"Well, when will Xue an, who suppressed the whole dynasty, come back?" Some people talk about the Tao in silence.

"Come back? Ha ha, I think it's still a problem if I can't come back! " Someone sneered.

"Why do you say that?"

"You think, although he is very powerful, but after all, there is only one person, and this time he is facing, but countless masters and strong men!"

"I think it's too much for me to come back!"

A lot of people shake their heads in secret and don't have any hope for Xue an's going.

At this moment.

Someone exclaimed, "look, what's that in the sky?"

They all looked up.

There is a streamer of light in the sky, and then to the direction of Kyoto.

"Did someone come back to revenge?" Someone said in horror.

As soon as this is said.

Many people are horrified.

At the same time.

These streamers have already flown to the sky over Kyoto. After standing up, they are all strong men with different faces.

There are dozens of people. When they appear in the sky above Kyoto, the whole city trembles.

"It's over. It must be those immortal masters who sent people back for revenge." Someone exclaimed.

In the East Palace, the atmosphere was repressed to the extreme.

Yan Xi stood in the courtyard, looking up at the sky.

"Your Highness, you'd better stay away for a while, otherwise..."

"Needless to say, no matter who the other party is, I will wait for Mr. Xue's return here!" Yan Xi light way.

There was a pause in the persuasion.

At this moment.

An Yan led two little girls also appeared in the front yard, and then the two little girls excitedly pointed to the sky and called out: "it's dad, dad is back!"

Hearing what they said, Yan Xi was stunned at first, and then heard the sound of chuckling in the sky.

"Dear daughter, dad is back!"

After that, he saw two streamers flying across the sky. After standing still, who was not xue'an?

As soon as I saw him back.

The whole of Kyoto is quiet at first, then a low noise.

"Look, I'll say that Mr. Xue will come back safely! What else do you have to say? " Some people are proud.

As for those who were cynical before, they were all pale with fear after seeing xue'an, and they secretly hid in the crowd and did not dare to speak more.

Then Xue an led the people to land in the East Palace one after another.

Yan Xi was overjoyed and was the first to salute.

"Young master..."

Xue an waved his hand. "Well, don't be so polite."

"Yes Yan Xi should way, but the eyes from Xue an side of the 11 or 12-year-old girl swept.

Although it's just a glimpse.

But the girl's peerless appearance still makes Yan Xi shake.

Why did Mr. Xue go out for a trip and bring him back so gorgeous?

Yan Xi was puzzled in her heart, but she didn't dare to show any trace on her face.

At this time, an Yan led to think about Niannian and came forward.

Xue an Chong an Yan smiles, "Yan'er, I'm back!"

An Yan nods, but her attention is all attracted by the fox Ying on one side.

In fact, it is impossible for Anyan to pay attention to her.

As soon as he entered the east palace.

Hu Ying is staring at an Yan with almost critical eyes.

Although there was no introduction.

But with intuition, Hu Ying can also guess that this woman should be brother Xue's sister-in-law.

So she stares at it with defiance.

But after a while.

Hu Ying's eyes gradually softened.

Because Anyan, no matter in appearance or bearing, is not inferior to himself, and even has had it.

At this point, even if she is proud, she has to bow down and admit defeat.

Especially after seeing the thoughts and thoughts that follow an Yan's side, Hu Ying's body shakes slightly and her eyes show a confused color.

Are these two daughters of brother Xue?

It's really Lovely!

But the more so, the more confused Hu Ying's heart.

At this time, Xue an was just about to introduce him. Anyan chuckled and said, "this little girl, should be the sister of fox night, miss Huying?"

Hu Ying was slightly shocked, and then he woke up from the blank, "ah Yes

"She's such a beautiful girl. No wonder Xue an is so nervous about you when she knows about you." An Yan light way.

But this sentence let the side of Xue an cold sweat straight out.

"Cough, Yan'er, i..."

An Yan eye wave flow, did not pay attention to Xue an, but went forward familiar with the hand of fox Ying, "go! My sister-in-law talks to youBefore Hu Ying came, she was full of dissatisfaction, and even wanted to get rid of her sister-in-law, who had never met before.

Can wait to see, in an Yan's three words, she began to be at a loss.

Then he was confused and dragged to the backyard by an Yan.

Xue an looked at Anyan and Huying, who had never seen each other before, but became very familiar with each other in a flash.

At this time, chan'er came over, "young master, who is that beautiful girl just now? Is it the second room that the young master has just found... "

Before the words fell, Xue an knocked chan'er's small head and said, "what nonsense? Is that my sister

"Oh Chan'er rubbed her painful head and said, "I just heard from people around me. I thought it was the second wife that the young master had just found!"

Xue an noticed Yan Xi and the strange eyes of those guys in the distance.

This makes him suddenly have a feeling of suffocation that he can't get rid of when he jumps into the Yellow River. He can't help but say in a cold voice, "what are you looking at? Are you going to break up? "

"Ah, yes, yes! It suddenly occurred to me that there was still a lot to do, and I left first! "

Yan Xi saw the fastest, and immediately found an excuse to slip away.

As soon as he left, the rest of the group were scattered.

The rest of Xue an stood in the courtyard, looked up to the sky and sighed for a while, then suddenly laughed.

"Fox night, your sister is now found by me. How can you thank me then?"


Xue an laughs like a fox.

At the same time.

In a world so far away.

Just with a group of little girls blowing cattle fox night suddenly even sneeze a few, at the same time feel all over the hair are up.

It made him a little suspicious.


What's going on?

Have you been too tired recently?

Well, it must be!

It seems that I have to talk to the elder and find a chance to have a good rest for a few days.

When the lights are on.

In the East Palace, a dinner party is going on in a low-key way.

An Yan smiles and looks at the fox Ying who is swallowing food and asks for two sentences from time to time.

Hu Ying then simply said all the words.

Xue an listens in the side, and then understands why this fox Ying appears in this world.

Originally, when the news of Xue an's fall came.

Hu Ying was in agony and firmly believed that this was not true.

Then she thought of Xue an's birthplace, the earth, so she slipped out of the green hills fox Kingdom and began to cross the void, hoping to go to the earth to find Xue an.

But I didn't expect to be lurked in the middle of the journey and was directly dragged into this world.

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