His words were like a fuse.

All the people fell to their knees.

"Don't worry about us, chief! We are satisfied to meet such a leader as you after entering the world

"Yes, don't let your spirit be damaged because of us!"

These shouts one after another, and among them, the voice of women sobbing.

The girl closed her eyes and shook her head gently. "Don't say it. I won't go."

"But..." There was a great rush.

The girl said softly: "at the beginning, someone once told me that no matter when, don't give up! Otherwise, my conscience will be disturbed all my life! For his words, I can't abandon you

All the audience were silent.

A lot of people bowed their heads and looked gloomy and desperate.

And the girl's heart is silent thought, fox night brother, Xue an brother, I did not give you shame, you have taught me, I have done!

Thinking of this, the girl was sad.

But I may never see you again!

Fox night brother, although I usually hate you, but I know that you love me sincerely. Sometimes when it is clear that I have done something wrong, you will be punished by the elders for me.

And brother Xue an.

Thinking of xue'an, the girl felt like a knife in her heart.

Brother Xue an, I never believe you will fall. It must be the people who are jealous of you to make rumors, right?

You must be in a good place now, waiting for a certain moment, you will appear again, and then those who despise you or betray you will be cleaned up!


Because you didn't do that a lot before?

Unfortunately I can't see any of these.

I miss you so much!

The girl's mind is hard to calm, a tear is down the beautiful cheek slowly.

And this is the moment.

"What a silly girl!" someone sighed

The voice was not loud, but it was heard all over the audience.

On the other hand, the girl on the platform was shocked and opened her eyes in disbelief.

In the void of the hall, a figure gradually emerged.

In a flash.

A young man in white appeared before the crowd.

Seeing this young man, if the girl was struck by lightning, she even lost her thinking ability and could only look at it with a dull face.

When Xue an saw that the girl was only 11 or 12 years old, her face was cold, and her eyes were full of fierce killing.

But then he calmed down and gave the girl a smile.

"Ying'er, I'm back!"

As soon as this is said.

Hu Ying's big eyes gradually showed tears, and then tears burst out of her eyes, choked and said: "Xue Brother Xue

Said, she then regardless of all rushed out of the platform, directly into Xue an's arms, wailing.

This cry, full of endless heartache and missing.

"Brother Xue, I knew you would not die. I miss you so much! I am not dreaming now

Xue an quietly stroked the girl's long hair and whispered: "of course not a dream, I really come back!"

And all the people in the hall all looked at this scene dully.

In their impression, their leader had never been so excited.

We should know that the leader usually does not say a word to a man, let alone plunge into the man's arms and cry.

Who the hell is this man?

At this time, I heard a surprise outside.

"Broken, broken!"

"The light curtain finally broke, and the leader of xiaoqingqiu could not hold on to it!"

In these shouts, Hu Ying raised her head in Xue an's arms and said with tears on her face: "it's broken, the barrier is gone!"

With that, she was going to go back to the high platform and prop up the barrier.

Xue an patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "OK, your brother and I are back. Do you still use you to burn your soul? Watch and see how I avenge you


Hu Ying very clever stand to one side, full of worship looking at Xue an.

At the moment, her heart is full of happiness.

Because once, Xue an took care of her in the same way.

How nice!

Everything is back!

Hu Ying thought happily.

And at the same time.

Seeing that the barrier was broken, the ghost Shuai Heifeng of the ghost League was overjoyed. He clapped it and directly smashed the last remaining light curtain. Then he laughed grimly and cried, "little girl, you have been holding on for a long time! Unfortunately, isn't the end result the same? Don't worry, I only want your spirit and blood, and I can stay your life. After all, I heard that you are beautiful! Ha ha ha ha haThis black front incomparably rampant laugh, and then will break the top of the golden palace.

But just then.

I saw the dome of the golden palace melting like ice water.

Then Xue an's expression indifference slowly came out of it.

The laughter of the black front gradually stopped, and then looked at Xue an with a gloomy face.

"Who are you? How could it be here? "

Xue an didn't pay attention to his question, but raised his head to see the ghosts and gods all over the sky. His eyes were full of cold and murderous intent.

"If you dare not listen to me, you will die!" The monk of the ghost League roared and clapped.

Xue an didn't make any movement, just glanced at the man.

The ghost Xiu, who had the least strength but also scattered immortals, even had no time to send out the screams. Then he exploded and turned into a black air all over the sky.

It was a shock.

Whether it's ghost league or little green hill.

Everyone was shocked.

Only Hu Ying, a face of course.

For her, her brother Xue an is the best and most powerful in the world.

No matter who it is, it's not Xue an's brother's opponent.

Although his elder brother can't be respected now, it's not difficult for him to respect him.

At this time, the ghost Shuai black Feng is also a Leng, and then Yin compassion of the sneer up.

"It's the helper I've been looking for! Tut, it looks like a bluff, but you... "

Xue an suddenly interrupted his words and said faintly, "let me guess, it's not because of the seal that you enter this world! You should have made a deal with the other party, and you are here to reap your soul and increase your accomplishments. Am I right? "

Xue an's words let black front face white, and then cold voice: "who are you?"

Xue an's face was as cold as ice, pointing to the fox Ying in the distance, "I? I'm her brother


Black Feng was stunned.

At the same time, Xue an's body suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he had come to the black front, and when he had no response at all, he stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck.

Black Feng was furious and began to struggle.

But under Xue an's hands, all his struggles became so futile.

Then Xue an said coldly, "you almost killed my sister. Today, I'll give you a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!"

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