This day.

Tiansheng long street is heavily guarded.

When Tang ling'er and Nie Yihan step into the East Palace, the atmosphere here is more dignified.

All the monks of xiaoqingqiu gathered together and looked at the figure standing on the Dianjiang stage with adoring eyes.

Seeing the arrival of the second daughter, Xue an nodded to them slightly.

Then he looked down at all the people in the field with his hand railing, and said in a deep voice: "you are all the great seal techniques in your body. Now I only ask you one question. Would you like to kill the enemy with me?"

"Here it is The friars of xiaoqingqiu all bowed their hands and said.

"If you don't want to, you can say it now!"

No one said anything.

Xue an looked around the audience and laughed, "very good. If so, I will break the shackles of this world and return to the heavens."

After that, Xue an's eyes were full of light. One step out, the whole person turned into a golden light, flying to the top of the sky in an instant.

After standing still, Xue an looks down at the world with a faint smile on his mouth, and then takes a deep breath.

This breath is like a gust of wind blowing over the nine days, and the wind and cloud are changeable for it.

Then Xue an stepped forward, exhaled, and burst into a drink.

"I will do everything in my power Break it with one blow

After that, Xue an raised his eyes and pointed to the sky.


A deafening noise resounded from all directions, making the whole world lose its voice.

Then, under the gaze of all the people, the silent sky suddenly showed countless dense runes.

These runes add up and are pressed down towards xue'an.

Although they were far away from each other, people on the ground still felt the frightening and powerful momentum.

"My Lord!" Countless people changed their faces and exclaimed.

But in the face of such a strike, Xue an stood on the sky and did not dodge. His back was reflected by the golden light of the rune like a God.

Then, holding the sky with one hand, the Rune of the dome is directly supported.


After a big bang.

The dome, which had fallen unstoppably, was held by life and could not be lowered any more.

But this scene, also looked stupefied everybody.

Because Xue an is now equivalent to fighting against this place with his own strength.

The monks of the little green hill murmured in a dull voice.

"Today, we know what is invincible!"

But Hu Ying's face turned red and her hands clenched. Suddenly, she called out, "brother Xue, come on!"

It reminds a lot of people.

Countless people began to shout.

"Come on, Mr. Xue!"

"Lord Xue is invincible

Among these shouts.

Xue an looks up and laughs.

"As far as I'm concerned, it's just a breeze blowing across my face."

"Today, I will divide heaven and earth, and reorganize heaven and earth!"

After that, Xue an made a fist with his other hand. In an instant, he made dozens of fists.

Under every punch.

The Rune of the dome trembles violently.

When the last blow comes out, listen to a crackle.

Then the dome of countless runes broke apart.

In this moment.

Everyone felt as if a big stone had been removed from his chest, and his breathing became smooth.

After that, countless rainbow lights came down from the sky.

"Spirit turns into rainbow!" A friar exclaimed in surprise.

Only when the aura reaches the extreme will it turn into rainbow light.

Sure enough.

After the rainbow light fell, the whole world began to absorb the aura almost greedily, just like a traveler who had been hungry and thirsty for countless days.

Everyone in the world feels that their bodies are changing.

Those local masters who practice physical skills feel that the pass that has been bothering them for a long time has suddenly become smooth and powerful.

Even ordinary people feel lighter and healthier.

As for the many monks in xiaoqingqiu, they were eager to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, and the sealed accomplishments began to recover.

But it was just then.

On top of the dome appeared a vague shadow.

As soon as this shadow appears, a powerful power will oppress the whole world.

All the practitioners were stunned, and then someone exclaimed, "it's Da Luo! Big Luo strong one

Hear that.

Many people's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

For these friars who were not only golden immortals before they were sealed, Da Luo represented almost invincible power.But I didn't expect that after the seal was broken, there would be a false image left by Da Luo to suppress here.

And in the face of such a strong, Can Xue an win?

A lot of people looked up worried.

Right now.

I saw this virtual image sent out a sneer, "actually someone dares to break my seal, then go to die!"

It's a woman's voice.

Xue an smelled the speech but laughed, but the smile was full of cold killing intention.

Because the voice was so familiar to him.

At the last moment of killing King Odin, it is the woman who suddenly comes and applies a great seal.

Therefore, he sneered: "is your noumenon here, are not my opponents, let alone a virtual image left behind?"

"Hum!" After Jin's entry into Dalao, although he could not incarnate like the Immortal King, he could also make the virtual image have a trace of self-consciousness.

Therefore, this virtual image snorted coldly, and then boldly put out his hand.

This kind of virtual image left for the protection of the array generally contains the full blow of the caster.

Therefore, the virtual image of a drink, a palm, just overflow the breath will be a million miles of the sky instantly frozen.

The most powerful blow was all aimed at Xue an in the sky.

Under the extreme cold, even let Xue an body around the space are issued a slight burst sound.

In the face of such a blow, Xue an's eyes narrowed slightly. A cold smile.

"At the beginning, you only reluctantly dragged me here with the help of others. As for you Even if it's big Luo, it's just an ant to me! "

After that, Xue an carried his hands behind his back in the astonished eyes of all the people, and said faintly, "lotus blossoms and flowers are the most common in the world."

The voice is cold, but it is like the supreme principle of heaven and earth that cannot be disobeyed.

In an instant.

Around Xue an's body, in the frozen sky, in the whole world.

Numerous lotus flowers emerge from the sky, and then bloom together in a flash.

Like a dream, like a dream, shrouded in the world.

Everyone is crazy.

But under such a blow, the virtual image's attack is self defeating.

And the lotus also in a twinkling of an eye full of her whole body.

The virtual image sent out a terrified howl, "impossible..."

The voice was full of disbelief.

But in the end, or by this seemingly weak lotus, gentle took away the vitality.

And Xue an looked at the gradually faded virtual image, light way: "don't worry, soon it's your ontology!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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