An Yan smell speech excited nodded, "husband, what kind of plan to beat?"

Xue an said: "as long as you can't beat to death, you'll beat it to death!"

"Good husband, give it to me!"

And the mask ghost Xiu Wen Yan was stunned at first, then he burst out laughing, "how could you find such a charming little girl to beat me? Are you sure you're not playing... "

The word "smile" has not been exported.

An Yan flew to his body, then swung the pan in his hand and patted it according to this ghost repair.

The ghost Xiu sneered and wanted to dodge.

But he had no idea how horrible the pan was.

Just listen to that nine turn Lei Zun's excited cry from the pan, "Damn it, after waiting so long, it's my turn to come out and chop me!"

With the voice.

There was a bright and dazzling ray of thunder, which hit the top of the mask ghost Xiu's head.

The mask ghost felt stiff and almost fell down from the sky. He could not help but roar: "it's the heavenly thunder Dharma. What kind of magic weapon are you that can use the sky thunder?"

Anyan is lazy to talk nonsense with him. Anyway, her husband said that as long as he can't beat him to death, he will beat him to death.

So the pan in an Yan's hand came with a pen hold, which was patted on the head of ghost Xiu, a stiff mask.

Just listen to a dull bang.

The fierce masked ghost Xiu was photographed flying far away, waiting for him to stand up.

Anyan raised his hand, and the pan flew straight away.

The spirit of the pot turns nine, and Lei Zun roars with excitement.

"Master mother, the boy has been handed over to me. Damn it, I've lost my mind in this period of time."

Said, a road of thunder and then with no money as raging.

This mask ghost hides and dodges right and left, but how can he have thunder light fast? Therefore, after only a short time, he wants to die.

And this nine turn Lei Zun is also very chicken thief, often take advantage of the gap that he just dodges a thunder light, appear and disappear to pat him.

Therefore, after a while, the mask ghost Xiu was beaten into a pig's head and could not get arrogant any more.

"All right, all right, I give up! Don't fight again, I'll die if I hit again The mask ghost Xiu said vaguely.

The teeth in his mouth, which had just been smashed by a pan, are now leaking.

But he did not want to fight, nine turn Lei Zun did not want to let him go.

"Tut Tut, you're not beaten? I haven't enjoyed it yet. Come again

With that, the pan rose again, and the thunder in the air was dim, and it was clear that thunder was brewing again.

The mask ghost Xiu was so sad and angry that he turned his head and went straight to Xue an on the ground.

An Yan is surprised, just want to stop.

But the next second, this mask ghost repair's action actually looked stupefied everybody.

He knelt down in front of xue'an and cried bitterly, "Taoist friend, you don't kill too much. You're such a bully. I admit defeat and he still beats me. What do you want me to do?"

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

Especially Yan Peng, the eighth prince, and the ghost Xiu before him.

The two of them stare at the mask ghost Xiu kneeling on the ground, their heads are blank.

Your boss just gave up?

Xue an quietly looked at the ghost Xiu kneeling in front of him and suddenly said, "do you think I can't take you how?"

As soon as this is said.

The ghost Xiu shivered all over, then lowered his head deeply and flashed a cruel look in his eyes.

He was really afraid of the pan, because the thunder just kept them under control.

But he had no fear of this xue'an.

In particular, there is no ability to repair ghosts, but there are endless means to protect their lives. As long as there is a trace of spirit, you can escape from death.

This is the reason why he has just deliberately confused xue'an with words.

But Xue an saw through it.

At this moment. Xue an slowly walked up to him, looked at him from a commanding position, and said faintly: "or do you think I can't kill you? "

As soon as the words fell, he saw that the mask ghost Xiu suddenly broke up, and a sharp claw composed of countless unjust spirits ran towards Xue an and fell down.

"Husband!" An Yan exclaimed and waved.

The pan in the sky turned into a streamer.

But they are too far away from the time.

See this claw will touch Xue an.

But when the mask ghost Xiu's face showed a touch of joy.

In Xue an's eyes, the light was shining.

Then a ray of seemingly weak, but in fact extremely tough white flame will be stained on the claw.

Compared with this claw, the flame is very small.But on contact, the flame burst out like a wildfire.

Under the white flame shrouded, this claw is like the ice and snow under the scorching sun, instantly melting into the invisible.

And the ghost of the mask was struck by lightning and exclaimed, "you How can you have this flame? "

The fear in the voice is much more profound than when we just met the thunder light.

"Why can't I have it?" Xue an said faintly, stretched out his hand, burned the white flame of the ghost's claws back to his palm again, curling Tingting, not much bigger than a group of candles.

But it was such a candlelight that the ghost shivered like chaff.

"Big Forgive me, my Lord

Xue an shook her head. "Do you think Is it still useful to ask for mercy now? "

"No!" This ghost Xiu turns around and wants to run.

The pan had already rushed over, and then a ray of thunder struck the ghost to the ground.

Then nine turn Lei Zuncai said lazily: "boy, who are you provoking? How can you provoke him? Even I saw him have to be good, not to mention you? What a brain drain

The ghost Xiu still wanted to struggle to get up. Xue an had already stepped on his head and said, "don't move, move again, and I'll kill you all!"

"Forgive me, my Lord! I don't move, absolutely not! " The masked ghost howled.

See this scene.

The first ghost Xiu who appeared quietly wanted to step back.

But just before he stepped back.

Xue an light way: "catch that fellow too!"


Nine turn Lei Zun excitedly should a, directly rushed to the past, three under five divide two will this ghost repair also to catch over.

Now everyone is stupid.

Who could have thought that the two guys who had just been furious were trampled on by Xue an in the twinkling of an eye.

In particular, who is this gorgeous woman who suddenly appears?

A lot of people are confused.

And Tang Ling ER and Nie Yihan and other women's faces have become extremely ugly.

Because they are in front of an Yan, feel deeply ashamed of themselves.

This Is it the person you are thinking of?

In front of Tang Ling'an, everything is broken in her heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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