There is a large square in the Forbidden Garden, which is used for military training and holding major ceremonies. But today, the square is surrounded by a sea of people, and almost half of the people from Kyoto gather here.

Despite all the crowd, there was silence.

Because everyone's eyes were attracted by the teenager in the field.

At the moment, xue'an beckoned to Yan Peng in the distance and said in a lazy tone, "come on, I'll play with you today!"

Yan Peng snorted angrily and glanced at his side.

A black shadow flies straight to the field. After standing still, he is a man with a black hat and can't see his face clearly.

Seeing the man's swift figure and the terrifying power emanating from his body, many experts present couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

Meisha's face gradually sank.

"Elder sister, can Mr. Xue win?" Nie Yihan asked very worried.

Meisha shook her head slightly. "I don't know, but this man, obviously, is not that simple."

Although it is impossible for Mei Xia to cultivate anything in this world, she can still see some clues because of her keen senses.

She found that the man in a black hat, though standing there, did not exist in her own perception.

This discovery naturally shocked his heart.

When did the eighth Prince have more mysterious and unpredictable masters?

And Tang ling'er, at the moment also can't help but pull up the heart, full face worried looking at the field.

At this time, Yan Peng sneered: "Xue an, aren't you strong? This time, I'll see if you can beat my men

With that, Yan Peng pointed to Xue an and exclaimed, "kill him!"

At a command, the figure of the man in black disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had come to Xue an's side, and then he took a picture.

The ghostly speed surprised the audience.

Yan Xi couldn't help but exclaimed.

But in the face of this sudden palm, Xue an did not even move.

I can see that Xue an is about to be hit by this one.

Yan Peng's smile is more and more intense.

At this time, Xue an said coldly: "how reckless are you to condense fierce soldiers with such sorcery?"

With that, Xue an raised her eyes, the light in her eyes twinkled, and then raised her hand.


The blow will be broken, and then scattered to the sky black gas.

The man in black roared with pain, but he was still intrepid with the impact of death.

Xue an snorted coldly, shook his hands and punched out.


The man in black was blown out. In the middle of the air, the bamboo hat on his body was broken, and the figure inside was revealed.

Seeing this figure, the audience could not help but exclaim.

Those who are timid are even more scared to fight with their legs and hardly stand up.

What kind of a person this is.

The whole body is crisscrossed with huge wounds, as if they were pieced together.

His face, however, was shrouded in a thick black air, and there was nothing in his eyes.

This is like a magic thing, so that many masters all take a breath of cold air.

Xue an's face was as cold as ice, and said faintly: "it seems that I have overestimated your bottom line and condensed this thing with thousands of people's unjust souls. What else do you dare not do?"

After that, Xue an waved.

A sword ran across the sky, stabbed directly into the demon's chest, took it out, and nailed it into the wall of the forbidden square.

It is such a blow, actually did not let the devil die on the spot, but sent out a shocking roar, and then struggled to get up.

But every time he struggled, the black air on his body would dissipate.

In the twinkling of an eye, the evil spirit in the face of the demon gradually dissipated.

Then his eyes showed a touch of relief in the glory, this is the final death.

There was a dead silence.

Yan Peng, the eighth prince, was livid.

The man in black was presented by the immortal master. He personally tested that a group of well-equipped soldiers were not his opponents, and their strength could be called as strong.

This is why he dared to challenge Xue an.

But unexpectedly, even Xue an's move did not support the past, it was eliminated.

This naturally made him angry.

At this time, Xue an looked at Yan Peng coldly, "what else? If not You die too

As soon as this is said.

Countless people turn pale.

This Xue an is too bold and reckless, dare to threaten the eighth prince in public? No matter how powerful he is, the eight princes represent it, but the majesty of the emperor!

Sure enough.

After hearing Xue an's words, the emperor did not speak, and the queen on one side was already angry.As a matter of fact, she had long been unhappy with xue'an.

Because in the Queen's opinion, Xue an belongs to the Yanxi school, so the more powerful he is, the greater the threat to his son.

Therefore, she patted the table in front of her and said angrily, "how dare you threaten the emperor's son? Come on, take this bold guy down to me!"

At the command, there were countless guards.

Yan Xi and others all turn pale.

However, all the people of Yanpeng, the eighth prince, showed a proud smile.

What can you do if you are good?

Do you dare to disobey the emperor in public?

But before the complacency on these faces dissipated, Xue an's expression was indifferent and raised.

A wisp of sword ran across the whole square with lightning speed, directly nailing the queen to the Phoenix chariot.

The queen looked at Xue an, and finally died.

Until she died, she couldn't believe that Xue an really dared to kill herself.

At this time, Xue an just light way: "noisy!"

There was a dead silence.

People are all stupid.

Who could have thought that Xue an would be so overbearing that she killed the queen directly?

Yan Xi was more stunned.

At this time, Xue an turned his head and gave him a faint smile. "As I said, your power fighting tricks are too boring. In my opinion, there is nothing that can't be solved by one sword, if not Then two swords! "

As soon as his voice fell, he heard Yan Peng howl angrily, "Xue an, you dare to kill my mother, I will tear you to pieces!"

Xue an sneered, "is it? It's a pity that you don't have this chance! "

With that, Xue an stamped his feet, and a ray of bright sword appeared in front of him. Then he pierced the void and went straight to Yan Peng.

The speed of this sword was so fast that many people didn't react at all.

Yan Peng, including this one, saw only a ray of light coming straight to him. He could not help but cry out: "immortal master, save me!"

At this time, a Yin compassion of laughter came, "it's really worthy of sword cultivation, so strong to kill!"

With that, a light darker than the night suddenly appeared in front of Yan Peng, and the sword light rushed into it, just like in the glue. The speed slowed down sharply, and the black gas continued to erode and finally broke into pieces.

Then a man whose facial features were covered by black gas appeared in the scene.

Xue an embraces the shoulder, looks at coldly, and then Sen ran a smile, "finally Ken appeared?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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