Only now did she realize that her original master was no longer there.

But the young master in front of him was a strong man who made the gods tremble.

Therefore, in Fubao's small building, her heart is full of depression.

So after she came out, she also lowered her head and didn't know what it was like.

At the moment, Xue an took a look at the lovely chan'er and gave a slight smile.

"Chan'er, young master, leave for a moment, take care of it, think about it and recite it!"

I heard the familiar word "young master".

Chan'er was shocked and then looked up at xue'an.

Xue an grinned and scraped her nose. "What's wrong? I am your young master

This word a, Chan son's big eyes quickly filled with tears, and then heavily nodded.

"Young master, go ahead. I will take good care of the two ladies here."

Xue an smiles and looks around the audience. After seeing Tang ling'er and Nie Yihan, he nods slightly.

Then a body, then into a streamer, straight into the sky.

In a flash, it disappeared in the sky.

Tang ling'er looked at him stupidly, clenched his fist slowly, and finally relaxed dejectedly.

Because she finally understood that what she had thought before was just a dream!

Not to mention the strength of Xue an, is just Xue an look at an Yan that doting eyes, let Tang ling'er and all the women understand.

I'm done.

What's more, there are two little girls in the field, who are obviously his daughters.

This fact mercilessly shattered many people's illusions.

At this time, Youyan started to clean up the situation.

Now Yanpeng, the eighth Prince's son, has exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and the queen has died.

Xue Angang's amazing strength makes all people afraid.

Therefore, Yanxi's position has risen, and he has become an emperor.

And all people, do not know whether it is intentional or unintentional, have deliberately ignored the paralyzed on the throne, has been scared out of the old emperor.

The handover of power is always so cruel.

But Xue an didn't know that.

In fact, he didn't care about it.

At the moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

That's fast.


It's better to get to xiaoqingqiu in an instant.

And under his all-out drive.

People all over the world saw a meteor flying across the sky at a very fast speed.

Such a vision makes many ignorant people kneel and worship.

The world is much bigger than Xue an imagined.

Even at the speed of thousands of miles between his fingers, he had already leaped for half an hour before he slowly approached the site.

It is located in the middle of this world. There are endless mountains everywhere.

Slowly, Xue began to explore the location of xiaoqingqiu with his mind.


After a quarter of an hour of searching.

Xue an's eyes brightened, and then his body disappeared in the same place.


On a mountain like a fox looking back at the moon.

The atmosphere was at its zenith.

This originally lush mountain, at this time has become a ghost.

Only in the area on the top of the mountain has not been infected by black gas.

Because there is a weak light curtain, blocking all the black gas.

And in the sky.

Countless black clouds hung over the sky.

Above these dark clouds, there are ghost monks standing.

In the middle of the line, a big flag was flying.

There are two seal characters on the flag.

Ghost League.

Under the flagpole.

It's the highest level of the whole ghost League.

Ghost handsome, black Feng.

And several ghost League elders.


The faces of these ghost alliance people are not good-looking.

It seems that the rocks are so weak that they can't be shaken.

At this time, Heifeng snorted coldly. His eyes penetrated through the light curtain and looked at the golden palace on the top of the mountain. A look of greed flashed over his face.

"It's an enviable spirit. After burning for so long, it's still so vibrant. If it's swallowed up, it can even push my strength forward and become a ghost emperor level existence."

And this is why he did not hesitate to spend so much cost, but also to kill xiaoqingqiu.

"Lord guishuai, the leader of this little green hill is stubborn, but they are just grasshoppers after autumn, and they can not hop for a few days. As soon as the people we send out to harvest the souls come back, we can directly sacrifice the little green hill with blood. Then Isn't it easy? " A ghost League elder flatters a way.Black Feng heard the words, Jie Jie chuckled, "yes, in this cage, only we ghost repair is the most powerful, these guys who think they stick to justice, all of them have to die!"

With that, he burst out another blow with a laugh.


The huge claws formed by the condensation of black gas hit this layer of light curtain, although they were smashed in an instant.

But the light also began to quiver.

Black Feng saw the situation more and more proud.

At the same time.

In the golden palace on the top of the mountain.

The atmosphere has reached its zenith.

Dozens of people gathered here, but they could only hear the sound of breathing.

Because everyone is looking up at the high platform in the center of the hall.

On the high platform.

There was a little girl who was only eleven or twelve years old, with her eyes closed and pale, though she was very young.

But the girl is as beautiful as unreal, even people dare not see more.

But in her body, it radiates the light that people dare not look directly at.

This is the whole light.

"The leader's size is getting smaller again!" A man with scars all over his face said sadly.

It's not just him.

All the people in the hall were injured slightly or severely.

No matter who it is, after seeing the burning soul girl on the high platform, they are all full of sadness and despair.

Because they've been stuck here for half a month.

During this half month, the monks of xiaoqingqiu tried every means to break through.

But after paying a very heavy price, they still failed to break through the layers of defense arranged by the ghost League.

So they all can only watch their leader quietly burning soul, but there is no way to stop.

At this moment.

Just listen to a shock outside.

Then she saw a frown on the girl's brow, and her face showed the color of pain.

And the light emitted, also suddenly become stronger a little.

Then, the girl's body size became smaller.

See this scene.

Everyone in the hall looked sad.

Then a man fell to his knees and sobbed: "chief, you don't care about us. Leave now!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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