The whole network was detonated by this propaganda film.

Used to those gods fighting, the first time to see such a hero against the sky, but also a woman.

A lot of people were shaken.

In particular, fan Mengxue's back figure of the only god Buddha in the sky made many people look at it and wet their eyes.

It has to be said that Cao Zheng's directing skills are really deep enough. Even such a short propaganda film can also show his intention.

Of course, the most important is the special effects in this promotional film.

A lot of people are shocked by the special effects.

It's no exaggeration to say that Hollywood's top special effects are scum in front of this promotional film.

The posture of the dragon is unforgettable.

So there is no need to deliberately promote, many people spontaneously began to promote this video.

So within a day's effort, the propaganda film was spread all over the network, and the God killer was naturally on the hot search list, and even surpassed the battle of gods and became the first.

This makes Hua Ruyue fall into extreme panic and jealousy. After she finds Xie Tianci, she just wants to say something.

Then she found that the face of God's face was gloomy and terrible.

Thank God, of course, also saw this promotional film.

When he saw those lifelike "special effects", he was so angry that he broke his mobile phone.


Why have you blocked the post production road for them.

But they can still make such a beautiful special effect?

Xie Tianci suddenly felt a trace of fear.

It's like everything I do, I have a pair of high eyes staring at the same.

Even if you close your eyes, thank God you can feel the mockery in these eyes.

He was terrified.

"Thank you What now? " Hua Ruyue asked in dismay.

Thank God gave her a cold look, and then took out his mobile phone to make a phone call.

"I have informed the major cinemas to block the movie! Even if they can do it, I can keep them off the screen! "

Thank God for using his last weapon.

Hua Ruyue is relieved.

In any case, even if her movie is extravagant, it's not as bad as not on the screen?

Hua Ruyue's heart is full of complacency and schadenfreude.

I'll see how you cry then!

Wang Jianming and others are looking forward to the official release of the God killer.

Because the battle of the gods is scheduled for release on June 18.

So the God killer is fast!

The public opinion on the Internet is now in a state of balance. Fans of gods and fans of deicides fight and force each other, waiting for the showdown.

And in the hotel, Cao Zheng is working overtime to do the final refinement.

He had high expectations for the film, so no flaws were allowed.

However, other things are OK. Fan Mengxue knows that Cao is for her own good, so no matter how demanding she is, she is willing to enjoy it.

Bi Yuntao is a good boy now. He dare not go west even if he wants to go east.

Only when shooting special effects scenes, Cao Zheng is always dissatisfied with Jinlong's performance, and often takes a shot many times.

Sometimes the angry Golden Dragon really wants to beat this annoying insect to death with one claw.

It dare not.

Because Xue an said, let it cooperate.

Then it can only be honest and obedient.

Otherwise, if you make adults angry.

Jinlong dare not think about the consequences.

As for others, they are busy with the show.

Today, Qin Yu and Han Yao are going to meet the boss of the largest chain cinema company in the provincial capital.

As long as we can talk to him, we can talk about the show.

Can wait until this, even the face did not see, was rejected.

Han Yao's face turned white.

She didn't understand why it was so difficult to do anything by herself?

But no matter how she made trouble, the front desk lady would only smile gently: "sorry, our chairman is not here, and said that we need to talk about the show later!"

In the end, Han Yao is going to run away, but Qin Yu is calm and takes her away.

When we get back to the hotel.

Han Yaopu doesn't want to get up in bed.

She even wanted to cry.

Everything is done. What if it can't be shown?

Xue an also came after knowing the news. Hearing Qin Yu's words, he frowned slightly and then laughed.

"Where is that company?"

"It's in town!"

"Good! I'll go there. "

Xue an then turned and left the hotel.The owner of the chain cinema is called Li Xiaokang.

In fact, he has been there all the time. He just doesn't want to see Han Yao.

After all, thank God gave him a call in person and promised him a lot of benefits.

He can't offend the Xie family for a movie.

At the moment, he is puffing in the office.


Someone is knocking on the glass outside the window.

He frowned. Who is so impolite?

Suddenly, he was stunned.

My office is on the 28th floor!

His whole body fat was shaking, and he looked at the man with a smile on his face outside the window.

Xue an finger, this toughened bulletproof glass will burst.

Then Xue an stepped in, strolling in the garden, smiling at Li Xiaokang.

"Are you Li Xiaokang?"

Li Xiaokang is stiff all over.

That's bulletproof glass!

But under this man's finger, it's like a layer of paper.

He looked pale and trembled, "excuse me, immortal. What can I do for you?"

Xue an sits on the chair and looks at Li Xiaokang.

The atmosphere was strangely silent.

Li Xiaokang felt that the man's eyes in front of him seemed like a sharp knife, cutting himself bit by bit.

"I heard that You're not going to let a movie show? "

Li Xiaokang shuddered all over, and then he understood something. He said, "do you mean the God killer? It's not that I don't want to be shown. It's true that someone has said hello to me, and I dare not provoke others... "

"Do you dare to provoke me?" Xue an light way, fingers slowly sliding on the table.

As it slid, the solid wood table was sliced like butter, noiseless.

Li Xiaokang looked pale, "you You... "

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. You are honest and honest. As for the others I'll settle with them. " Xue an showed his white teeth.


Li Xiaokang nodded in a hurry.

Xue an satisfaction patted his fat face, "if not obedient, I think, I can help you lose weight!"

With that, Xue an went to the broken window, lifted his feet and left in the air.

Li Xiaokang stood where he was, and it took a long time to recover.

If it wasn't for the broken glass on the ground, he thought it was just a dream.

Suddenly, he had a cold war and picked up the phone.

"Hey, get ready. Get ready for the godkiller

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