Because no matter be beautiful or temperament, an Yan all crush all the women present.

At this time, Xue an looked down at the mask ghost Xiu who was trampled under his feet, and said faintly: "now I ask you to answer, if what you say can't satisfy me, the consequences will be at your own risk, understand?"

"Understand, understand!" The mask ghost mends to be busy to shout.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Guirong. The ghost Yin killed by you is my younger brother!"

Xue an kicked the ghost Xiu next to him with his foot again. "Who is this guy?"

Without waiting for the ghost to speak, the ghost Xiu had already called out: "my Lord, my name is Qishu. This ghost face is my boss!"


Guirong quickly flattered and said with a smile: "my Lord, I am a little leader in the ghost League! The whole story is really my man. "

Ghost League?

Hearing this address, Xue an's eyes moved slightly and said faintly: "go on, there must be no omission at all!"


Next, the ghost face will introduce the ghost alliance in detail.

It turns out that the ghost alliance is composed of practitioners who are sealed into the world.

At the beginning, only ghost cultivation, so it was called ghost League.

But after such a long time of development, there are not only ghost monks in the ghost alliance, but also many other friars.

But these people have a common characteristic, that is, they act unscrupulously, not for good or evil, but for the consequences.

And this ghost face is a small leader in the ghost League.

In his words, his accomplishments can only be regarded as the middle class in the ghost League.

There are even ghost Shuai, that is, half step immortal level.

After hearing all this.

Xue an's eyes grew cold.

The ghost is handsome.

The number is not what you need to measure.

This gang of ghost repair, as expected, damn it!

It seems to feel Xue an's killing intention. The ghost looks so scared that he shivers all over. In order to survive, he said in a hurry.

"My Lord, I have another important information to tell you!"

"In this swamp world, there are not only our ghost alliance monks, but also some decent monks like you. They also have a loose organization called xiaoqingqiu, but they have been suppressed by our ghost League because they can't replenish spiritual power in this world!"

"Coupled with the killing and seduction of the ghost commander-in-chief, the strength of this little green hill is becoming weaker and weaker."

Little green hill.

Hearing the name, Xue Anru was struck by lightning.

Because the meaning of this name is already obvious, only those who have a deep relationship with Qingqiu fox kingdom will take this name.

"What about the people in xiaoqingqiu now?" Xue an asked sharply.

The ghost face was frightened by Xue an's expression, and quickly said in a trembling voice, "my Lord, this time I come to Tiansheng Kyoto, I'm not mainly for you, but to prepare to harvest the life and soul in this city!"


Hear that.

The whole audience took a breath of air conditioning.

Many people are scared out of cold sweat.

If there is no Xue an's hindrance, with the strength of this ghost, it will definitely turn the whole Tiansheng Kyoto into a dead city.

Then the ghost face flattered and said, "and the reason why we need so many souls is that the adults of the ghost league are uniting to besiege xiaoqingqiu!"

"But because the leader of xiaoqingqiu is very difficult to deal with, and he starts to burn his soul to fight against the ghost commander in the end, so the situation is stalemate, and harvesting these souls is to deal with xiaoqingqiu!"

This ghost face dare not lie, because he knows that if he dares to lie in front of a strong man like Xue an, it is no different from seeking death.

Therefore, in order to survive, he would like to pour all the things out of the bamboo tube, generally speaking.

But as soon as his voice fell, he found that Xue an's face turned black and blue, and the murderous spirit around him broke out like substance, and all the oppressed people retreated in horror.

And this ghost face is full of horror.

Is that his strength?

At this time, an Yan came forward with a worried face and said, "husband!"

Xue anchong nodded slightly, indicating that she was ok, then took a deep breath and said with cold words.

"Do you say that the leader of xiaoqingqiu is fighting with your ghost League at the cost of burning his soul?"

"Yes! And it's been going on for a while! Before I came out this time, I heard a rumor that the leader of xiaoqingqiu was about to lose his strength... "

The voice did not fall.

Xue an punches down.


With the ghost's head as the center, a big pit fell out of the square.

With the strength of GUI Rong, he can also be called a master.But in front of Xue An in anger, he is generally weak as a bubble.

Under one blow, the upper half of ghost Rong's body was completely smashed.

Then his spirit floated out and cried out in great fear: "big..."

Xue an's eyes were bright and he waved his hand.

The fire in his hands covered the whole square.


Ghost Rong and his men Qi Shu were completely shrouded in the white flame.

In a shrill howl.

Xue an directly takes out the Spirit Crystal in the mustard seed ring and devours xianjue to launch it.

But in the blink of an eye.

Then the mustard ring in the majority of the crystal stone thoroughly absorbed clean.

And Xue an's momentum also began to climb madly.

In the end, although it has not recovered completely, it is only a little short of it.

Under the influence of half step immortal.

The whole Forbidden Garden, even the whole Tiansheng Kyoto, trembled at his feet.

Countless people began to kneel uncontrollably.

Yan Peng, the eighth Prince's son, was about to faint.

He never dreamed that the man who he thought was easy to deal with turned out to be such a powerful man.

But he couldn't even say it.

Xue an just glanced.

His body was blown into a blood mist and his spirits were broken.

But these are trivial matters.

Now Xue an has only one thought in his heart.

That is, Hu Ying must not have an accident.

Otherwise, the fox night, which looks good-natured, will really wash the whole universe.

And myself I guess I'll help you.

Thinking of this, Xue an took a deep breath, "Yan'er!"


"You're here to guard Kyoto, I'll go back soon!"

"Mm-hmm! Husband, be careful on the way An Yan looks solemn and nodded.

Xue an a smile, rubbed her head, "well, there is nothing in the world that can defeat your husband, don't worry about it!"

With that, Xue an left Fu Bao's small building down.

There is this thing, even if there is really a peerless strong, an Yan also has a retreat.

At this time, Fu Bao's thoughts and thoughts, as well as xiaochan'er, came out.

There's no reason for them to worship Xue an.

But chan'er is a bit out of her wits. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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