Black Feng suddenly gave up the struggle at this time, and then said with a grim smile: "do you really think you can catch me like this? You are so naive

Say, the figure of black front then wither quickly go down, disappear in invisible.

Then he heard a very arrogant voice from Xue an's head.

"Boy, I advise you to save your energy! I am the real immortal. If you destroy me, I can be reborn by sacrificing a soul. What's more, the soul I have

With that, he laughed wildly.

Laughter shakes the world.

Let all the people of little green hill look pale.

Xue an was smiling. "Oh? Is it? "

With that, Xue an stepped forward slowly.

Step down.


This is a red lotus that seems to gather all the auras of heaven and earth.

Its magnificent and bright, people are intoxicated.

But it is such a beautiful to the soul stirring red lotus, but let the black front face color big change.

"This This is... "

Xue an said faintly: "as I said, tooth for tooth, blood for blood, so Have a taste of the burning of your soul

Said, the red lotus instantly disappeared, and so on again, has come to the top of the black front, and then a string of fire from the red lotus out, directly inserted into the body of black front.

On the line of fire, there was light.

The black front was stunned for a moment and then gave out a deafening howl, "ah ah, ah, kill me

The voice was so shrill that people couldn't bear to hear it.

And can make always cherish the life of the black Feng all say to kill me this kind of words, also can see how painful in the end.

But Xue an was not moved by it. Instead, he tapped his fingers.


Black Feng's throat is like being sealed, the scream stops suddenly.

Xue an light way: "noisy person ear ache, this is much better!"

Black Feng looked at xue'an in horror. His eyes were full of pleading and despair.

Xue an just smile, "please enjoy the next good time!"

Seeing this scene, especially seeing the gentle smile on Xue an's face, all the people in the ghost League couldn't help shivering.

Some smart ones turn around and run.

Nonsense, don't you run and die now?

After all, even the leader of the league is not the opponent of this man, and his people are not worth mentioning.

One person ran away and immediately led others to flee with them.

For these people, the only hope at the moment is that this God killing grandfather who doesn't know where to come out will be merciful, and will not care about his small soldiers.

After all, his existence may not be worth mentioning in his eyes.

What's more, a lot of decent friars just punish the first evil, don't they?

Many ghost practitioners in the ghost league are planning in their minds.

But this time, they all think wrong.

Xue an stood in the void and looked at the people in the ghost League running away. His eyes were cold, and then he stamped his feet suddenly.


The void vibrates.

Then countless swords appeared in the sky.

Xue an stood among them and pointed out, "look for the evil sword, kill!"

At an order.

The sword fell like rain all over the sky.

Those who had already fled to the sky thought they were safe.

Can not wait for them to be happy, the sword will fly to come, instantly kill it.

In an instant.

Between the sky and the earth howled, blood splashed, the sky was dyed red.

All the people in xiaoqingqiu were stupefied.

The monk of ghost League, who had trapped them in the mountain for more than half a month, could not survive a quarter of an hour in this man's hands.

This strength, even if they are not sealed into this room have not seen.

The howl died out and blood fell to the ground.

When the sword is scattered, the world has become empty.

Hu Ying looks at Xue an, who is standing in the void with his negative hand, and his heart trembles.

This Is the invincible brother Xue in her memory!

At this time, Xue an turned to smile at the black front which was refined by the fire of red lotus.

"I know there must be someone behind you, and you want to be rescued, but unfortunately, none of you can escape!"

The words put out the fire at last.

There was a gurgling sound coming from his throat, and he looked at xue'an beseechingly.

He's asking for nothing else now, just a quick death.

Because it's too painful for the soul to be refined by the fire of red lotus.Xue an was not moved at all, but turned to smile at Huying.

"Ying'er, are you satisfied?"

Hu Ying nodded, "mm-hmm! Brother Xue, I'm satisfied with everything you do! "

Although Hu Ying's body size has shrunk to 11 or 12 years old due to the burning of her soul and blood, many people are still stupefied by the myriad of amorous feelings revealed by her words.

But Xue an seemed not to see it. He looked down and laughed at the monks. "You did a good job. At least you didn't lose your nature in front of temptation and despair."

Said, Xue an from mustard seed ring to take out a large number of pills and Spirit Crystal, distributed to the public.

They were all shocked at the sight.

"My God, this is the top-grade Lingjing! When I was not sealed before, I had never seen such a high-quality crystal! "

"Hiss, this pill, at least, is the top grade of heaven!"

These exclamations come and go.

And in the eyes of these monks, Xue an's image has become more and more tall.

At this moment.

The black front bound by the fire of red lotus suddenly gave out a wild animal's low roar, then burst out and turned into black air all over the sky.

Xue an was slightly stunned, and then a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"It's cheap for you to blow yourself up

We should know that once the spirit of a monk explodes, it will disappear completely, and there is no possibility of recovery.

This also shows how painful it is to be tempered by the fire of red lotus.

Hu Ying then asked, "brother Xue, where are we going next?"

Xue anchong drowned with a smile, "it's natural to go back! Your sister-in-law should be in a hurry now! "

Sister in law!

This name makes Hu Ying such as lightning, pretty face is instantly become white.

Xue an just smile, and then grasp Hu Ying's hand, "go, brother take you back!"

After a day of turbulence.

Tiansheng, Kyoto is becoming quiet.

But the atmosphere is still very dignified.

Because what happened in the Forbidden Garden one day ago has been completely spread.

Many ordinary people suddenly realized.

"No wonder this young master Xue is so talented that he is really an immortal."

But it is different from the relaxed atmosphere among the people.

The whole imperial high-level, at this moment, has become a little silent.

The eighth Prince and the queen died, and his majesty could not afford to go back to the palace.

It is only a matter of time before Yan Xi ascends the throne.

But at the moment, no one cares.

Because compared with what I saw yesterday, the so-called struggle for imperial power is just like a child's family. It is a complete joke.

And Xue an's last departure is affecting the hearts of countless people.

He When will you be back? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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