
The East Palace is located in Tiansheng long street. The gate is open and the lights are bright.

Many friends with Yanxi, which can be regarded as the Royal Highness, all rush to come.

They all want to see what kind of characters can stir up the whole Tiansheng Kyoto overnight.

The Tang family is naturally regarded as the school of highness Yanxi, so it also came.

However, Tang ling'er has been lowering her head and not speaking, which makes her not very interested.

Tang Sheng naturally understood his daughter's mind, but now, even he can only sigh.

When the newborn was afraid of abducting his daughter, he thought that he was a person who wanted to climb up to his own Tang family. In a flash, he became an existence that he could only look up to.

This kind of feeling, let Tang Sheng, who is used to the sea of business, sighs for it and deeply regrets it.

At this moment.

Just listen to a low noise outside the door, and then there are many people saying hello.

"Met sister Mei!"

"See boss may!"

In these greetings, Mei Xia, the owner of danguifang, nodded with a smile and walked into the hall.

And behind her, followed by Nie Yihan, who has changed into a casual dress.

But despite her plain clothes and thin makeup, she still has amazing beauty.

See these two people, Tang Ling Er low hum a, feel very uncomfortable in the heart.

Because she can remember Xue an left the Tang family, directly went to Dan Gui Fang, and also gave this Nie Yihan a piece of paper.

Therefore, Tang ling'er becomes hostile to Nie Yihan.

Though she tried to cover it up.

But Nie Yihan still felt something in his heart and couldn't help looking up.

Then I happened to see Tang ling'er with an unnatural look.

Nie Yi Han is a Leng at first, then then smile.

Although Tang ling'er is angry in her heart, her good quality still makes her nod slightly, which can be regarded as a return gift.

Then I turned my head and stopped looking at this side.

Nie Yihan whispered to MEIXIA: "sister, who is that woman? Why are you hostile to me? "

Mei Xia raised her eyes and saw that it was Tang ling'er. She couldn't help laughing. Then she said, "she? She is the famous Miss Tang family in Kyoto. As for why she is hostile to you Hehe, can't you guess? "

Miss Tang!

Hearing this, Nie Yihan can't help but suddenly, and then deeply looked at Tang ling'er.

It turns out that she is Tang ling'er.

With MEIXIA's strength in Tiansheng Kyoto, it's easy to find out the track of Xue an's actions after entering Kyoto, and naturally find out what happened between Xue an and the Tang family.

So Nie Yihan naturally knew.

Tang ling'er seems to be angry with herself, but she doesn't know that xue'an is so respectful to herself.

Thinking of this, Nie Yihan can't help but show a wry smile.

At this moment.

Yan Xi walked into the room.

"Your Highness!"

"See your highness!"

Among these shouts.

Yan Xi did not have any reaction, but stood sideways to one side.

And then a young man stepped in.

It's Xue an.

As soon as he saw him, Nie Yihan felt that his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

And Tang ling'er is stupidly looking at xue'an.

Although not for a day.

But Tang ling'er feels that the distance between himself and him is far away.

And other people who have not seen Xue an can't help but have a commotion at the moment, and then begin to talk quietly.

"My God, how young are you?"

"Hiss, is it this young man who killed Chang's family in one night?"

In these comments, Xue an raised her eyes and swept the audience.

Within sight.

These ordinary and powerful people have retreated and dare not look directly.

See this scene, Nie Yihan eye splendor.

But Mei Xia bowed her head respectfully and could not help sighing in her heart.

In the face of absolute power, the so-called power is just a joke!

Then Yanxi invited Xue an to sit at the top of the table, while she was willing to be accompanied by the prime minister.

"Young master, I'd like to offer you this wine!" Yanxi raised her glass and said.

Xue an looked at him, a faint smile, "why respect me?"

Yan sighed, "because you've done something I've always wanted to do, but I can't do it!"

"Of course I know what Chang's ordinary behavior is, but I can't control it at all! But tonight, you directly hand, eradicated this cancer, I naturally want to toast you

With that, Yanxi drank up the wine in the cup.

Xue an looked at him with a smile, "how are you, your highness, can't cure a small family?"Yan Xi sniffed the speech and said with a bitter smile, "you don't know. My highness should be It's a long story

Said, Yan Xi then will own situation roughly narrated once.

It turned out that in this prosperous day, the emperor was very old, so he made Yanxi the prince of the east palace.

But because Yan Xi was not born to the empress, the empress has been trying to help her own son, Yan Peng, to be the crown prince.

For a long time, today's emperor also began to believe and doubt.

Yan Xi's situation began to become more and more difficult.

Even now, he is constrained by his brother everywhere.

After that, there was silence in the hall.

These people who belong to the Yan Xi school naturally know what they feel.

But Xue an seems to have not heard the same, has been lowering his head to drink wine.

It wasn't until after a long time that he put the glass on the table and yawned in boredom.

"Is this boring power game again? I'm tired of listening! "

Xue an had seen so much about this kind of thing in more than 3000 years, so he couldn't take any interest in it.

Yan Xi was stunned when she heard the speech, and then said with a wry smile: "you are right. I feel very bored, but I have no choice but to be forced by the other party, but I have already retired."

"Oh? Why do you say that? "

Yan Xi looked around the audience and waved her hand.

A lot of people started to step down.

And in the Tang family and MEIXIA and other people also want to leave.

Yan Xi Shen voice: "Mei boss, Tang family master, you stay!"


Only a few of them were left in the house.

Then Yanxi got up and sat down and bowed to Xue an respectfully.

"Childe, help me!"

He this sudden a big gift, let Tang family father and daughter as well as MEIXIA and others are all stunned.

But Xue an didn't have any expression, just looked at Yan Xi who bowed and swept the floor quietly. After a long time, she said faintly: "get up and talk!"

Yan Xi's body was slightly shaken, and her face showed a happy color, and then she quickly straightened up.

"What's the matter?"

Yan xishen said: "you don't know something. I've got reliable information. Yan pengguang, the eighth Prince's son, has made a strange marriage. It's not good for me to be on my father's birthday five days later."

As soon as this is said.

The father and daughter of the Tang family and Mei Xia all turned pale.

Because if this is true, the eighth Prince is too bold and reckless.

But Xue an's eyes moved and asked with interest: "stranger?"

Yan Xi nodded and said: "yes, and it's a very powerful alien!"

"Well, I'll take care of it." Xue an said without hesitation.

"Five days later, I'll go with you to see how powerful these strange people are!"

He promised so happily that Yan Xi, who wanted to take some time to win over Xue an, was stunned.

Then he nodded with great joy and said, "thank you very much." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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