
In the eight princes' mansion.

Yan Peng has smashed more than a dozen precious porcelains of the former dynasty and killed three maids without any reason.

But it still failed to calm his anger.

"Xue an! Ha ha, you dare to ignore my existence, and also destroyed the Chang family! I will make you pay for the bleeding

"Don't you just rely on your own strength? But you don't know what kind of existence I know

Yan Peng roared ferociously.

At this time, in the study of the chair, a figure gradually emerged, and then came a lazy voice.

"Tut Tut, who made our prince Yan so angry?"

Yan Peng was stunned, then he turned around, his anger disappeared in an instant, and then he saluted the people on the imperial chair respectfully.

"See the immortal master!"

Appeared on the chair, is a facial features are covered by black gas, momentum is also uncertain man.

"Well, you don't have to be so polite. Next time, remember to give me more tender and delicious girl!"

"Don't worry, immortal master. I'll be ready for such a small matter right away, and I'll make sure you are satisfied with it." Yan Peng said in a hurry.

Then he asked cautiously, "what I told you before, immortal master..."

This man Jie Jie strange smile, "don't worry, since I promised you, that naturally will help you complete, and..."

The man's laughter grew colder. "We all know what happened in Tiansheng Kyoto tonight. The ghost Yin is dead, and our boss is very angry!"

Yan Peng was stunned, "you You already know that? "

The man sneered, "his sword can be felt 800 miles away. How can we not know?"

"The immortal master means..."

"It's just a sword cultivation. Although the sword's meaning is strong, in this world where there is no spirit, he is just like a waste. Our boss can kill him immediately!" The man said coldly.

Yan Peng was overjoyed. He was still thinking about how to bring disaster to the East. He also cleaned up Xue an.

But now, it seems that there is no need to talk about it. The immortal masters will get rid of xue'an.

"Get ready. Our boss may come in person! After all, I've heard that this guy has aura and obviously has secret methods in his body. Of course, our boss will not let go of such a person! "

Yan Peng nodded hastily, "understand!"

Then he hesitated and asked, "but don't know what to prepare?"

"Our boss likes life and soul best. It will be nice to get more fresh ones then! Remember, don't neglect

With that, the figure on the chair began to fade and finally disappeared.

Yan Peng was stunned by this strange scene and became more and more confident in the abilities of the immortal masters.

Hehe, on your birthday after five days, I will not only catch all of you, but also my father, it's time to go back and have a rest.

When the time comes, I will learn the method of eternal life from the immortal masters. Then I will be the real one. Who can compete in the world?

Thinking of this, Yan Peng grinned and grinned.

The long night finally passed.

When dawn broke, ordinary people in Tiansheng Kyoto woke up from their dreams and were shocked by a series of news before they could wipe off the eyedroppings from the corners of their eyes.

"What? Chang's family is gone? Why is it gone? " Someone exclaimed, I can't believe my ears.

"It's really gone, and it was one night that a young man killed all the people in the whole house!"


Hearing these rumors, all the people who heard it took a breath.

That's Chang family.

The Chang family, which is known as the capital city, has become history overnight.

How can it not surprise these people.

But then, countless people cheered for it.

In particular, those vendors in the eastern city simply wish to set off a set of firecrackers to celebrate.

Because what the Chang family has done is simply too unpopular.

Before, it was because Chang's family was so powerful that they couldn't fight him, so they had to bite their teeth and endure.

Nowadays, the destruction of Chang's family naturally excites the oppressed people.

At the same time, these people are also full of curiosity about the people who destroyed Chang's family.

"Who on earth can have such a high-level means? Even after the destruction of Chang's family, can those big people keep silent? "

Among these questions.

Xue an's story began to spread wildly.

After entering Kyoto and Tang family, he refused to enter the Tang family and left directly. After that, he went to danguifang, and the leader of danguifang was welcome by himself or even willing to sleep with his body.But in the end, Xue an turned away without any dye.

This kind of legendary story spread, let the audience marvel at it.

And that's just the beginning.

Then, Xue an's three small decrees made a stir in Kyoto.

"The water is the eye wave horizontal, the mountain is the eyebrow peak gathers! This is the best in ten years Some scholars were excited and praised.

"I don't agree with you. I think it's a wonderful way to write a picture of a plum blossom if it's snowy and it's still full." Another retorted.

"No, it's not right. It's still the most beautiful song given to everyone Nie. The car is like running water, the horse is like a dragon, and the flower moon is in the spring breeze! In just a few words, the scenery of spring outing has been written off! " An old man with white hair sighed.

At the time when these literati argued about these three little decrees.

These three songs began to spread among the women in Tiansheng Kyoto at an astonishing speed.

For a time, in the boudoir Pavilion of the mansion, there are women chanting these three little orders everywhere.

Some people are obsessed with writing over and over again, and are deeply involved in it, unable to extricate themselves.

Because of the delicate and meaningful beauty of these three words, they deeply moved the hearts of these girls.

In this case, these girls can not help but have a strong curiosity about the writer.

What kind of person can write such poems?

And wait for a moment.

The girls were more shocked.

"It's amazing how murderous it is to kill a powerful family overnight." A woman sighed.

"But I don't think it's too cruel?" Another girl said with some fear.

"Bah, don't you know what kind of virtue Chang family is? You deserve to be killed! "

"And have you heard? This young master Xue looks very handsome and extraordinary! "

"My God, handsome, domineering and talented, such a man, I would love to die!"

"Ha ha, I heard that when Mr. Xue first went to the Tang family, the Tang family was still very picky. It's really short-sighted. If Mr. Xue wants to come to me, I'd like to offer myself a pillow mat!"

"Bah! It's not shameful to say that for girls

"Hee hee, what's the matter! And don't you know? It is said that Mr. Xue is not married yet, and that he will attend the birthday of the emperor in five days' time

As soon as the words came out, the women in the room looked at each other and saw the light in each other's eyes.

For a moment, the women in the whole Tiansheng Kyoto boudoir were moved by the wind, and wanted to show their grace on their birthday five days later, and they took down Xue an, who was in a strong position.

And this, just call overnight famous, the world knows, famous Kyoto! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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