
It's a slap that can't be described in words.

It's like the earth and the earth overturning, the sun and the moon turning upside down.

The surging power swept across the sky and shocked all who saw it.

And the gods in the sky are all over the world.


Then he started to run around.

But in front of Xue an's powerful blow, all the struggle was in vain.


After a loud, dull sound.

Almost all the gods in the sky stayed where they were.

And then from the bodies of these gods came the crackle of porcelain.

It was very slight at first, but it soon became a big noise.

It's time to wonder.

See the overwhelming majority of the gods that indestructible body began to disintegrate, and then one by one burst.

It was like a scene of fireworks, which stunned everyone.

Zou Yi of the fire phoenix said in a dull voice: "crouching, the boss is a cow! The butcher God has created a sense of beauty

In an instant, the gods who had just occupied the vast expanse of the sky lost nine out of ten. Only Odin, Gaia, the God of blood, and several high-level gods held the palm.

But even if he was lucky enough to die, his whole body was also scarred, and Xue an's eyes were full of shock.

Especially Odin.

The king of northern Europe, who cherished his life as much as gold, was scared to death by Xue an's palm.

Because he had a fight with Xue an before.

Although Xue an at that time was fierce, he had to deal with himself with some difficulties.

But just a few months did not see, Xue an's strength is actually powerful so much.

Even with a slap, they killed so many gods and injured themselves.

At this moment, Odin regretted.

Regret should not follow the night Ryukyu Yan to this world.

And Gong Wujian is also a dull looking at this scene.

She didn't expect that what she took great pains to destroy was only Xue an's part.

But when Xue an's Noumenon came, he actually wiped out almost all the Li hen Tian Shen Wei with one hand.

Such strength, is it really just a person who is not even a real fairy?

At this time, Xue an turned his head and looked at Gong Wujian with a smile. Then he reached out and pointed to all the people who had been sealed off their accomplishments.

"Excuse me, are they sealed by you?"

Gong Wujian's heart trembles.

Why do you ask yourself this question whether it's the body or the noumenon?

But soon, she calmed down and said in a deep voice, "Xue an, your strength is really good! But do you think that just relying on your own strength can stop me from leaving Hentian? "

Xue an still smile, nodded his head and said: "so, these people are indeed sealed by you!"

Gong Wujian sneered and said, "so what? I... "

But before she finished speaking, Xue an's figure flashed, and he appeared directly in front of the palace from the height of ten thousand feet, and then, in the time when she had no response at all, she fanned it out.


A terrible crisp sound resounded through the world, and even shocked layers of sound waves, breaking the clouds all over the sky.

Under xue'an's terror, Gong Wujian was directly fanned out, and it was not until after ten thousand feet that he was able to stand still.

Then, looking at the palace, I saw that her cold and gorgeous face was half broken by the Sheng Sheng fan, which seemed ferocious and incomparable.

Many people were shocked by this slap.

Gong Wujian was more stupefied for a few seconds before she was sober up, and then she issued a thunderous roar.

"Xue an, you are dead!"

With that, she shook her head, and her broken cheek instantly recovered as before, and then she continued to seal with anger.

All kinds of seal techniques are madly superimposed, and Gong Wujian's eyes are showing almost crazy light.

No one has ever dared to beat himself.

In particular, the other side or a strength far inferior to their own people.

This is even more difficult to accept.

She has only one thought now, that is to tear up Xue an thoroughly.

But the action in her hand is not over.

A palm of the hand poked out between her chest and abdomen.

Gong Wujian trembled, looked down at a look, the color of the face at a loss.

But at this time, Xue an light way: "a mass production type of big Luo just, really think oneself is peerless strong?"

Say, Xue an suddenly a draw, at the same time the palm of the hand in the palace between the chest and abdomen a grasp, directly pull out the spine of the palace.

Between the blood.

The palace is intermittently spitting blood, paralyzed on the ground.

For her, the injury is still not fatal.Even give her a little time, even the spine can grow back.

But the eyes of the palace are full of horror.

Because Xue Angang's words directly revealed her strength.

That's right.

She is really a big Luo who was born by secret method.

In terms of strength, she is actually just a real immortal, and she is a hopeless type in this life.

However, because she was good at sealing, she was selected, and now she has the strength.

But the big Luo who does not understand the law is just a cover for his appearance.

"You How could you... " Gong Wujian said with difficulty.

Xue an threw away the bloody spine, the flame flashed in his hand, and he became clean again.

But he did not pay attention to the words of the palace.

But turned to look at has been standing there night Ryukyu flame, light way: "this group of people, can really count on the strong, only you one person!"

"Yes, Darrow

The world is silent.

Then the night ryukiya laughed.

The smile is full of fun.

"Xue an, you really make me more and more surprised!"

"Yes, I It's the real big Luo

With the voice.

A strong momentum that makes the stars tremble for it rises from the body of the night Ryukyu flame.

If the earth's laws are not complete and the spirit is abundant, it will be enough to shatter thousands of Li rivers and mountains.

Even so.

The ground began to crack and break.

In the end, only villa Tianzi No.1, which is protected by the array, is still intact.

And the rest of the land has completely changed.

Under such momentum, all the people turned pale.

And night Ryukyu Yan then light way: "Xue an, today, I will let you see, what is really invincible!"

He took a slow step.

In one step, the void vibrates.

The gods who had just been shocked by xue'an's palm to be the powder of vermicelli began to remodel wildly with this vibration.

In an instant.

The gods who have just died have returned to their places.

Even the palace was restored.

Later, the night Ryukyu Yan said haughtily, "if you read into a boundary, you will become a great Luo! Xue an, what are you fighting with me

The silence of death between heaven and earth.

All of them were shocked by ryukiya's move.

Reverse life and death, a thought into the boundary!

Is this the real strength of darao?

Under the pressure of such strength, can Mr. Xue still be an opponent? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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