In the whole of Kyoto for Xue an's matter when the uproar.

Xue an hides in the east palace. He sleeps when he is full all day. He doesn't go out of the house.

Even Yan Xi asked to see him several times, Xue an was too lazy to see him.

Such a situation naturally surprised Yan Xi and others, and did not understand what Xue an wanted to do.

Tang ling'er and Nie Yihan, however, began to compete secretly, intending to compete with each other on their birthday five days later.

Time moves forward a little bit in this strange atmosphere.


Four days passed.

Seeing tomorrow, the birthday will officially begin.

But Yanxi still didn't see Xue an.

This can not help but let Yanxi a little restless, for fear that things will change again.


After dinner.

Yanxi summoned up her courage and came to the courtyard where Xue an lived. She was ready to meet Xue an again.

But just as he was about to knock.

The door suddenly opened.

Xue an, who did not show up for four days, was standing behind the door with an excited smile on her face.

Yan Xi was stunned.

He had never seen this look in Xue an's eyes.

But immediately, he regained his consciousness and quickly arched his hand and said, "childe, tomorrow is the birthday. I came here to ask what else needs to be prepared?"

Xue an was obviously in a good mood. After a little hesitation, she said, "you don't have to prepare anything. Just prepare all kinds of delicious snacks and children's favorite things."

Yanxi was stunned.

Delicious snacks and children's favorite things?

What is this for?

Any kids coming?

But in spite of doubts in her heart, Yan Xi did not dare to ask more questions. She immediately nodded and said, "OK, I will go to prepare now."

He turned and went to the front.

In his capacity, after an order, naturally there are countless people busy.

So soon.

They collected all kinds of snacks and toys.

After Yanxi led a dozen servant girls, carrying big bags and small bags of things to the courtyard where Xue an lived.

Xue an said faintly: "put it here! Get out of the way

"Yes Yan Xi winked.

All the people retired.

Then Yanxi said with a smile, "childe, do you have friends to come? Do you think I'm satisfied with these things? "

Xue an looked at it irrefutably, then nodded, "it's OK!"

What else does Yanxi want to say.

At this time, Xue an looked up at the night sky.

Yanxi immediately shut her mouth and did not dare to say more.

At this time, on the treetop of the moon, the surrounding heaven and earth are quiet down.

Xue an's eyes flickered slightly, "it should be almost! Give it a try, or after a while, Yan'er and the two little guys will go crazy

Yan Xi was confused.

At this moment.

As soon as Xue an raised his hand, he saw a ray of light flying out of Xue an's chest, and then rapidly grew larger. After landing, it became a small building with exquisite shape.

Yan Xi gradually widened her eyes and looked at everything in front of her in disbelief.

On this small building, you can see that there are many runes on it. Yan Xi just takes a look at it, and then she feels very shocked.

"Close your eyes, or if you take another look, your spirit will be shattered!" Xue an said lightly.

Yanxi quickly closed her eyes and did not dare to look again.

Xue an slowly walked to the front of the building, took a deep breath, and gently touched his hand on it.


The Rune of gold light on the small building is shocked suddenly, and then it surges like a runaway wild horse.

Xue an smiles coldly, his eyes are bright, and he drinks softly.



After hearing Xue an's voice, the rebellious Rune of golden light becomes very obedient.

The nine interlocking runes began to turn slowly like a cipher lock.

After turning to a certain position.

The golden light was booming, then disappeared, and the small building began to change like a Rubik's cube.


The sound died down.

Yanxi secretly opened her eyes and looked.

The door of the small building opened slowly.


From this door, a flash of light flew out, and in the blink of an eye, it flew to Xue an, and then the light disappeared, showing a beautiful woman who was afraid to look directly inside.

Yan Xi has seen countless beautiful women.

But it was not until she saw this woman that Yan Xi understood what was really unique.Xue an looked at the woman with a smile, and just said, "Yan'er..."

Liu An's eyebrows were raised in front of Liu An's hand. When she saw the pot, she began to write down.

Xue an was caught off guard, or he didn't want to prevent it at all. He was taken away by this pot.

After landing, Anyan's figure has appeared in front of xue'an, and then clench his teeth to grasp xue'an's collar.

"You are such a villain that you have shut me up in a small building for such a long time. Do you want to find another girl?"

Xue an couldn't laugh and cry, "Yan'er, I was wrong, but I promise, I never went to any girl, really! If you don't believe it, you can ask him! "

Only then did an Yan notice that there were other people in the courtyard, and their hands were immediately released, and the pan in his hand disappeared. Then she beamed at the stunned Yanxi.

"Hello, nice to meet you! Introduce yourself, I am the wife of this villain

Yan Xi didn't understand the meaning.

What is a wife?

At this time, we can see that there are two shining lights flying out of the small building. After landing, they are two little girls carved like pink jade.

After the two little girls came out, they blinked their eyes first. Then they saw Xue an standing there with a smile. The big eyes of the two little girls were filled with tears and rushed directly to them.


Xue an held two little girls in her arms and kissed them first.

"Don't you think about dad?"

"Mm-hmm! I miss my father so much Xue Nian put his arm around Xue an's neck and said with a cry.

"Think about it?" Xue an looked at Xue and thought.

Xue Xiang's small face was very angry, "stupid Niannian, what did we say in it? After you come out, you can't pay attention to your father, but you'll rebel directly! "

Xue Nian twisted his little butt, "I don't, I just miss Dad!"

Xue an is dumbfounded, "think about, why ignore dad?"

"Well, dad is a bad guy. We'll worry about you if we've been locked up with our mother for such a long time."

Xue wanted to start with a straight face, but the more he said, the softer his voice was. To the back, tears had burst out.

"Dad, mom is crying every day because she is worried about you."

Xue an's heartache is incomparable, "OK, OK, don't cry!"

Xue wants to get into Xue an's arms and stop talking.

Then Xue an turned to look at an Yan.

An Yan face a red, "hum, I didn't cry for that big villain!"

"Well, Yan'er, I didn't mean to lock you up!"

This sentence reminds an Yan, she looks a Su, "husband, what is your cultivation?"

"Nothing. It's just temporarily sealed off." Xue an said lightly.

An Yan willow eyebrow a vertical, murderous gas overflowing said: "who did it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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