
"Mr. Xue!"

"My Lord!"

One after another shouts.

Xue an looked at all the people sealed by the collective seal, and his eyes gradually showed the extremely fierce killing intention. Then he raised his eyes and looked at the night Liuyan and the gods behind him.

"Who did it?"

The tone was light, but it changed the face of the gods.


Standing at the front of the night, Ryu Yan laughed.

"I didn't expect that you could break through the great seal technique and get out of the hopeless world. It seems that you really underestimated you!"

Xue an did not pay attention to his words, but once again light way.

"Who did it?"

The smile on the night ryukiya's face gradually became cold. She said with pity: "xue'an, don't think you can break the seal. In front of me, you are all ants!"

Xue an suddenly did not hear, but turned his head to see the palace Wujian standing beside the night Ryukyu flame.

"Did you do it?"

In the face of Xue an's question, Gong Wujian's heart trembled, and subconsciously she wanted to retreat. But immediately, she came to her senses and felt a little angry.

He was a great Luo strong man, and was timid in the face of a maggot who was not even a real fairy.

It was hard for her to accept, so she snorted and looked up, "yes, I did it! Xue an, you can break my seal, the strength can't be underestimated! But do you think that's going to change anything? "

Speaking of this, Gong Wujian's face showed a sarcastic smile, "you are too naive! Xue an, if I were you, I should find a place where there is no one to hide, rather than rush back Die

Speaking of this, Gong Wujian raised his hand and said coldly, "kill him!"

At an order.

The gods all over the sky started to surround xue'an.

Through satellite transmission, billions of people were silent and looked at the scene with worried faces.


Mr. Xue had indeed oppressed this world before, which can be called invincible.

But now he was faced with the most powerful spirits, including the powerful one like Gong Wujian.

As for the night Ryukyu Yan, who is honored as Shao Tianjun, his strength is more profound.

Mr. Xue, however, has only one person.

Such a huge difference in the number of people, Mr. Xue, really able to pull the tide, save people in the fire?

There is a big question mark in the hearts of countless people.

But the idea of all people is the same, that is to expect Xue an to continue his glory and kill all these gods.

At this time, Xue an stood in the void, looked around the gods who surrounded him, and said faintly: "let's go together, I'm in a hurry!"


This sentence is like a thunderbolt, which shocked all the people present or not.

Is that a mighty God?

How did he get to Mr. Xue's mouth, but he was like a native chicken and a dog, which was not worth mentioning.

A lot of people even showed a wry smile. It seems that they have underestimated Mr. Xue's spirit!

We dare to face the enemy so calmly.

Is this the real invincible posture?

It's shocking.

But all the gods were enraged by Xue an's words.

"Ignorant and arrogant children!"

"Aborigines like ants! Die for me

With that, the gods all over the sky started to kill Xue an.

Many of these deities are powerful guardians from Hentian, as well as the gods of northern Europe.

Odin, of course, was among them.

Since returning to earth, the former king of gods has had a bad time.

Originally, I wanted to go back to my hometown and put on a good costume. Unexpectedly, I met fan Mengxue, who was the first to ascend the throne and dominate the darkness of the world.

After the first World War, his godson Vidal's spirit was almost broken, and the heroic soldiers were killed countless times.

Even his artifact, the spear of eternity, was badly damaged and broken into three pieces.

Although fan Mengxue was injured and unconscious.

But Odin was also scared, dare not go to Europe to look for trouble, had to return to China in dismay.

Even Wang was very annoyed to find a chance to prove himself.


Today, Xue an is back.

If he fought alone, Odin would never dare to fight.

He still remembers his near death in the war with Xue an.

But now the gods and spirits are all over the world, and they mix in it to fight Taiping boxing. Is it OK!

The same is true of CAIA, the God of blood.

He hated Xue an to the bone, but at the same time he was extremely afraid.So he only dares to wander around to find a chance to attack Xue an.

At the same time, the hundreds of gods came together.

What a sight this is!

The aura of heaven and earth within the range of thousands of miles was emptied in an instant. Countless powerful and incomparable brilliance converged into a huge column of light that stood on top of heaven and earth. With endless destructive power, it directly bombarded Xue an.

In the face of this devastating blow.

The world lost its voice.

Everyone's heart went up to the throat.

Some of Xue an's acquaintances did not even dare to look at them. They could only close their eyes and pray to the ancestors of the Chinese people for the protection of Mr. Xue.

It seems that the prayer is working.

See Xue an negative hand standing in the void, in the face of the light column, a faint smile, "this just like a point, but it's just that!"

With that, Xue an pointed to the sky and said coldly, "heaven and earth are seals, and the sun and moon are seals."


In Xue an's palm, there was a very bright light suddenly burst out.

Then Xue an was like holding the sun and the moon in his hand, and suddenly fell.

A terrifying force confronts the column of light of the gods.

There was no loud noise.

There is not even excess momentum.

Only in the joint attack, the space is shredded and torn like paper, and then a black hole appears. The fierce suction directly destroys the joint attack of the gods.

This moment.

The whole world lost its voice.

The gods in the sky were even more astonished.

They never dreamed that this seemingly ordinary teenager would have such a powerful divine power.

At the same time.

Xue'an smiles at the blood god CAIA and Odin, "meet again!"

Seeing Xue an's smile, Gaia and Odin are alarmed.

Especially Gaia, he could even feel the joy in Xue an's eyes.

It's like a hunter seeing his favorite prey.

This made him flinch and retreat.

Xue an light way: "since came here, still want to run?"

With these words, Xue an will chase after him.

But it was just then.

Gong Wujian, who has been standing still for a while, has already appeared beside Xue an.

Then the palm divides Yin and Yang and smashes it down.

"Be careful!" Countless people can't help shouting.

However, Gong Wujian is known as the strong man of Da Luo. The speed and ferocity of this attack has exceeded the imagination of ordinary people.

There was only a loud bang.

Xue an's step was slightly wrong, but the whole person was blown away thousands of feet away. After standing still, there were several shocking cracks between his chest and abdomen.

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