can't have the means of counteraction, his position will not be guaranteed! "

"I don't think it's so simple. The eighth prince will never give up. What's more, this prince Xue's overthrow of Chang's family has also caused great losses to the eighth Prince's interests."

"It seems that the future of Kyoto will be eventful."

All the forces have become restless because of this.

The whole of Kyoto, began to surge.

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