Such momentum naturally attracted the attention of the whole Beijiang River.

After three years of development, there are many strong people in Beijiang River.

Therefore, when the star boat just arrived, all the strong men in Beijiang felt it and jumped into the air one after another, looking up with dignified faces.

Because the star boat is just too big, and the breath on it, it makes many people panic.

And when little sand appears in the sky and asks questions.

There was a slight commotion in the crowd, and many people were happy.

"Lord Xiaosha appears!"

"Now we've got the strength."

Because of the strength of Xiaosha, it has been recognized as Beijiang in the past three years. Zhang Xiaoyu is about to leap into the air.

But Tang xuan'er stopped her and said in a deep voice, "if you go, you will die. I can feel that Xiaosha is not dead yet!"

Because they get along day and night, Tang xuan'er and Xiao Sha establish a close relationship between mind and spirit, so we can feel that there is nothing wrong with her.

Zhang Xiaoyu is stunned.

The man in the star boat also noticed the crowd below, especially when his eyes swept Tang Xuaner. He was stunned and said with great interest.

"It's interesting that there are such amazing women in such places!"

But just then.

The bottom of Yunmeng lake suddenly burst.

Then I heard a very angry dragon chant, shaking the world.

A golden dragon with five claws over a thousand feet long leaped out and cruised in the air.

Zhang Xiaoyu cried out happily, "the boss is mighty!"

And many practitioners of Beijiang are also happy about it.

Some have not seen the body of small sand, now can not help but admire.

"Lord Xiaosha is really a five clawed golden dragon

"It's steady!"

At this time, small Shayang raised a huge dragon head and roared at the star boat.

"No matter who you are, you are dead today!"

And in the star boat, the man can't help but be surprised.

"It's a golden dragon with five claws. I really look down on you! But what do you think this will change? "

Said, the man leans on the chair, light way: "boundless, these mole ant general thing then gave you!"

In the shadow behind the man, a graceful and moving figure appeared, and then respectfully said, "yes, sir, young gentleman!"

After that, the woman's body disappeared and instantly appeared in front of the star boat.

At the same time.

Xiaosha has also spit out a group of angry dragon breath.

But when the woman appeared, she just pinched it.

Originally, the flaming dragon breath was directly extinguished like a small flame.

But the back palace stands aloof in the air, looks down upon all the people without expression, and says lightly: "young gentleman, you have orders. You can kneel down on the ground now, and you will not die!"

"To NIMA!" Xiao Sha was already furious, and the dragon's tail swayed to the woman and pulled it out.

Since she began to practice in Qingmang mountain, she has not suffered from the sudden loss just now.

Especially in front of so many people, this makes Xiaosha with excellent face full of anger, so he directly shows himself and wants to hang these fierce bastards.

But when Xiao Sha's dragon tail has been able to stand to the edge of the palace.

Gong Wujian's indifferent face like a playing card showed a touch of sarcasm, "looking for death!"

She said, one hand a wave, a light drink, "seal

With her voice, a primitive and incomparable Rune seal character suddenly appeared on the top of Xiaosha's head, and then printed down directly before she could respond.

Xiao Sha's body was stiff, and his body contracted sharply. He showed a human figure in an instant, and then he fell straight down from the sky.

Do what you say!

The crowd screamed.

Zhang Xiaoyu rushed up without hesitation, waving his arms all over his body, which was to catch up at the last moment and hold the small sand.

But look at this time of small sand, face like white paper, eyes closed, has no breath.

Zhang Xiaoyu shivered all over, and then sent out a shocking cry, "boss!"

At the same time.

Gong Wujian stood in the air with his hands on his back and said coldly, "Shao Jun has come. Now there is only one way, kneel down or die!"

With her voice.

Behind her, the figures of Odin, CAIA, and many other gods began to emerge.

The gods in the sky occupied the sky and looked at the people on the ground with bantering eyes.

The fury of the momentum is like the tide.

All the monks in Beijiang were silent.

Ordinary people were silent.

And through the emergency broadcast of television pictures to see this scene, are also silent.Because a lot of friars in the feeling of this momentum, already face iron blue cry out two words.


That's right!

Standing in the sky, standing with his hands on his back, and his expression of indifference, Gong Wujian is a strong man of Dalao.

In this kind of nearly crushing strength, how can people not be horrified?

Gong Wujian was very satisfied with the effect and was about to speak.

But it was just then.

Only listen to a cold female voice, "Chinese people, never yield! Even if we are afraid of death, we should fight to death, instead of living in a muddle! "

When they heard that, everyone turned to look.

Tang xuan'er is standing in front of villa Tianzi No.1, her clothes fluttering like a fairy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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