Under this kind of doubt, countless eyes are focused on Xue an in the sky.

Under the attention of all the people, Xue an laughed, laughing wantonly and madly.

"Big Luo?"

"You know, in front of me, the fairy king is just a mortal, and the Immortal Emperor is also a mediocre! What's more, you are just a big guy

"Bold!" Night Ryukyu Yan was startled by Xue an's startling words and could not help roaring.

"How noble is the Immortal King, and the Immortal Emperor is the most powerful man who can cross the sky. You are just a mole ant. How dare you make such a wild talk? Are you not afraid that all the gods and spirits will be destroyed?"

Xue an smile gradually closed, look at night Liuyan coldly, "you don't know what I think!"

"I am the only one in the world of heaven and earth."

"Today, I will teach you to be a man!"

After that, Xue an shook his hands and made a fist in the air.

There is no fancy in this punch. It's just like a teenager laughing and playing.

But this is a blow without any momentum, but it makes the world stagnate.

Countless people hold their breath, extremely nervous to watch this relates to the fate of the entire Earth war.

And see this punch.

A lot of physical friars with fierce eyes all stood on the spot.

"Seeing this blow, Fang Zhiwu spent the first half of his life in vain!" A body training expert who is good at boxing murmured to himself.

Because this fist is not only perfectly integrated with the surrounding heaven and earth, but also contains a kind of heaven and earth wisdom, even as traceless as an antelope hanging horn.

This kind of boxing is the real boxing.

Because you can't avoid it.

But in the face of such a blow, night Ryukyu Yan showed a trace of sneer.

"The boxing is good, but the strength is too poor!"

Then, around the body of the night Ryukyu flame, the tiny gravel floating in the air suddenly soared, and instantly turned into a fist sized light mass.

You know, there are so many tiny dust particles floating in the air.

Therefore, when the size of the body soars to the fist size, the night Ryukyu flame is the center.

It was sheltered by innumerable masses of light.

Coldly, it seems that countless stars appear in the sky, and the night Ryukyu flame stands in the center of the star sea.

At this time, Xue an's punch has also arrived.

But this earth shaking blow, however, lost all its power in the face of these fist sized light regiments.

Because all the impact is completely absorbed by these light clusters.

At this time, the night Ryukyu Yan burst out laughing.

"Xue an, I advise you to save your energy! Each light ball is a small world. If you fight to death, you can't shake me a hair! "

One sand, one world.

This is the horror of Da Luo's idea of becoming a world.

Even as long as ye Liuyan thinks, he can transform countless gravel worlds to block all attacks.

Under this kind of defense, unless your strength is much higher than your opponent, there is nothing you can do.

Therefore, there is a saying in the world of heaven and earth, which is called Da Luo who can't die.

That is to say, in the face of this indistinguishable defense, no matter how strong you are, you have to do nothing.

Xue an's face was cold, without sorrow or joy. Even in the face of the clamor of night ryukyan, he did not have any expression. He just raised his hand and cheered coldly.

"I'll lend you the starboat!"

Night Ryukyu flame a Leng.

What do you mean?

What does it mean to borrow my star boat?

At this moment.

See Xue an straight into the sky, an instant came to the bottom of the star boat driven by night Ryukyu Yan.

What does he want to do?

People are wondering.

Xue an stretched out his hands and grabbed the star boat, which was as big as ten thousand miles. Then he gave a cold drink.

"You want to hide and be a turtle? Then I'll smash your tortoise shell

Say it.

Xue an's arms waved, "give me Come here


Naturally, there are people left behind on this starboat.

Therefore, in the detection of something wrong, they want to urge the star boat to rise up.

But under Xue an's great power, the star boat actually did not rise but fell, and made a burst of acid creak.

All of them were staring.

Even the night Lu Yan also looked silly.

To shake the star boat with your own power?

This kind of great power, even from those who specialized in physical training in Hentian can't do it!

At this moment.

We can see that the shaped energy array inscribed on the star boat begins to show unbearable cracks, and then one by one bursts out.

In the big bang.

The star boat was pulled down by Xue Ansheng, and then he swung the huge star boat and smashed it down as a brick.

Whoa!There was a strong wind between heaven and earth.

All who see are shocked.

Night Ryukyu Yan is also a Leng, and then roared: "Xue an, you dare..."

The voice did not fall.

The ten thousand li star boat has been thrown down.


Under the great power of this star boat, countless gravel worlds began to burst one by one.

In an instant, half of them were destroyed by the blow.

The smoke and dust dispersed.

Your puppet, will be a little bit of your ghost, will be made to pieces

In the roar.

Xue an was not moved at all. Standing in the sky, he raised his hand and said faintly, "sword

At an order.

The land of China is full of light.

Mountains and rivers, deep lakes, countless lights rise in the sky, crazy to Xue an.

"This This is the dragon vein and earth gas gathered by the mountains and rivers of China for thousands of years! " The feng shui master Song Yi, who was also imprisoned in his whole body cultivation, roared in great shock.

For those of them who rely on Feng Shui to enter the Tao, they can naturally see the great power of this endless light.

The light gathered wildly in Xue an's hand. In an instant, a huge sword with a length of more than ten thousand li took shape.

Moreover, the sword is like a dragon, which attracts the trace of ties in the blood of all Chinese people.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "this sword is the first interest that I claim for the Chinese ancestors who died under your butcher's knife before Wanzai!"

Say it.

Xue Anyu's sword is facing the sky and is suddenly cut down.

Where I've been.

Mountains and rivers are moving, and the seas are full of waves.

Night Ryukyu flame also appears a trace of dignified color.

But as a big Luo's arrogance, let him just a cold smile, "mystery!"

At this moment.

The sword fell.


The gravel world surrounding the night Ryukyu flame began to burst madly.

In an instant, it was almost finished.

However, the sword is still cutting towards the night Ryukyu flame.

But just at the moment of sword and body.

Ye Liuyan stretched out two fingers and directly clamped the sword. Then he said with a sneer: "even if you can condense the whole world into a sword, I will not be afraid of it, not to mention a mere 90000 Li mountains and rivers!"

With that, he twisted his fingers.


The long sword of ten thousand li, with a sad cry, turned into a bright light all over the sky and scattered separately.

Night Ryukyu Yan stood haughtily with a sneer on his face, "Xue an, what are you going to do now?"

Xue an was silent.

The world is solemn.

Then a strong momentum rose from Xue an's body. Xue an slowly lifted his eyes and his eyes were bright.

"Cause and effect!"

Miraculous reappearance, this battle startles the sky!

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