When Tang ling'er arrives at the Forbidden Garden.

This place has gathered all the officials and dignitaries in the whole city of Tiansheng.

People gathered together in groups, quietly discussing today's birthday party.

"How does this birthday party feel strange today? Especially the people of the eight princes group seem to be all gloomy. Is there something bad to happen? " Someone said, frowning.

"Yes, there is no senior member of your Highness's faction. Is there any change?" Another said.

"I don't think it's that simple today! A few days ago, his Highness has just recruited a top expert, and then there is a rumor that the eighth Prince is also recruiting troops. It seems that the situation between the two sides has been at a crossfire. It's almost an opportunity! And this birthday party is probably the fuse Some people are worried to say.

People thought it was right.

Tang ling'er was also awe struck by hearing this.

At this time, there was a noise outside, and then MEIXIA led Nie Yihan into the Forbidden Garden.

As the core figure of Yan Xi school, her appearance made the atmosphere of the whole audience a little strange.

All the people of the eighth Prince group were staring at her.

The people of the neutral faction began to whisper.

"Boss may is here! It seems that there is nothing wrong with it! "

"But why hasn't that young master of high prestige yet appeared?"

In these comments.

Tang ling'er only noticed the Nie Yihan who followed Mei Xia.

This beautiful woman made her feel a great threat.

Nie Yihan didn't retreat at all this time. Instead, he nodded to her slightly. His eyes were full of the meaning of not accepting defeat.

Tang ling'er was stunned and her face became a little ugly.

At this time, Yan Peng, the eighth Prince's son, walked into the Forbidden Garden with his face as heavy as water, and then sat directly in his position without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the field gradually became stagnant.


Just as the birthday party is about to begin.

Yan Xicai led people to the Forbidden Garden.

As soon as his figure appeared, the crowd could not help but look around.

But almost all people's attention has focused on Xue an standing beside Yan Xi.

"As expected, it's a good-looking talent, proud and brave!" Some people admire it.

And those well-dressed after the rich and powerful people, at the moment is more excited almost crazy.

"As handsome as the rumor says

"Oh, my God, the majesty and domineering nature in that eyebrow is really intoxicating!"

These crazy babbling spread into Tang ling'er and Nie Yihan's ears, making their faces a little ugly.

At this moment.

Xue an stops and nods to Tang ling'er, "Miss Tang!"

Tang ling'er was stunned and her heart beat quickly. Then she woke up and gave a polite reply.

"Xue Mr. Xue

Xue an smiles, and then sees Nie Yihan, who is not far away, with a sad face, and also nods.

"Miss Nie!"

Nie Yihan turned his anger into joy, and then returned with a generous reply, "I've seen you!"

From the beginning to the end, Yan Xi stood quietly waiting.

Only when he noticed Tang ling'er and Nie Yihan's happy face, he could not help but sigh.

If you see an Yan later, you don't know what kind of expression it will be!

And Yan Peng, sitting in his seat, when he saw Xue an come in, his eyes flashed slightly and his mouth lifted up, revealing a trace of ferocious smile.

Let you run wild for a while. After a while, I can't make you cry.

At this moment.

After hearing the sound of a jade chime, the emperor in Dragon Robe and the queen in red came together.

The whole audience saluted.

"See the Lord!"

In this case, standing in the original place, even without a low head, Xue an seems to stand out from the crowd, very eye-catching.

The emperor is very old, but because of decades of support and treatment, so his bearing is very extraordinary.

Therefore, after seeing a young man in white standing haughtily, he could not help but feel a little stunned, and then asked in a deep voice.

"Who are you? Why don't you kneel when you see me

This question, let the eyes of the whole audience focus on Xue an in an instant.

Xue an looked indifferent, "kneel? Is it up to you? "

"Bold!" When a Guard commander jumps out, he will target Xue an.

Yan Xi was afraid that things would be big, so she got up quickly and said, "father, this is a friend of mine. I'm lazy by nature. Please forgive me!"

The emperor's face was displeased. "Yanxi, as the crown prince of a country, you should not deal with such rude people!""Yes Yanxi bowed her head in a hurry.

One side of Yan Peng showed a few proud smile.

In any case, the storm is a temporary cover up.

The birthday party officially began.

This group of high-ranking dignitaries toasted one after another, which made the emperor smile.

The empress called Yan Peng, the eighth Prince's son, to the front.

In this way, the eighth Prince's faction became much more lively.

In contrast, Yan Xi's side is cold and clear.

It seems to be neglected by many people.

In this case, Yan Xi's face is slightly ugly.

Seeing this, Xue an just smiles, then sits in his seat and takes a sip of his glass.

He has just faced the emperor's fearlessness, as well as now lazy, let a lot of women secretly pay attention to his heart.

Finally, a woman can not help but come forward.

"Hello, Mr. Xue. Can you meet me? I'm..." The woman also wanted to introduce her background.

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Thank you, but I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

The words made the woman's face pale in an instant, and then left in a daze.

Xue an's move naturally frustrated these young ladies.

And it was just then.

Yan Peng, the eighth Prince's son, walked forward with pride and said, "Your Highness, it's my father's birthday party today. I don't know if you'd like to have a little program to help you

Yan Xi Yi Zheng, "what little program?"

Yan Peng chuckled and pointed to Xue an beside him. He said faintly, "it's very simple. Isn't this the expert you rely on most? Then I'll let my men compare with him to see who's good? What do you think? "

These words let many people all for one Lin.

At last!

Yan Xi's expression was stiff and hesitated. She could not help looking at Xue an, who was sitting on the side.

I didn't expect that Xue an was drinking wine with his head down, as if he hadn't heard of it.

Yan Xi's heart is anxious, what is this attitude?

Do you agree or not?

Yan Peng saw this, but he was more and more determined. He couldn't help sneering and said, "what? Is this childe Xue, who has disturbed the whole capital city, scared? "

The whole scene suddenly became silent.

Tang ling'er and Nie Yihan smell speech, heart all for one tight.

Especially Tang ling'er.

She looked at Xue an's profile in a daze, and a sentence suddenly appeared in her mind.

All over Beijing, the people are haggard.

That's what it is like now.

At the same time.

Xue an slowly raised his eyes, took a look at the eight Prince Yan Peng, a faint smile, "well, since you are free to be bored, then I will accompany you to play!"

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