Qing'er, full of worry, walked into the room, put the food box on the table and said in a soft voice, "Miss, have something to eat!"

Tang ling'er, who has been locked in his room for several days, shook his head in a wooden way, "no more, I'm not hungry!"

"Miss, I know you're upset, but you have to eat!" Qing'er whispered.

Tang ling'er smiles, and then turns to continue to write what.

Qing'er walked forward and saw that the paper was covered with three small orders written by Xue an.

"Miss..." Clear son sees appearance, the voice is a bit choked.

Tang ling'er didn't say a word, still wrote silently, but her eyes were full of gloom.

At this moment.

Then Tang Sheng walked quickly into the house, his face full of excitement.

"Ling'er, what do you think this is?"

He raised a note in his hand.

Tang Ling Er Leng Leng looked at, "what?"

"This is the letter paper just sent by the east palace. It was written by Lord Xue himself!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tang ling'er rushed up and grabbed the letter, and then started to look at it.

There was no sound in the room.

Tang Sheng's face was full of joy.

Anyway, as long as adults still remember ling'er.

Now Tang Sheng, of course, can not have any other ideas, because the gap between strength and identity is too big.

But if we can rely on this relationship to keep up with Xue an, then the status of the Tang family will not be the same.

So he was also concerned about what was written in the letter.

At this time, Tang ling'er looked at the letter, tears came out of her eyes.

Tang Sheng and Qing'er are all frightened.

"Miss, what did Mr. Xue write?"

Tang ling'er shook his head, and then Zhen and heavy will put the letter in his arms, "nothing, he just let me go to the East Palace tomorrow!"

Tang Sheng was overjoyed and said, "is it necessary to marry ling'er?"

Tang Ling Er took a cold look at her father.

Tang Sheng grabbed his head awkwardly and said, "cough, I suddenly think of something in front of me. I'll go first!"

Said, then left the room, but the inner joy or overflowing words.

Qing'er stopped talking and finally sighed and left the room.

Tang Ling Er sat in front of the mirror, looking at the mirror that has been some haggard but still beautiful as flowers.

It's very simple on the note Xue an gave her.

But this short letter, but in Tang ling'er's heart set off a storm.

Because Xue an told her straight away.

Xue an, who had been her childhood playmate, was already dead.

I come from the outside world.

Tang ling'er once thought that Xue an was so powerful because of what kind of adventure he had in the past ten years.

But now she found that Xue an, who shocked herself and the whole Tiansheng Kyoto, turned out to be another person.

This makes Tang ling'er's heart completely confused.

She didn't know whether her feelings for Xue an were based on her childhood playmate or on her talent and strength today.

"The outside world..." Tang ling'er whispered softly, and her eyes gradually showed brilliance.

Although it is only five words, Tang ling'er has read a lot of information from it.

It can be seen that the outside world is much more wonderful than here when people like Xue an can appear.

Thinking of this, Tang ling'er takes out the letter in her arms and looks at the sentence written by Xue an at the end.

In a few days, I will open the shackles of heaven and earth, and if you want, I can help you live forever!

Long life!

These two words hovered in Tang ling'er's heart for a long time, and finally her face gradually showed a resolute color.

"What I like is that xue'an in my heart, which has nothing to do with you or anyone else. I would like to stand behind you if I can step on a long life!"

This young girl, who has been honed in business since childhood, has finally made up her mind.

And the same letter, also sent to the danguifang Nie Yihan's hand.

She was also flexible and thoughtful for a long time.

After learning the news, Mei Xia came in a hurry.

When you see that sentence to help you live forever.

Meisha's pupils shrank in an instant, and her breathing became rapid.

"Yi Han, what do you think?"

Nie Yihan shook his head blankly, "I don't know! I'm very upset now

Mei Xia laughed bitterly, "to tell the truth, I really envy your luck! It's your destiny to meet an immortal like Xue! "

"Although I know what you think, I advise you not to think about what you should not expect, but you must seize this opportunity in front of you, because you don't understand how many people are willing to break their heads for this opportunity!"Mei Xia's words let Nie Yihan pale, and finally lowered his head, "I understand!"

In fact, Xue an's letter was sent out with the consent of an Yan.

After Xue an put forward this idea at that time, he said with some trepidation: "Yan'er, I just think that the talent of these two people is pretty good. Sooner or later, we have to break the shackles of this heaven and earth. We'd better help them!"

Then he quickly added, "if you don't want to, think I didn't say it!"

An Yan listened to a smile, "this is a good thing! Why don't I? "


An Yan shook his head, "am I that kind of small bellied woman?"

Then she said with a smile, "husband, do you know what I like most about you?"

Xue an laughs, "handsome and powerful!"

When referring to the word "fierce", Xue an also deliberately accentuated the tone.

An Yan listened to the blush on her cheek and spat, "bah, I'm serious with you! If you dare to do this again, I will let you sleep in the yard tonight

Xue an immediately nodded, "Yan'er, please say it!"

Anyan some cry and smile, but still quiet way: "I like, is a human flavor of you!"

"After the first four years of acquaintance, whether you are a poor boy or the one who has just returned, you will never be separated."

"You can leave a lot of things alone, but you do them!"

"For example, in this case, you can directly break the shackles of heaven and earth, and then spank your ass and leave, but you still try to give hope to many people!"

"When you are in a high position, you can do it! This is the man I like

Xue an was flattered and embarrassed, "am I so good?"

"In my eyes, you are the best An Yan said with a smile.

"Yan'er, you are so nice!" Xue an said sincerely.

But an Yan then stretched out his hand, gently pinched and twisted in Xue an's waist.

Xue an Si's pour a breath of cold air, "Yan'er, what are you doing?"

An Yan Qiao smile Qian Xi, "although I think you do this is very right, but I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, so I pinch you to relieve the boredom!"

Xue an called to hit the sky Qu, "Yan'er, I don't have any other thoughts!"

An Yan nodded, "I know, but if you have it, you can change it. If you don't, you will be encouraged! This is to give you a vaccination first

Xue an:.... "

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