An Yan nodded, "so it is! How did you become the leader of these people

Hu Ying is quite proud of this.

"When I first came to this world, my blood was sealed, and then I was arrested by a group of bad people. By the way, I seem to have been to this capital city. Mm-hmm, I remember. At that time, I was sold to a place called blissful square here!"

Hearing this, sitting on one side, Yanxi, who had just taken a sip of wine, almost spewed out all the wine in his mouth.

Xue an knew it clearly.

It's no wonder that I felt a vague breath in the paradise.

"And then the bad guys wanted me to drink with other men? Of course I wouldn't, and they threatened me! So I was so angry that I killed all these guys! "

Hearing this, Yanxi was shocked. "I remember that there was such a thing happened in the blissful square before. At that time, a large brothel was destroyed overnight, and then no one has found out who did it!"

Hu Ying said with pride on her face: "I did it, and those people I killed are damned. I didn't kill one in vain."

With that, Hu Ying looks at Xue an with all her hopes, just like a student who has done a good deed and is waiting for the teacher's praise.

Xue an was dumbfounded and nodded, "well done!"

Hearing Xue an's praise, Hu Ying's eyes bent into crescent shaped smile.

"Then I ran away from the capital city and began to wander around. Because my blood began to break the seal, my strength became more and more powerful. Finally, I gathered these subordinates and founded xiaoqingqiu to fight against the villains of ghost League!"

Speaking of this, Hu Ying said gloomily: "it's a pity that my poor strength led to the death of many friars in vain, and the ghost League began to invade in a large scale. In my anger, I began to burn my soul to fight against it!"

Hearing Hu Ying's words, all the monks were silent.

Then a man stood up, raised his glass in his hand, and said with a solemn face: "leader, no matter what your identity or status, we have all seen what you have done in this period of time."

"You even burn your soul to protect us! I don't think those comrades who died in the war will have no regrets after seeing all this! "

"Yes! You have done well enough, chief! To tell you the truth, before we were sealed into this world, we were all strong in occupying one side, but it was not until we met you that we understood what it means to do something and not to do something! "

"Yes! Chief, you will always be the leader in our hearts. I'd like to propose a toast to you

All the monks in the hall got up after hearing the speech and raised their glasses to Hu Ying, "leader, let's toast you!"

This situation let Hu Ying first be a Leng, and then raised his glass with tears in his eyes, "thank you very much

With that, they drank the wine in the cup.

Xue an looked at this scene, can not help but also feel quite pleased.

In his impression, no matter how old Hu Ying is, she is always like a child, ignorant of the world and innocent.

Because she was spoiled by Fox night and even the whole country.

Can not experience, how can say mature?

I believe Hu Ying will understand a lot of truth after this twists and turns.

The banquet continued, and the atmosphere became more and more warm.

Hu Ying drank a lot of wine, and her pretty face was covered with red.

Then she said in a simple voice, "brother Xue, what are we going to do next?"

Hear that.

The audience was in awe.

All the friars, as well as Yanxi and others, all raised their ears to listen.

Xue an put down the wine cup in his hand and gave a faint smile. "It's natural to break the shackles of this world, and then calculate the account with those who have sealed their hands!"

Hearing this, the whole audience was shocked.

"Yes, I still remember the faces of those guys. If I don't get revenge, I don't want to have any improvement in my cultivation in this life!"

Many of the monks were furious.

Hu Ying even slapped the table. "Brother Xue is right. At the beginning, my mother was just passing by by by. As a result, I was ambushed and dragged into this room. Now I am a little Lori. This account must be calculated!"

Looking at the face of wine red, known as the old mother, uninhibited Huying.

A lot of people can't help being silly.

This is Are you drunk?

At the same time.

Hu Ying blinked her eyes and pointed to Xue an with a silly smile, "brother Xue, how did you grow three heads?"

With that, she plopped to the ground and fell asleep.

There was a complete silence.

Xue an is more hands on the forehead, face helpless.

Blame yourself for not thinking about it.

This fox Ying is fox night's sister, and fox night is the master who gets drunk with wine. Can Hu Ying be ok?The dinner is over.

An Yan is unable to laugh and cry with Fox Ying back to the room.

After settling her down.

She just walked out of the room.

And Xue an stood in the courtyard.

"Are you asleep?"


Xue an smiled as like as two peas. "It's a real sibling, and the same amount of wine is available at the fox night."

An Yan looks at Xue an with a smile.

Xue an was an Yan smile some hair, "cough, Yan Er, how?"

An Yan shook his head, "nothing, just feel This brother Xue's call is really pleasing to the ear

Xue an's forehead gradually showed a cold sweat, and said with a bitter smile: "Yan'er, don't you think nonsense!"

An Yan dumbfounded to laugh, "see you scared that appearance, I just didn't have the wishful thinking, just sigh for a while!"

"Sigh for what?"

"How can I find that all the women you meet on your way to practice are deeply rooted in you? Tell me honestly, is there anything else besides Ying'er? "

Xue an shook his head like a rattle, "no, even if there is, I don't know!"

"Well, you dare not!" An Yan said, but he couldn't help laughing.

Xue an this just grew a breath, and then some helpless said: "don't frighten me so, OK, you see my cold sweat!"

"Oh? really? But how can I hear that a cold sweat means there is a ghost in the heart? " An Yan you you said.

Xue an is frozen in place.

"I'm kidding you!" An Yan shows a smile.

Can not wait for Xue an to relax, an Yan and light said: "but I still think you are not honest, punish you to sleep in the outer room tonight!"

"No! It's cold outside! "

"Are you still afraid of the cold? Aren't you xianzun? "

"Who said xianzun couldn't be afraid of the cold? How warm is it to sleep with your wife

"Pooh, hooligan!"

"Hee hee, it's hooligan. What can you do?"


Their voices drifted away.

Hu Ying in the room suddenly turned over, the corner of his eyes Tears were shining. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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