Chen Xiaoyi wrote in the article: each of us once had ambition, but under the tempering of life, we finally went to mediocrity.

Some people die at the age of 20, but they don't bury them until they are 80.

You and I are mortals. There is nothing wrong with this.

It is wrong to regard mediocrity as capital and hate those who are not willing to be ordinary.

At first glance, the film of God killer seems to be an excellent film about gods and demons.

The special effects and details are impeccable.

Director Cao Zheng once again shocked everyone with his almost supernatural talent.

But I see more than that.

When Miss Fan stood on a high mountain and spoke that line slowly to the god Buddha.

So a week after the release, the box office of God killer went up.

But this time, most of them are middle-aged people with big bellies.

They may be trapped and mediocre.

But when they finished, they all had tears in their eyes.


Who hasn't been a teenager?

The popularity of the film has become a phenomenal spectacle.

Countless people are impressed by fan Mengxue's superb acting skills.

In particular, her image of the gods alone on the mountain has become a memory that many people can't erase.

Fan Mengxue is also known as the little sister of God killing!

So far.

The deicide, with a king's return attitude, almost crushed the war between the gods on the bottom of their feet.

At the same time, those who have slandered the so-called stars, all fan swelling.

Xie Tianci looks livid at the comments on the Internet.

Suddenly, he smashed the screen with one punch.

And then he started pacing up and down the room.

Hua Ruyue is sitting on the sofa crying.

Her heart was full of resentment at the moment.

He resented fan Mengxue and Stephen, but he didn't think about his fault.

"The Qin family Ha ha, a good move Xie Tianci suddenly sneered.

"What's more, Anqing, who settled down, actually got involved in it. Why? How do you think a movie can thank my family? "

Thank God gradually returned to the proud look on his face.

It's just a movie.

He didn't really care.

But behind the film are the Qin family and an Jia.

Then he has to be ready.

But thank God did not worry, because this is the provincial capital.

In their own territory, who dares to make a mistake?

Thinking of this, Xie Tianci can't help but feel relieved.

But at this time, in the hotel where fan Mengxue lives, some people are also questioning Xue an.

"Mr. Xue, are you serious? That's Xie's territory! "

The questioner is Cao Zheng.

The reason is that Xue an is going to hold a celebration banquet.

This is for granted.

After all, God killers have achieved such brilliant success that it is natural to hold a celebration banquet.

But the place that Xue an chooses is actually in the Lizhu hotel in the provincial capital.

People in provincial capital who don't know Lizhu hotel is the industry of Xie's family.

Xue an is going to hold a celebration banquet there. It's really strange.

That's why Cao Zheng asked.

Xue an Wen Yan smiles, "Xie family's territory? No, you are wrong, and soon not! "

Cao Zheng wanted to say something, but he was pulled aside by Han Yao.

Qin Yu's eyes brightened when he heard the speech.

Mr. Xue Is this going to happen?

Xue an certainly won't let Xie's family go because of the movie.

It's easy to kill people.

If Xue an wanted to, then thank God and Hua Ruyue would have died many times.

But it is easier to kill than to kill.

Xue an wants to hang and hit each other without dead ends.

Aren't you replacing the mistress?

Well, I'll make a movie myself and slap you in the face with hard facts.

This is the right way to get revenge.

But now the goal has been achieved.

Then there is no value for the existence of Xie Tianci and others.

In fact, it is a sentence to cultivate immortals to the end.

Protect the one you love and let your opponent go to hell.

So Xue an will not have any kind heart, for him, just a Xie family.

Kill and kill.

What's more, she chose to hold a celebration banquet in the Ritz hotel because she thought that since she wanted to have a face slap, would it be better to have a face slap in the other party's territory?

Xue an thought of this, a faint smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

While Xiao Sha, who is playing with Xue Nian and Xue wants to play with Xue Nian, suddenly shivers all over after seeing Xue an's expression, and then falls down in fear.Only it can feel the horror in Xue an's smile.

As long as the adults smile like this, someone will be in bad luck. Xiao Sha thought.

Xue an held a grand banquet this time.

Not only the crew will come, but also a lot of people will be invited.

However, in addition to those stars who follow the trend and then come to the celebration banquet, fan Mengxue also specially sent out several invitation cards.

Wang Jianming spent almost every day on the Internet during this period of time. He was communicating with other fans about watching movies.

Nowadays, the God killer has become a masterpiece in the minds of many people.

Today is no exception, but during the discussion, the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, he found it was the postman.

Strange, will anyone write letters now?

Wang Jianming opened the envelope suspiciously, which was a gold stamping invitation.

He opened it, and it petrified.

It was an invitation written by fan Mengxue.

Invite him to attend the celebration party as a fan representative tomorrow.

Wang Jianming was shaking all over.

In fact, he had already passed the age of chasing stars, and he liked fan Mengxue only because he liked her elegant temperament.

But at this moment, Wang Jianming suddenly gave up.

How many stars can make such impressive achievements, but also think about the original fans?

Chen Xiaoyi is the same.

Because of the popularity of her article, she was successfully Entertainment Weekly was fired.

Because frankly speaking, these owners still dare not offend the Xie family.

Chen Xiaoyi didn't care. After watching the movie that day, she felt depressed at home. After turning on the computer, she wrote this article almost without pause.

After Chen Xiaoyi received the invitation, he was stunned and then began to laugh.

In front of her eyes came the man who had a cool look and deep eyes at the press conference that day.

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