The next day, Xue an took care of the world.

Tang ling'er and Nie Yihan were given a set of simple training methods.

Because the shackles of this world seal have just opened, it will take at least a few years to recover to the normal level.

So this simple version of the cultivation method is just suitable for them to practice.

After all this.

Xue an then let an Yan with two daughters, as well as fox Ying into the Fu Bao small building.

Then he led the monks of xiaoqingqiu to break through the barrier of time and space and leave this realm.

When Xue an's body disappears into the sky.

Nie Yihan secretly tears back his eyes.

Tang ling'er was just staring for a while, then turned around and left with a firm face.

Anyway, since I have been given a set of skills.

Then I'm going to make a show for everyone.

Tang ling'er made up his mind.

At the same time.

In the blood god world.

The space suddenly rippled, and then suddenly opened a big gap.

Xue an came out with many monks from xiaoqingqiu.

Just stepped into this world.

Xue an said softly.

"Strange, the world..."

Xue an looked around and found that the once surging blood energy in the blood world had disappeared.

The whole world became empty, just like an abandoned place.

Xue an's face changed slightly, and he immediately led the people out of the core blood world.

The outer world of blood is still the same, everywhere is empty.

It can be said that there is only one shell left in the whole blood world.

Xue an's eyes grew cold.

Because a very ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

At this moment.

He suddenly turned around, stretched out his hand into the void and said coldly, "come out!"

Said, Xue an suddenly to the outside a drag, a figure will be embarrassed to be pulled out.

Along with it, there are a series of calls for mercy.

"Forgive me, my Lord. I'm just Eh! Xue Lord Xue? " The man was stunned.

Xue an also recognized the man.

It's the same blood family of the Faulkner family, hall.

But now hall, but in a mess, his clothes have been tattered, the breath of the whole body is tired, and there is no blood breath.

That's why Xue an didn't recognize him just now.

At the sight of hall, Xue an's eyebrows raised. "Hall, what's going on? What's wrong with the blood world? What about Allard and ash? "

Hall sighed.

"My Lord, I hide in this place because Edward told me to wait for you to come back!"

"I was already in despair, but I didn't expect you to come back!"

Then hall took a deep breath and said with a dignified look on his face: "my Lord, after you disappeared, a very terrible strong man came. Then the blood god Gaia and the God King Odin left the blood god world with the coming gods."

"And when they left, they also took away the origin of this realm, so this realm would be gradually abandoned!"

Xue an listens quietly, the expression on the face is more and more cold.

"And where have these people gone, do you know?"

Hall smelled the speech and laughed bitterly, "my Lord, the purpose of waiting for you is to tell you this matter!"

"These coming gods led Gaia and Odin and other gods to Your homeland, earth

Hearing this, Xue an's pupils suddenly shrunk.

The cold and murderous spirit swept across the whole world in an instant, which shocked everyone back several steps.

Then Xue an bit his teeth and said, "how long have they been gone?"

Hall was also shocked by xue'an's momentum and said forcefully, "my Lord, they have been gone for more than two months! Fearing that there might be a mistake in your hometown, Allard and AISI have gone with them, and I have been left to wait for your return, so that I can tell you the news as soon as possible! "

Xue an drooped her eyes.

Hall was a little frightened. "My Lord, you Are you all right? "

Xue an slowly raised his head, the murderous spirit in his eyes gradually dissipated, and then nodded without sorrow or joy.

"It's OK. Thank you for that."

"It's my honor to be able to help you with what you say Said Hall hastily.

And then hall asked, "how do we do it carefully?"

Xue an said in a deep voice: "they are two months ahead of schedule, but they have no shortcut in time and space, so they can only cross the void. In this case, now they should have just arrived on earth. If I try my best to catch up with them, there is still a chance!"Hall nodded, and then said, "my Lord, you should be careful. The gods who come here are not easy people!"

Xue'an showed his white teeth and laughed, "I know, but no matter who they are, they are all dead! I said, nobody can be saved! "

Seeing Xue an's smile full of killing intention, hall shivered secretly, but a trace of anxiety rose in his heart.

He had witnessed with his own eyes the scene of the arrival of the gods.

Either one is stronger than Odin.

But the leader several people, is lets hall all dare not look directly.

Because of their power, they even distort the light so that people can't see their faces clearly.

Such existence, there are so many helpers.

Although adults are powerful, can they be the opponents of so many people?

At this time, Xue an has released Anyan and Huying from Fubao building.

When they heard that the originator had already gone to the earth ahead of time, they could not help but turn pale.

Especially Anyan, her voice became trembling.

"Husband, on the other side of the earth It will be all right! "

Xue an shook his head, "don't worry, it won't fall so soon! After all, before leaving, I have been fully prepared! Now our top priority is to get back immediately! "

"Yan'an nodded immediately."

Xue an took out the star boat and let everyone in.

This just starts to urge the star boat with all one's strength, and instantly disappears in this abandoned blood world.

It's different from the leisure when you come here.

When she went back, Xue an was so eager to return to the earth in an instant.

Because he just said something to comfort Anyan that it was OK.

But there was no bottom in his heart.

As hall said, none of the gods who came into the world had the same generation.

If people on the earth did not support themselves to go back to the first collapse, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Xue an's heart rises to the sky killing intention.

If That is to say, if something happened to the earth, even if Xue an sacrificed all the gods and gods in blood, he would try his best to reverse the cause and effect to save the people.

Ladies and gentlemen, you must be good, wait for me to go back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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