The godkiller is finally coming out.

And on the same day, there was the battle of the gods.

The two films are like enemies in fate, even the release dates are chosen together.

The debate over the two films on the Internet has become increasingly heated.

A lot of ghosts and monsters jumped out and stood on the side of the battle of the gods without exception.

In particular, most of the stars in the entertainment industry also choose to support the war of gods.

It made the battle of the gods famous.

In contrast, the godkiller is much worse.

Apart from that promotional film, there is not even a promotion.

It all depends on the spontaneous promotion of fans.

Naturally, it has fallen into the downwind in public opinion.

But it's not that there are no stars on fan Mengxue's side.

For example, Bi Yuntao.

He tried to promote the God killer on Weibo, and repeatedly promised that he had contributed good acting skills in the film.

His words were full of sarcasm.

A lot of people left messages below.

"But you still have acting skills?"

"Ha ha, if you can act, I'll eat the keyboard!"

"Yes, if he had acting skills, I would have eaten the computer."

"I eat computer tables."

"I eat..."

These deceptive micro blogs make Bi Yuntao cry and laugh.

Under helpless, had to send a message again.

"I'll see you at the cinema then!"

These are just a small episode in the tide of public opinion.

As the focus of news, fan Mengxue has been silent.

No matter how people comment, they have not come out to defend.

Because fan Mengxue believes Xue an's words.

Everything depends on strength.

The more we hoarse, the more we prove it is guilty.

In this situation, the release of the day finally arrived.

Wang Jianming went to see it with his friends.

However, his friend liked Hua Ruyue, so he went to see the battle of the gods.

When Wang Jianming came out of the cinema full of exclamation marks, his friends also came out.

But his friend had a fly like look on his face.

"What's the matter?" Wang Jianming asked.

"It's so ugly. I'm sorry for the money! What bullshit Stephen, what bullshit Hua Yueyue! It's a ball Wang Jianming's friend scolded.

Like him, there are many spectators who have watched the battle of the gods.

In fact, even if Stephen is more perfunctory, he will not be so ugly.

But by the time of post production, Steven had already returned to Europe.

So the power of editing was handed over to Hua Ruyue.

In order to highlight her part in the film, Hua Ruyue cut her original more than 30 minutes into 50 minutes.

What should I do if I don't have enough time?

Then slow down.

So a lot of people saw this.

Hua Ruyue takes a slow motion when she drinks water in the movie.

That's nothing.

The key is that Hua Ruyue's acting skills are not very good, always staring at a pair of innocent big eyes, acting like a fool.

how can this make people do not make complaints about it?

After scolding for a long time, Wang Jianming's friend asked, "how was the movie you saw?"

Wang Jianming sighed slightly, "I can only say It's an amazing work

"Is that exaggeration?"

"Don't believe it, go and see it now!"

Wang Jianming accompanied his friend into the cinema again.

After watching this time, Wang Jianming's friend stopped talking.

"How about it?" Wang Jianming asked.

"Bull force!"

At the same time, the public opinion on the network has gradually begun to reverse.

Because the battle of the gods is so ugly.

So one night's Kung Fu, the score fell to three points, becoming a bad movie.

In sharp contrast to it is the God killer.

The film was a blockbuster when it was not liked by everyone at first.

As soon as the score came out, many people were shocked.

Eight o'clock!

This score is enough for most domestic movies.

What's more, the comments below are all the same!

With the reversal of word-of-mouth, the number of God killers watching the film rapidly increased.

Cinemas, of course, don't lose money, so the layout of God killers is also increasing rapidly.

The first day.

The God killer box office is 130 million.

And the battle of the gods is 140 million.

The battle of the gods was narrowly ahead.But the next day, the box office of God killer climbed to 210 million.

The battle of the gods quickly fell to 80 million.

This iron general fact is like a loud slap in the face of all those who were not optimistic about God killing before.

Especially those stars who follow the trend, their faces will be puffed up.

And that's just the beginning.

The box office of the God killer has soared since this day.

In just five days, it has exceeded 2 billion.

As for the battle of the gods.

Now even 800 million has not broken through, and it is estimated that it will never break through.

As soon as this fact comes out.

The sunspots on the Internet lost their voice.

But in fan Mengxue's Micro blog, there are a lot of apology comments.

Bi Yuntao's microblog is the most lively.

Those who once said they wanted to eat keyboards and computers came back.

But this time they sincerely apologized to bi Yuntao.

Because as Bi Yuntao said, his performance in the film is not amazing, but it is also commendable.

It also changed his public image.

Bi Yuntao can't help but tears when he looks at those warm words in the comments.

It seems that actors still have to play well.

Now Bi Yuntao is even a little grateful for Xue an's violent fight.

How can I wake up if I don't?

And the great reversal of public opinion also makes many netizens enjoy talking about it. This is simply a living plot of the novel.

However, Hua Ruyue's Micro blog has been affected.

countless people began to make complaints about the following.

"The original so-called flow floret is to stare round eyes, this I also can!"

"Slow down the camera when you drink water. Why don't you die?"

"Never love again! Goodbye

"I just learned about your career. Miss Fan really helped you a lot at the beginning, but as a result, you fell into the trap and became a garbage!"

And by this time, those stars who were once close to each other were silent.

Everyone can see that Hua Ruyue is over.

Once fame stinks, then it's over.

At this time, who is not cutting as soon as possible, saving the fire, who is willing to come out to speak for China like the moon?

There are even a lot of people who start to delete microblogs secretly.

Some more shameless ran to fan Mengxue's microblog and began to pay great attention.

Because everyone can see.

With this film, fan Mengxue will fly into the sky.

No one can even imagine how far it will go in the future.

But it is Chen Xiaoyi's film review that completely buried the battle between the gods and Hua Ruyue.

Have we all been godkillers? It's just that life brings us back to mortals! 》

as soon as the film review came out, it completely exploded the Internet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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