"It's miss xuan'er!"

"Miss xuan'er is right! How can I bow to these other nations, as a noble Chinese people? "

"If Mr. Xue is here, he will certainly not let these guys be so rampant!"

Tang Xuaner's words were like Mars, which instantly ignited the blood in everyone's heart, and the monks of Beijiang began to gather in Yunmeng lake.

And this sentence has also been broadcast on TV and on the Internet throughout China.

For a time, the land of China, light up!

Countless monks began to fly to Beijiang.

Facing all this, Gong Wujian led the gods to stand in the air, looked down at Tang xuan'er, and then sneered.

"After all these years, are you Chinese still so stubborn? Well, if you will not give in, then all of you will die! "

With that, the palace raised his hand and burst out a palm.

The handprint is like a mountain, and it is smashed to Villa Tianzi No.1 with the pressure of Mount Tai.

"Not good!"

Seeing this scene, all the people cried out.

Many people close their eyes and can't bear to look again.

But just half way through, a light curtain suddenly appeared in the void, which directly shocked the palm print into powder.

"What?" Gong Wujian was also surprised.

Although she didn't do her best, it was not something that could be countered by ordinary force.

But in the face of this sudden light curtain, but only a layer of ripples, it turned into powder.

This naturally shocked Gong Wujian, who always regarded himself highly.

When they saw this, they breathed a sigh.

"It's the array left by Mr. Xue!"

"Although these guys are arrogant, they are still helpless in the face of the array set by Mr. Xue himself?"

This discovery was like a shot in the arm, which inspired many monks who were already full of despair.

But it was just then.

Gong Wujian's face was iron and blue, and he drank coldly, "do you really think hiding in it can be safe and sound? Let's do it together

With the words, the gods behind her started together.

The light of Taoism converged into her palm, and the light was like holding a star in her hand.

Then she raised her hand and blew her anger down.


This blow is a thousand times more powerful than it was just now.

At least the curtain of light in the void is slightly sunken.

Can not wait for Gong Wujian's face to disperse.

A powerful sword Qi suddenly appears in the air, and then cuts down the gods with the speed of thunder.

The palace hums a dull, can't help but back a few steps, and then on the forehead there is a faint bloodstain.

It soon shed red blood.

I found that I had nothing to do with it.

She was stunned at first, and then her eyes were shocked.

He was the body of Da Luo, but he was hurt by this sword Qi.

How sharp is the sword spirit?

And to see her injured, everyone can't help but cheer for it.

"Is it the sword meaning left by Mr. Xue?"

"It must be! Ha ha, I've learned a lesson now

In these shouts.

Palace Wu Jian's face is black and blue, and it will attack.

At this moment.

In front of her, a figure gradually emerged.

Gong Wujian quickly bows down to salute, "young gentleman adult!"

That's right.

It was the man who came from the star boat.


Standing in the air, he looked around the audience with his eyes overlooking the ants, and his face showed a faint smile.

"It's interesting. If I guess correctly, this array and sword idea should be left by a man named Xue an!"

The audience was in awe.

Tang xuan'er nodded, "yes! Who are you? "

"Me?" The man was dumbfounded, and then said haughtily, "I am from hatred every day, the prince's midnight, of course, you can also call me the Lord Shaojun!"

Son of the emperor!

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Many of the monks were dignified.

Because they couldn't see through the accomplishments and details of the night.

Even at this time, the friars who were good at divination were stepping up their deduction, trying to figure out the clues of the man.

But often just together divination, even people with divination tools, fried together to smash.

It can be seen that this person's identity and origin are all protected by extremely powerful forces.

Tang xuan'er's face was as cold as frost, "no matter you are the emperor or someone, why do you want to invade my earth?"

"Invasion?" Ye Liuyan laughs and looks at Tang xuan'er carefully. "You can keep calm in front of me, woman. You really surprise me!""As for why you want to invade? That's because, what I want is to wipe out this world completely! " Night Liuyan cold voice said.

His words made countless people angry.


"My earth and you do not have any festival, why do you want to be so cruel?"

Tang xuan'er's face changed slightly.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoyu carefully put down the little sand that he didn't know about life and death. Then he raised his head and pointed to the night Ryukyu flame in the sky and swore.

"You bastards." After a bad curse, Zhang Xiaoyu roared: "you wait, when my adult comes back, you will be one by one cramped skin, bones are made into vegetables!"

"Night Ryukyu Yan face gradually cold," your family adult? Hehe, do you mean Xue an who arranged this array? "

"Of course

Night Ryukyu Yan shook his head, "unfortunately, you can't wait! Because he is dead! "


This sentence of night Ryukyu Yan is like a stone breaking the sky.

The shock made all the people who were present or absent stand on the spot.

Is Xue an dead?

Mr. Xue, who was invincible and changed the whole world, is dead?

How could that be possible?

Even Tang xuan'er, who had been cold and proud, couldn't help crying out, "you're nonsense!"

"I'm talking nonsense?" Night Ryukyu Yan coldly smile, "I am the son of the emperor, will use this kind of words to deceive you? And it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not! "

"Because all of you All must die

Speaking of this, ye Liuyan burst out laughing.

Laughter shakes the whole world, even makes the world begin to shake.

Everyone looked pale.

"You're talking nonsense. Brother Ann will never die!" With a roar of anger, a figure from the North River crazy fly to, also no nonsense, raised his hand and blew out a blow.

This palm is extremely cold, and it seems that even the air is frozen.

But night Ryukyu Yan did not even move, just a cold hum, "diaozhongxiaoji, Feng!"

At an order.

This rushed woman can't even struggle. She directly vomited blood and flew out, then fell to the ground, and did not know life or death.

"Jingjing!" There were two more figures coming.

It's aunt fat and uncle Xie.

And just intrepid to the death of the rush forward, it is that Xie Jingjing.

Before they left, they all got the skills of Xue an Chi, and after three years of practice.

Xie Jingjing has made great progress, even one month earlier than Tang Xuaner.

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