The appearance of these people changed the atmosphere of villa Tianzi No.1.

"Here it is! Here they are

Later, the body shape of Ryukyu also appeared in the void.

"My Lord!" Gong Wujian bows down to salute.

"Have you all brought them back?" Night Ryukyu flame light way.

"My Lord, I have brought them back!"

Say, palace Wu Jian rushes behind the God Wei one make eye color.

These gods and guards let go of the prohibition.

In an instant, the whole sky was occupied by monks.

Tang xuan'er stood up and said, "it's from Zhongdu."

There are many familiar faces in the crowd.

Chen Rushi, Wei Ruyan Even old man Chen.

All of these people, without exception, were as powerful as mortals.

Then he saw night Ryukyu Yan smiling at the bottom, "woman, I once said that I would kill all the people in this world in front of you. Now is the first dish. I hope you will like it!"

"No!" Tang xuan'er's eyes were cracked.

The friars in villa tianzi-1 were even more furious, and they would jump out of the array to play with their lives.

At this moment.

Chen Xiuhe laughed, "miss xuan'er, all the Chinese compatriots, don't be attacked by these guys! They can't open the array left by Mr. Xue, so they deliberately use this method to motivate you to go out! "

"Noisy!" As soon as Gong Wujian raised his eyebrows, he wanted to start.

Night Ryukyu flame faint smile. "Let him say it! I'll hear what he can say

At this time, the whole audience was quiet. Tang xuan'er looked up and looked at Chen Xiuhe with tears in her eyes.

"Chen Grandfather Chen

Chen Xiu and Salan laughed, "don't be sad. What we need to do now is to preserve the strength of the Chinese as much as possible, and wait for Mr. Xue to return! As for death... "

Chen Xiu and his contemptuous smile, and then took a look at the gods, "I, Chen Xiu and I have been wandering since childhood, experienced countless storms, if I was afraid of death, I would have died already!"

"And you, the gods who think they are noble, want to make our Chinese bow their heads in this way. Ha ha, it's pure nonsense!"

"Because the Chinese people have experienced too much suffering, but the sea has changed, and those once extremely powerful enemies have disappeared! And the Chinese It will last forever

Speaking of this, Chen Xiu and a frank smile, and then turned his head toward the East and arched his hand, "ancestors, don't give you shame!"

Said, he resolutely turned his head, straight to a god guard.

The God Wei gave a cold hum and a flick of a finger, and Chen Xiuhe completely exploded.

The blood mist dispersed.

There was silence.

Then all of them burst into tears and roared.

"Chinese people, forever

"Asshole!" Night Ryukyu Yan did not expect that the old man would be so fierce and fearless of death. He could not help but look blue and clap his hands.

If the hand falls, all people will die.

At this moment.

In the villa of Tianzi No.1, Guanghua suddenly soared.

A powerful momentum directly into the sky.

The crowd turned their heads.

Night Ryukyu Yan also can't help but a Leng, and then look big change, "this is..."

The voice did not fall.

I saw a cocoon rising from the villa.

"This Is this an Qing? " Tang xuan'er exclaimed.

At the same time.

The cocoon began to break like an egg shell, and then burst in an instant.

In the bright light, an Qing, who has been sleeping for three years, appears in front of the world.

I saw her long hair on the ground.

On the beautiful cheek, there is a seemingly indistinct butterfly tattoo.

And her eyes, is not the slightest emotion.

"Antoine is awake!" Fire phoenix special forces of the people exclaimed in surprise.

At this time, there are several gods rushed to.

But just as they were on the way, a dense ant colony suddenly appeared in the void, and then they completely surrounded the Shenwei and devoured them to the ground in an instant.

The swallowing sound of ant colony and the howl of Shenwei are mixed together, which makes people shiver.

And an Qing is cold and cold head up, eyes are full of cold kill meaning, "I! Zerg

With that, the endless ant colony began to emerge out of thin air and attacked the gods.

Night Ryukyu Yan recovered his composure and said with a faint smile, "I didn't expect to see the existence of the Zerg queen here! If we give you enough time to grow up, you may become the enemy of our Protoss, but now you It's still too weak! "

Say, night Ryukyu Yan a palm to shoot.


All over the sky, the ant colony turns into powder.Anqing was also shaken out of the distance, the corner of the mouth is gradually showing a trace of blood.

The hearts of all the people in the audience were all worried about it.

And more surprised or night Ryukyu flame.

Although it took him less than 10% of his strength, the newly hatched Zerg queen stood up. Despite some injuries, she did not die.

It can be seen that its vitality is strong.

"Sure enough, you can't be left. Kill all of them. Don't leave trouble behind!" The cold voice in the eyes.

He has been surprised by the endless events on the earth.

That kind of leisure has been gone.

Now he just wants to destroy the whole world.


Gong Wujian agreed, then turned around and looked around the audience, "kill!"

Seeing this, the hearts of all the people in the world are tight.

Countless people were desperate and began to cry.

But more people are silent looking at the picture, those who have been sealed off the whole body cultivation, is about to die.

None of these people showed signs of timidity and fear.

Zou Yi sighed, "Damn it, I don't have a girl to accompany me when I die, but I'm not willing to die with you, a big old man!"

Although he said that, Zou Yi still leaned close to Zhou daniou. "Daniel, slow down on the huangquan road for a while. We people from huofenghuang still have to get together! Damn it, if we don't like it when we get into the underworld, we'll be in trouble! "

Zhou daniou said with a simple smile, "good!"

"Next life, we will still be good brothers!"


But Qiao Le, Zhao Xuehui and Yang binyi looked at each other with a smile, "when the second brother comes back, none of these guys can run away!" Yang Bin a cruel way.

And more people are silent looking at the palace.

This kind of feeling, let palace intermittently recall those things ten thousand years ago, can't help but be angry.

"Stubborn, all die for me!"

With that, she raised her hand to shoot.

At the moment when many people have closed their eyes and are waiting to die.

A cold man's voice, which seems to come from the flames of hell, crosses the void and spreads all over the sky.

"I'm back!"

All of them were shocked. Some of them opened their eyes and looked up in disbelief.

I saw a streamer carrying wind and thunder from a very far away place.

In an instant.

A figure appeared in the field.

The speed is so fast that it even ploughs out a deep gap in the space through which it passes, which cannot be dispersed for a long time.

When seeing this familiar figure, countless people stood on the spot, and then cried with joy.

That's right.

Xue an, come back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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