Do you know that the swords of Jie Wan Cheng are so arrogant that they can be so arrogant? I tell you, in this swampy world, no one can escape! "

Xue an quietly listen, and then the corner of his mouth raised, a cold smile, "native chicken and dog, dare to shout in front of me?"

The black air around the man shook and said angrily, "Jianxiu, you are looking for death yourself!"

With his voice, dozens of figures gradually emerged behind him.

They are all demons in black hats.

These demons stood together in silence, forming a burst of magic Qi.

Xue an looked up and finally flashed a look of anger in his eyes. "Ghost Xiu, you run wild in this world, don't you think that no one can control you?"

The man laughed, "yes, this world is a Jedi for you decent monks, but it's a rare paradise for us ghost monks! Because here, we can harvest the soul wantonly to enhance our strength

"And how long can you keep up without the support of the spirit of heaven and earth?"

The man sneered, then reached out and said, "kill him! Bring back the soul, I will study it well! "

At an order.

Dozens of black lights burst into the sky and went straight to Xue an.

The momentum of the combined attack of these demons is extremely frightening.

At least all the onlookers were taken aback.

Many timid people are even more scared to the ground.

Yan Xi even exclaimed, "be careful, young master."

Xue an's expression was neither sad nor happy, nor did he give in at all. Instead, he stepped forward, raised his fist, and then faced up to the dozens of demons condensed by evil spirits.

Bang bang bang.

The sound of the explosion was in full swing.

In an instant.

The demons burst into a series of wails and then disintegrated into black air all over the sky and dissipated.

The audience was dumbfounded.

Such as Yanxi and others have already looked silly.

"This How could that be possible? You Aren't you a swordsman? How could there be such a terrible boxing? " The man screamed.

Xue an took back his fist and said with a faint smile, "do you really think Am I just a swordsman? "

The man's eyes, which were exposed to the black air, gradually showed a dignified color, and then began to laugh strangely.

"I've looked down on you before, but do you think that this will change anything? You're wrong! The world is more terrible than you think

With his voice.

In the distant sky, a black line suddenly appeared.

Then you can see the boundless black air like a wave.

On top of the tide stood a tall man with a demon mask on his head.

In a flash, the black air came to the Forbidden Garden, making the originally clear sky dark.

The whole scene was stunned by the man's appearance.

This is just like the legendary gods and demons.

Moreover, the powerful people in the hall were moved by the momentum.

MEIXIA was shocked and said in disbelief, "I always thought my strength was good. I didn't expect that there are so many powerful people like gods and demons in this world!"

And Nie Yihan said with a worried face: "elder sister, Mr. Xue Can you win? "

Mei Xia shook her head solemnly, "to tell you the truth, I don't know! But even if you can win, you will have to pay a very painful price

Meisha's words also represent the ideas of the whole audience.

There are even many people who think that Xue an will die.

At the same time.

The ghost monk on the ground saluted in a hurry.


The man in the mask nodded slightly, then turned his eyes to Xue an, who was standing opposite.

"Jianxiu, is it you who killed ghost yin?"

Xue an knew that he asked about the Chang family member who was killed by himself. He couldn't help but smile, "yes!"

"Good! Jianxiu, your strength is really good! But you're not my match! However, as a monk, I can give you a chance. As long as you hand in the secret method of condensing aura you carry, I can spare you from death, and even let you join us. From then on, we can enjoy ourselves together. How about

The ghost monk can see at a glance that Xue an has aura. In this world where there is no aura, there are only two possibilities to possess aura.

One is to get Tiancai Dibao, but in this world, it is almost impossible, even if there is, it is only a very weak aura.

Second, they have the secret method of forcibly condensing aura, which is too tempting for these ghost monks.

So he can't wait to throw out the conditions, want to set Xue an's secret method out.Xue an smell speech but smile, just this smile matchless cold.

"If you can be condensed into a ghost general in this desperate situation, how many creatures have you destroyed and how many souls have you gained?"

Hearing this, the mask ghost cultivation was surprised, "how can you know so much?"

You should know that ghost cultivation is a very cold school even in the world of heaven and earth.

It's not because of anything else, it's because the ghost cultivation needs countless lives and souls in the cultivation.

This requires that the ghost repair must constantly kill the living creatures, and then slowly progress.

Therefore, although the later period of Guixiu was very strong, it gradually disappeared in the world.

For the constant killing of the stars by ghosts is equivalent to stealing the foundation of all nations, which is naturally not tolerated by all the tribes in the sky.

Of course, Xue an also knew that there must be a large number of ghost cultivation in the secret corner, such as the legendary hell world.

Xue an once dealt with a king of ten halls in the world of hell.

That is the real ghost repair giant, enough to rival the existence of the fairy king.

Moreover, the level of ghost cultivation is different from that of ordinary practitioners.

For example, this ghost general is almost equivalent to the golden immortal among practitioners.

That's why Xue an is so angry.

Because this shows that the ghost monk has killed at least hundreds of millions of creatures.

The masked ghost Xiu was shocked, but soon he regained his composure.

"Since you know what I am, you should understand that in this world, you can't surpass me in sword cultivation or body cultivation!"

"Hand over the secret method honestly, and I will let you live, otherwise I will refine your soul into a magic weapon, and then you will fall forever!" The mask ghost Xiu said coldly.

Yan Xi and others looked gloomy.

He thought that Xue an would be defeated.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly laughed, "you're right. I don't seem to be able to beat you without aura support! But... "

Xue an's smile was like a knife. With a wave of his hand, the Fubao building hidden in his body showed his figure.

An Yan, who was holding a pan, jumped out of it and appeared in front of everyone.

Xue an pointed to the ghost Xiu in the sky and said faintly: "Yan'er, beat him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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