Xue an was dumbfounded. "Well, Yan'er, don't be so angry. I said it was sealed. In fact, I did it on purpose. Or do you think that there is someone who can seal me? When I'm done with the business here, I'll go to those guys and figure it out. "

Only then did an Yan understand why Xue an locked himself and xiangniannian in Fubao building for such a long time. It turned out that his cultivation was temporarily lost and he could not open the boundary on Fubao building.

Thinking of this, an Yan very distressed came forward, stroking Xue an's shoulder, "husband, I'm sorry, I just should not have hit you without asking! Does it hurt? "

By an Yan's delicate hand caress, Xue an painful a bared teeth, "to tell the truth, is really a little painful! How do I think your martial arts have improved again? "

"That's right. I'm free in Fubao's building. I practice this pan every day." An Yan is quite proud to say.

Think of suddenly from Xue an's arms out of the head, "Dad, mom does practice every day, but when she practices, she always gnash her teeth and yell at the big villain, kill you!"

Read smell speech also can't help but look up, "sister said right, father, mother said the big villain is not you?"

Hearing the words of the two daughters, Xue an said with a smile, "it should be, but your mother is reluctant to kill me!"

See Xue an so have no skin no face, an Yan face a red, and then spat gently, "I bah, big bad guy, big hooligan! Hum

Xue an didn't care, but he laughed, "villain, I admit, but where can this hooligan start? You know, I haven't seen you for a long time

Anyan's face turned red to her ears, and she turned pale with anger and anger. Then she suddenly remembered something and said, "husband, I suddenly remember that now my strength is stronger than you, so If you talk nonsense again, be careful of my pan

Xue an:.... "

"Oh, how beautiful the moon is tonight!" Xue an began to talk about him.

Think of smiling and saying, "Dad's scared!"

"What do children know? Where is Dad afraid? Dad is respected!" Xue an looks like you know what.

"Bah! It's so glib An Yan said, but he laughed.

Xue an and an Yan are crazy about selling dog food.

Yan Xi was staring at one side.



Isn't he unmarried?

How can in the blink of an eye, the wife and children have?

But looking at the beauty of the family, Yan Xi suddenly couldn't speak.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at their looks, this family is also very well matched.

At this time, an Yan looked at Yan Xi, "husband, what is this place? And what does this teenager do? "

Xue an smelt speech a smile, light way: "this wants to say, the words are a little long, but you are now back at the right time, tomorrow, I will take you to see a lively!"

Yan Xi left with a head of paste.

But he's not a fool.

Especially before leaving, Xue an also told him not to disclose this matter.

Yan Xi also understood that this matter is not trivial, naturally will all doubt rotten in the stomach.

Two little girls are excited to eat the world's unique snacks.

The two of them were suffocated during their stay in Fubao building. As soon as they were released, they were so excited that they couldn't even sleep.

And Xue an and an Yan are sitting in the distance watching.

After the story of xueandong is finished.

An Yan gradually stares round eyes, "you mean The sister of fox night may be in this world? "

Xue an nodded, "breath can't be fake, or I won't go into this world to look for it after I feel the breath!"

Speaking of this, Xue an said with an apologetic smile, "Yan'er, something happened suddenly, and you were dragged into the disaster of responding to the world before I could tell you. I'm really sorry that you have been worried for so long there!"

An Yan hears speech to shake his head and chuckle, "OK, we still use to say sorry? At that time, I was also angry. Now I want to come, and I can't blame you for this matter. After all, fox night has such a good relationship with you. His sister has been missing for so long, you can't let go of it! "

Xue an's heart warmed.

He was a little hesitant just now. He was afraid that after telling Anyan about this, she would be angry because the person he was looking for was a woman. But now it seems that he is totally worried.

"Are you wired now?" An Yan asked.

Xue an shook her head. "In the blissful place, I have felt her breath, but this breath is very weak, obviously has been away for a long time!"

Then Xue an said with a smile, "well, since I know she's here, I'm sure I can find everything. Let's wait until tomorrow."

"Well!" An Yan nodded.Then Xue an came to an Yan's ear and whispered something.

An Yan's face Teng on the red, and then the shell teeth bite vermilion, gently nodded.

"Wait Wait till they go to sleep

Xue an laughs like a weasel who steals the bait successfully, "mm-hmm!"

The night was fleeting.

Until the next day the light was just on.

The whole day, Kyoto began to get busy.

Because today is the birthday of today's son of heaven, so the whole city of Tiansheng is decorated with lights and decorations, which is a festive scene.

Yiyangfang, Tang family.

When Qing'er comes to Tang ling'er's boudoir.

Tang ling'er has changed her clothes and is sitting in front of the mirror in a daze.

As soon as Qing'er sees Tang ling'er, she is stunned.

You should know that the young lady has always been famous for her heroism, and she seldom dresses up as a little girl.

I didn't expect to be so dressed up today.

Of course, Qing'er naturally knew why. She couldn't help sighing and whispered, "miss! The master asked me if you are ready

Tang ling'er nodded, and then deeply looked at the beautiful girl in the mirror, secretly gritted her teeth.

No matter who the other party is, you have to beat her.

Tang ling'er didn't believe that he could be better than who.


Nie Yihan got up earlier. When MEIXIA came to pick her up, she had already finished dressing up and was sitting by the window waiting.

Mei Xia couldn't help but brighten up in front of her eyes. Then she said with a smile, "today, I'm sure you can be as gorgeous as the rest of the world. I'm sure that Mr. Xue will treat you differently."

Nie Yihan smelt speech and laughed, but he was always a little nervous.

I don't know, today's birthday party, will there be any twists and turns?

At the same time, similar scenes have been staged everywhere in Beijing.

A gorgeous carriage began to go to the Forbidden Garden, where the birthday banquet was held.

And the evil lurking in the dark began to wake up.

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